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Why wait....maybe he or she has been looking for you too!  Go to "Search our Site" and enter your name! 

This is a listing site only. We do not provide a search or locator service. We post your information and wait for the listed person to find it.

If you want to know if someone is looking for you, don't forget to search for your name at  

This site is dedicated to dj whom Bus9 found after 40 years.  She passed away on Sunday, April 22, 2001 after a long and courageous battle with cancer.  dj...I will always love you.

     We post your entry by City, State and year.  There are no hidden charges or  gimmicks.  Your personal information is confidential.  (See our Privacy Policy for details).  


List in the State where the person you are looking for would be the most likely to look for you (i.e., place of last contact).


Search this site for your name using your full name, your nickname, your married name and your maiden name. 


Names listed on this site are also indexed on's search engine.


Check out our choice of downloads here


Check out Net Detective here.  Only $29.00 for the software.

Don't want to wait, Click Here 

Our selection for Book of the Year!  Written by Diane Hannon, this book tells of a young woman's determined, but perilous, search for the sister she's never known.

  We highly recommend it for anyone who has ever searched for someone.

Scroll down to check out some great downloads

Sugar-n-Spice 3D
Naughty but nice...

Let these two liven up your computer experience.  Like Jonlee, they're 3D... and full of surprises.  


Mature Audiences Only!

Ok guys...she's finally here.  Your own personal computer companion.  Like her companion, Kahli, she shows a lot of actions with mouse clicks at numerous places AND she does her own things when you leave her alone...

Mature Audiences Only!
These three will spice up your computer screen.  Download all three and let them take turns entertaining you.

Free Download (just click on the picture at the left to go to their home page) 

Jonlee  3D
Just added June 16, 2003, Jonlee is the newest of the Desk Mates.  Like her sisters, she can be very revealing.  


Feeling alone?  Download one or more of the Screen Mates below and watch their antics on your computer screen.  They are interactive with your mouse pointer too!  They are fantastic!   

[Visit Oska]

Girls...this is the true mate for you!

[Visit TeeCee]

Everyone...Tee Cee will keep you from being lonely!

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