Thursday, March 6, 2025
Welcome to my Christian Home
Welcome to my Christian Home
A true Testimony

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.
Let me tell you a little about me
since you stopped by. My name is Mylissa
and I'd like to tell you a little story about how I
became a Christian.I was Satan's best friend
(Not really but I felt like it) until
that 5th day of March 2000. It was
a day that changed my life forever. I
remember sitting in my aunts house feeling
like I didn't have anywhere to turn to at the time.
I knew that my aunt was going to church
that evening but I always thought it was a bunch of mess.
How could Jesus or anyone love me
unconditionally the way I was told Jesus did and still does?
But as my aunt and I were talking,
I kept feeling this strong something telling me that I HAD
to go. I felt this strong urge to be in church
that evening and I couldn't explain why, so I asked
my aunt if I could go with her. From that moment on,
I knew my life would never be the same again.
I followed my aunt to church
and I was still a lost, skeptical soul until
I walked through the sanctuary doors,
then I knew I was hooked forever.
The love that I felt overwhelmed me. I felt like
I had come home. The tears just started flowing.
I couldn't tell you why I was crying but
I knew that I didn't want to stop.
It was cleansing and refreshing.
That day, I knew my life was changed
but I still wasn't quite ready to let the Lord in my life.
I was afraid of what my family would say and
truthfully I was a little afraid myself. I had
never felt that way about someone I couldn't see before.
It took about 2 more visits before
I knew in my heart that Jesus loved me.
Now I have given my life to the Lord.
HE is my personal savior.
HE is my redeemer and my salvation.
My son goes to church with me. My husband goes every
once in while with us. I keep praying
that he will continue to go with us.
To quote the song trading my sorrows
" I'm trading my sorrows... I'm trading my shame...
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord."
HE is the joy in me. Praise the Lord.
Please come back and visit again!
The things I love most about the Lord
To serve Him
Always ready to listen
Worthy of our praise
Old Rugged Cross