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~Updated October 21, 1999~

Hello. Thankyou for coming. This page will not be updated for a while, due to personal issues. It has nothing to do with the internet, but with other things. And because of this, I will not have as much time on here as I'd like to. Please forgive me. I am truly sorry. But please check out what I do have.

Welcome everyone to The Backstreets! This is a total Backstreet Boys page. Also there is a fanfiction section I have included that holds my own stories, and hosted stories. Of course, AJ is my favorite Backstreet Boy, so I might tend to put a little more emphasis on him, but I'm working on my problem and soon I will even it out. My picture page is coming right along. I have added recently many pictures. And I am also adding a concert picture section. Soon, I will add many more things.

Also, I have a concert review section that me and my friend Meredith both did. She and I went to the same concert (not together), and if you'd like to read it feel free to. I'm not going to go into all my sections of this'd take to long. So just look and enjoy. Also, if you would, e-mail me and tell me what you think of my Cowboy campaign picture I have made.

The last thing I'd like to say, is please please please, vote for my site. And please use the 10...hehehe, I know I'm asking a lot, but hey, that's me.

Please check out what is updated.

Well I don't want to bore you too much, so I'll shut up and get this party started. Ok?



Come here to read fanfiction stories.


AJ's Biography

Howie D's Biography

Nick's Biography

Kevin's Biography

Brian's Biography

Backstreet Boy Pictures

Backstreet Pictures Come here to drool at some of their best pictures!

Concert Picture Section

Concert Review

Concert Review This is a concert review done by me.

Merideth's Concert Review Check out one of my best bud's concert review at the SAME concert! Thanks gurl

If you would like me to post a concert review of yours, e-mail me.

Poser Alert!!!

They Might Be A Poser

Come here to see if you have been talking to a poser

Links To the BEST SITES



Webrings I'm added to..i decided to add them to their own space since it slowed down my page loading.


I love that little dog..don't u, lol!



©1999-Please don't copy anything without asking first. Beleive me if it's a reasonable request, i'll usually allow it to be taken.

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Hate to see ya leave,come back again OK!!!

This is my personal quote..i don't want to see anyone copying it ©1999..."I love life because without it I couldn't live". Thank you, I know it's da bomb...hehehe...PEACE, SEE YA IN THE MOVIES!!!!

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Take off those shades, AJ!