~*~Chapter Twentytwo~*~

“Here, stick your bag in the trunk.” Rayanne instructed Nick, unlocking it.

He threw his one bag in her trunk and shut it down. She unlocked her door and flipped the other one open as she got in.

“You can sit in front.” Mandy offered.

“You sure?”

“Of course!”


He pulled the seat forward and Mandy climbed in the back. He locked his seat back in place and sat down, taking Rayanne’s hand in his.

“Hun. I kinda need that, at least till we get going.”

“But I want it.” he smiled sweetly at her.

She raised her eyebrow at him before speaking.

“Mand? Will you drive?”


Rayanne climbed out of the drivers seat and around the car to Nick’s side, as Mandy climbed up front through the space between the seats.

Nick opened the door for her and she sat on his lap, letting him take her hand in his.



“Me too. I get to drive the Jetta!” Mandy smiled.

“Yup you do. And be careful with it!”

“You know I will.”

Rayanne leaned her head back against Nick and closed her eyes.

“Someone tired?”

“No. Just content.”

She turned her head to kiss his neck gently, curled her legs up and snuggled close to him the entire ride home.

*2 hours later*
“Hey Ray! Me and Derek are gonna watch a movie, you guys wanna watch with us?” Mandy called from the living room.

She looked to Nick for an answer.


“Sure! We’ll be right out! Help me pick everything up off the floor so you’ll have somewhere to put your stuff.”

“Why didn’t we do this when I got here?” he complained as they picked up.

“Cause I was too busy kissing you.”

“Oh yeah. Much more fun than picking up!”

She turned her head and looked at him. He flashed her a crooked grin as he put a bottle of lotion on her dresser. He bent down and picked up a pair of her silk underwear.

“I like these!”

“Thank you.” she said, snatching the underwear from him.

“Hey! Maybe I want to keep those!”

“You’re sick. Why do you want that specific pair?”

“They’re my favorite color.”

“Why don’t you want the ones I’m wearing?”

“Ooh...I do.”

She dropped the clothes she had in her hand and made her way over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and looking up at him.

“You know you can have them.”

“I can huh?”

“Anytime you want them.”

“OK. I want them now.” he was kissing her before he was done talking.

She kissed him back moving her hands from his waist to his arms and down to his hands, intertwining her fingers with his. He let his tongue play with hers gently as he moved her back toward the bed.

“Hey we’re putting it in! You guys coming or not?!”

Rayanne laughed as she pulled away from him.

“Yes! Start it without us!”

“Interrupted! I hate that.” he smiled.

“Me too. Ruined it. Let’s watch the movie.”

“You are no fun ya know that?”

“Oh I’m not? The park...not fun?

“You know what I mean.” he slapped her arm lightly.

“You’re abusing me Nickolas Carter.”

“And you teased me Rayanne Winters. Who’s worse?”

“Ooh...hard one. I’ll decide while we watch the movie.”

She let go of one hand and dragged him into the living room with the other. Mandy and Derek were on the floor, covered in blankets.

“Mand! It’s August, why are you covered up?!”

“Cozier this way.” she flashed a smile.

“Private.” Derek added with an evil grin.

“Eww! Gross Der, I didn’t wanna know that.”

Nick turned off the lights and sat on the couch, pulling Rayanne down with him.

“Let’s lay.”

“I don’t want to lay.”

“You are just not cooperating with me tonight!”

“I’ll sit. Get up.” she instructed pushing him.

He did ask he was told. After he stood, Rayanne sat on the couch with her legs stretched out and spread apart.

“Now you lay. Right here.” She pointed to the empty spot between her legs.

He lay down and wrapped her legs around him, rubbing her feet.

“Aww...how sweet honey.”

“I try.”


“Yes sir!”

“We’re trying to watch the movie.” Derek laughed.

“My lips are zipped.”

They watched the movie in silence, although it didn’t hold Rayanne’s interest at all. She yawned and tried not to fall asleep as Nick finished rubbing her feet and moved up her legs.

“God, how long is this movie?”

“Ray, we’ve only been watching it for like 45 minutes.” Mandy said from the floor.

“Ah...man, my back hurts.” Nick said sitting up a little.

“From laying like that?”

“It hurt on the plane. My muscles are just sore.”

“Ooh! Let me up.”


“Just let me up.” She pushed on his shoulders.

He let her up and she made her way to her room. She closed the door behind her and rummaged through her ‘special box’ looking for something.

“It’s gotta be in here somewhere!” she said quietly.

She found what she was looking for and quickly picked up the room, throwing everything in the closet and under the bed. A few minutes later she reappeared in the living room and sat down on Nick’s lap. He looked at her and smiled.

“I know how to make your back feel better.” she whispered in his ear.


She kissed his ear, his cheek and down his neck before answering.

“Come in the bedroom with me.”

She stood up, taking his hand in hers and led him to the bedroom.

“Wonder where they’re going?” she heard Mandy laugh.

“My back hurts.” He must have heard her too.

“Hope it feels better!”

“I’m sure it will.” he grinned as Rayanne pulled him away from the conversation.

“Come on.”

“Whoa...are you trying to seduce me?” he smiled, walking into her room.

The covers on the bed were pulled back and Journey was playing softly. The lights were off, the room lit with candles.

“Never.” she said innocently. “Take off your shirt.”

He pulled his shirt up over his head and put it on her chair.

“Lay down. On your stomach.”

He walked over to the bed and lay down on his stomach, his arms under his head. She climbed on him, sat on his butt and reached for a tube on the nightstand.

“This might be cold.” she warned as she squeezed oil onto his back.

“Ooh! A little it is.”


She put her hands on his back rubbing in the oil she had just squirted on him.

“What is that stuff?”

“Massage oil.”

“You have that?! Ooh...that feels good. It’s getting warm.”

“It relaxes your muscles...at least that’s what the box said.” she laughed.

“Mmm. It’s working.”

She rubbed the oil from the middle of his back out, over his sides, down to his shorts and up to his neck. She made circles with the palm of her hand, sometimes pushing hard, sometimes gently rubbing her fingertips over his slick skin.

“Don’t fall asleep on me.”

“Hmm? Oh, kinda already there. How long have you been doing it?”

“22 minutes.”

“Whoa...it feels perfect.”

She smiled and kept rubbing, kneading his skin with her fingers. After all the oil was rubbed into his skin, she leaned down to whisper in his ear.

“Roll over.”

She picked herself up off him enough for him to be able to flip his body under her. When he was comfortable on his back she put more oil on his chest and stomach. Using her hands she spread it over his arms, down to his hands; down his stomach and over his sides, the way she had on his back.

“You could do this forever, ya know.”

“I could huh? I would love to actually.”

“Why is that?”

“I like to see you so peaceful and content.”

He closed his eyes as she ran her hands across his chest softly, spreading the oil on him.

“Give me your finger.” she said when she was done.

He lifted his right hand to her and she put all his fingers down, leaving his pointer finger up. She pushed a small amount of oil out onto her hand and rubbed it in a little before taking his finger in it and massaging it. She moved her hand up and down around his finger, rubbing the oil on.

“You gonna do my whole body?” he smiled.

“Just wait...I want you to see what else this oil can do.”

She brought his finger to her mouth and gently blew on it.


“Feel good?”

“Very good.”

She brought his finger to her and slowly inserted it into her mouth, closing her lips around the base and drawing them up the length of his finger.

“Oh my God...that felt good.”

“Good.” she smiled.

“Doesn’t that stuff taste gross?”

“No. It’s flavored.”

“Like what?”

She spread a tiny amount on the palm of her hand and held it to his mouth. He used his hands to bring it closer to him, first blowing on it, then kissing it and licking the oil off gently with the very tip of his tongue.

“You’re very good at that.” she smiled.

“Want me to do you now?”

“I’m not done with you yet.”

“Ooh...go right ahead and finish then.” he smiled.

She moved her body down on his a little and began blowing on his neck, where she had applied the oil. The oil made her breath cold, against it’s own warmth. She licked down his body until she reached his shorts. She sat up, unbuttoning them and pulling them down. After dropping them on the floor she did the same with his boxers. She squeezed oil onto the palm of her right hand, rubbing it in with her left.

She rubbed it across his hipbone and his thighs before taking him in her hand and slowly rubbing up and down, as she did with his finger, gently working in the oil. She started slowly, then went faster, the oil getting warmer until the friction from her hand made it almost painfully hot.

“Oh my...sweet God.”

She drew her hand up and down the length of him until she felt the oil getting too warm. She moved down on him and blew lightly on his thighs, sending shivers down his back. She felt his hand in her hair, rubbing her head. After blowing on his warm skin she licked the oil off first his legs, then his hipbone and down his side.

She took him back in her hand and rubbed the oil in more. She quickened the pace enough to bring him to the edge before she pulled her hand away and moved up to kiss his lips.


“Oh my...you have no idea.”

She kissed him again before going back down on him, this time holding him in one hand and bringing his tip to her lips, blowing softly, moving down the side and back up. She lowered her head and took him in her mouth, a little at a time. She closed her lips around his hardness and sucked back up to the top.

“Mmm...uhh.” he moaned as she made her way down again, farther this time.

She sucked the oil off him, sliding her lips down, her tongue slipping past her lips and licking down the side before pulling her lips back up.


She kept going, knowing it was what he liked. She stopped to put a little more oil on him and blew lightly across his skin, making it cold before taking it in her warm mouth.

“Shit...oh God..Ray...uhh.”

She felt him tighten up and she knew he was going to cum. She went down again, taking his hardness in her warm mouth in it’s entirety, sucking in her cheeks and pulling her lips up the shaft as she felt his warm juices in her mouth. She took him in once more, as he finished releasing himself into her.

“Wow...you are...amazing doesn’t even seem like the right word.”

She climbed up and laid on top of him, kissing his lips softly at first, then slipping her tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss.

“That was good hun...very good, but how come you kept going...you didn’t want me to wait?”

She just smiled and kissed him again.

“I want to do you now.”

“Mmm...sounds good.”

“Shirt off!”

She pulled her shirt over her head and threw it on the floor inside out.

“Might as well just get naked now. Save time later.” he grinned.

She smiled back as she stood on the bed and unsnapped her bra, sliding it over her arms and dangling it in his face before dropping it with her shirt. She unbuttoned her pants and slid them down her legs, kicking them to the floor.

Now I get your underwear.”

“Yes you do.” she smiled.

She stuck her thumbs in the side straps of her silk underwear and pulled them down a little before stopping.

“You’re teasing again.”

“No I’m not. I want you to take them off.”

“I think I just might be able to do that.”

He reached his hands up from where he was sitting and pulled them down slowly, running his hands lightly across her skin as he did. When he reached her ankles she stepped out of them.

“OK, I’m ready again.” he joked.

“Not so fast mister, I’m getting a backrub!”

“Lay that sexy body of yours down.”

She lay down on the bed, Nick sitting on her the way she had him. He squeezed a line of oil down her back and worked it on with his fingers and the palm of his hand, going from the middle out.

“That feels so good.” she said quietly, her eyes closed.

“You’re not getting away with falling asleep!”

“Mmm..I’m just resting my eyes.”

“Sure you are.”

He moved his hand in circles from the bottom of her spine to her neck, rubbing her shoulders and kneading her neck muscles.

“Why can’t we just lay in here and do this forever?”

“We can.”


“Flip over so I can do your front.”

She flipped her body over and he sat at the top of her thighs, squeezing oil onto her chest and stomach.

“Ooh!” She tightened her stomach muscles.

“Cold?” he smiled.

“Yeah...and those are the worst places to be cold.”

He rubbed the oil into her skin, working it out onto her arms first, down to each fingertip. He gently massaged it onto each breast, making her nipples hard, before he moved down her stomach to her hipbone. When the oil was worked in he leaned down to lick it off, starting at the bottom of her stomach. He worked his way up to her bellybutton, making circles around it with the tip of his tongue.

“Ooh...that feels good.” she said, running her fingers through his hair.

He kissed up farther, stopping to softly kiss on each breast, letting his tongue play gently with her nipples. He heard her moan as he continued up her neck, finding a spot directly below her ear and kissing it. His kissing slowly turned into sucking and she felt his hand run down her stomach and thighs to her knees. He dragged it very slowly back up the inside of her leg, tickling her skin.

“Uh...Nick. You’re horrible.”


“Teasing me.”

“You’ll get what you want.” he smiled.

She closed her eyes as she felt his lips caressing her neck. When his hand reached her crotch he rubbed lightly before slipping his fingers inside her.

“Mmm.” she bit her lip.

He continued sucking on her neck and moved his fingers in and out of her, quickening his pace, her breathing get heavier. He moved from his spot on her neck to her ear, whispering softly.

“I want you.”

“Oh God...Nick.”

He kissed her on the lips, then made his way down to where his hand was, pulling his fingers out of her. He put his hands under her legs and kissed the insides of her thighs, making his way up. He gently kissed her, teasing her with his tongue.

“Nick...uh, oh God.”

She reached above her head and grabbed the bar on her bed, arching her back and biting her lip.

He knew she was ready, and as she tried to pull away from him he held onto her legs with his hands.

“Oh my...uuuh. Ahh...mmmm.”

He held her close to him, teasing her with his tongue, making her moan with pleasure. He felt her leg muscles tighten as she tried to keep quiet.

“Shit, shit...oh my God!” she clenched her teeth as she had her orgasm.

She let her body relax on the bed as Nick came up to kiss her.

“Mmm...that turned me on.” he said between kisses.

“Yeah me too.” she smiled.

“I love it when you’re loud.”

“I would have been louder, there are people in the living room. I cannot believe I did that.” she giggled.

“Don’t even worry about them. You think Mandy doesn’t get loud?”

“No, I know she does!”

He smiled and kissed her again, parting her lips with his tongue and letting it play gently with hers. He moved his body close to hers and held her hands above her head. She felt him against her leg and knew he was ready, that he wanted her. She pulled away from his kiss and moved her lips to his ear.

“I want you.” she said so quietly, he felt her breath more than heard her words.

He pulled his head back to look at her and smile.

“You want me?”

She nodded a ‘yes’ with her head and kissed him first this time. He let go of one of her hands, moving it down to gently spread her legs before he entered her with one quick thrust and moved his hand back to hold hers down above her head.

“Oh God...you feel so good.”

“Mmmm.” he kissed her. “So do you.”

“I have never....” she started.

“Having fun aren’t ya?”

“You have no idea.”

He moved one hand down between her legs and thrust in and out of her faster.

“Shit. Faster Nick...oh God. Nick!”

He leaned down to kiss her fully on the mouth as she tightened her muscles and arched her back. He rolled over so she was on top of him, still holding her hands. She moved herself up and down on him, holding his hands above his head the way he had hers.

She kissed him passionately, pulling her tongue out of his mouth to trace along his lips lightly before pulling her body upright. She felt him try to pull his hand away.

She smiled at him and shook her head back and forth, moving around on him.

“Uhh...why not?” he moaned.


“So I can touch you.” he grinned.

“Nope. No touching. Just let me make you feel good.”

She held his hands down and hung her head to kiss his neck, his ear, his chest and finally his lips. She lifted herself off him all the way before taking him back inside her. She moaned and lifted her head to look at him.

“Oh my God.” he barely whispered. “That felt so good.”

She moved back and forth on him as she kissed him and let go of his hands, running her fingers lightly over his skin. She sat up and lifted herself off him again, this time not going right back down.

“Do you want me?”

He smiled as she started to slowly lower herself down onto him. She closed her eyes and moaned as she felt his hands on her sides pulling her down, making her take him in all the way. He pulled her down on top of him and rolled her over again, pulling himself out of her. He spread her legs with his hand and reinserted himself in her. She grabbed the back of his neck and squeezed with her fingers.

“Faster. God...Nick, faster. Oh God...uh...Nick! NICK!!!” she yelled as she came again.

“Uh...Ray, shit. Shit. Oh God. Uh.” he thrust himself deep into her as he tensed up and had his orgasm at the same time.

“Oh my God.” she said closing her eyes.

His body fell limp on top of hers.

“I was loud.” she said as he kissed her sweaty forehead.

“I loved it.” he laughed.

“I loved everything about that.” she smiled and kissed him.

“Me too. I’m so exhausted now.”

“I know it. But that’s OK, we can fall asleep just like this.”

“Sounds good.”

“I’m gonna have to wash these sheets tomorrow.”

“Why? Just cause we had sex on them?”

“There’s oil everywhere.”

“Oh yeah...I almost forgot how this all started.” he smiled and kissed her again before laying his head on her chest.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Wanna go to the mall tomorrow?”


“Is there anything else you want to do while you’re here?”


“God it’s hot in here. What?”

“I want you to meet my Grandma and Grandpa Douglas.”

“I would love that hun!”

“I’ll call them tomorrow.”

“OK.” she said through a yawn.

“It’s only like 8:30 and we’re falling asleep.”

“Exciting day.” she mumbled.

“I know. Best day I’ve had in a long time. I can honestly say that. Ya know what’s funny? I think Brian was more excited about me coming here than I was. He wanted to come so bad! You should have seen him. He was like a little kid on Christmas when I told him we were back together. He’s such a weirdo sometimes!”


He lifted his head to look at her and saw that her eyes were closed.

“OK, you can sleep now sweetness. I love you. Ray? OK, I’ll just assume if you were still awake you’d say ‘I love you too’.”

He lay his head back down on her chest and closed his eyes.

“I love you too.” she said quietly.

He smiled, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissing it. He held it close to him and fell asleep.

Chapter Twentythree Part Three Index

©Love Will Find A Way

Email: lovewillfindaway@angelfire.com