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the cauliflower society is only a little bit more understood today, than it was eight years ago when it first surfaced. this "society" was created and maintained by two best friends who we know very little about also. this is highly understandable based on the fact that quite a few authority figures would be especially thrilled to see these young men behind bars. (or barred windows in a very tight jacket.) this site will be updated as more information surfaces. we will try to share with you the people who had the biggest influences on the young pair who started all of this madness, and in the tradition of the cauliflower society, we will continue to post news of the weird that somehow ends up at our e-mail from some unknown source. some of us believe it is an attempt by the duo to reach the world again. please, if you have any love for mankind, take in this site and it's contents and heed the warnings, take the advice, and see the world through the eyes of THE CAULIFLOWER SOCIETY!


