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Mystical, Mythical, and Magical Musings

Poetry written about my travels around Mother Earth's magical sites
(and my next trip countdown and photos from past adventures)


Count Down ticker till my next trip!

Photos from some of our travels
My poetry about magical places I've been or hope to go
Poetry written on my first trip to Greece in Nov. 2011
The old Streets of Rome-poem I wrote after my Rome trip in 2009
Lines written in Chichen Itza on my 3(s far) trips to the Magical Mayan city
Holi (Hindu Spring festival) poem I wrote after my trip to India in 2010
***My Poem "Oh to be back in Egypt" written exactly one year after my FISRT trip there(Hopefully just the first of several)***
***My Poems and photos from my Egypt trips ***
***My Photos, Paintings and Musings From My visit to Saqqara EGYPT***
***My Photos, Artwork and Musings from my visiting the Sphinx In EGYPT***

My Poetry, Fiction, and ART

Some of My Artwork

Ghost of Christmas presents---short story I wrote years back and similar story by One of my daughters
Recipe for a sci fi/fantasy classic --OR--- how real life SHOULD be!!!
Dreams and Nightmares--which are worse?--and 'Black and White life' poem
Two Lessons poem
An Anti-ode to Sci fi (lack of) programing on TV
One of my funniest poems! A Southern Belle's Ode to Dangerous Men
'The Disenchanted Princess' -&- 'How Come....?'
The Glass is Cold
Ritual Chants
Poetry honoring Spider Grandmother
My Haiku poems
Invocation of the Holly King
Spell of True Love
Poems of Motherhood
My Science fiction Poems
My Seasonal Poetry
Another out-of-character 'racy' poem of mine
'A Real Witch' short story by Ginger Strivelli
'Chocolate Genie' my story published by Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine
'The Most Merciful Way To Die' short story by Ginger Strivelli
'Dragons No More' Short story Published in Ultimate Unknown Magazine
My first HUMBLE attempts at writing poetry in Tsalagi (Cherokee language)
A VERY Short Story; Ambrosia
My Stormy poems
My Magnetic poetry poems
My Poem Jewels based on Blandings' 'Gold'
My poem "He Marches In Courage" (after Byron's 'She Walks In Beauty')
My Kudzu poem
My poem "A tin man promises you his heart"
My poem "As Angel's 4th season opens---Fred raps"
Grief, not the 'good grief' kind alas!
Some ANCIENT Poetry of mine

Poetry, scriptures, lyrics and other writing I adore

Song and art by my son, Merlin Strivelli
Poetry of some friends of mine
The Mysterious Count Saint Germain
Hindu Scriptures
Poetic lyrics of Duran Duran
Poetic lyrics of Adam (and the Ants)Ant
Dresden Files quotes (and a 'theme song' I wrote for DF.
Poetry of Lord Byron
Poetry of Leigh Hunt
Poetry of Shelly and Keats
Incantations from Lord Byron Poems
Dark Poetry from Lord Byron
The Prisioner of Chillon by Lord Byron
Quotes from Lord Byron's Don Juan
Poetry of Elizabeth Browning
Classical Seasonal Poetry
Poerty of Homer
Traditional Irish Verse
Traditional Scottish verse
Traditional Native American Indian Verse
Poetry honoring the Muses
Poetry honoring the Fates
Poetry honoring my totem, the spider
Castles of the imagination
Leigh Hunt's Cupid Drowned, and other attacks on Love
All About Us Southern Belles
Leigh Hunt's Spring Bee Poem
Poetry (and Art) of Don Blanding
Poetry of Rabindranath Tagore

My BIO page, Humor and other MISC. pages

Real Reason for the Season---Yuletide facts!!!

My "ANDROMEDA" Memorial Page, YE GODS, I miss that show!
(Humor)Pagans To Watch Out For
(Humor)Pagan jokes
(Humor)Male to English dictionay
The Law of the Land. Poetic Justice by Lady Liberty
Quotes to ponder
ALL About Me! Lady Ginger Strivelli Bio Page
Halloween Spells from Victorian Post Cards
Lovable Links
Artwork of the Strivelli Children
Short Story By Sybilsue Strivelli