"The River Of God"
Hi there. My name is Laura and I want to thank you for stopping by and visiting with me. I pray your visit will be a good one and that you will be blessed by our Heavenly Father. One of my favorite songs is one called "The River is Here." This song blesses me so much everytime I hear it. It talks about "the River" and how it refreshes, revives, and fills our hearts with cheer. If you have ever been in "the River", you know what I mean. There is absolutely nothing in this world that compares to being in the presence of our Father, to being totally submerged in "the River."
The words to the song are:
Down the mountain the River flows
and it brings refreshing wherever it goes.
Through the valley and over the field
The River is rushing and the River is here.
CHORUS:The River of God sets our feet a dancing.
The River of God fills our heart with cheer.
The River of God fills our mouths with laughter
and we rejoice for the River is here.
The River of God is teeming with life
and all who touch it can be revived
and those who linger on this rivershore
will come back thirsting for more of the Lord.
Up the mountain we love to go
to find the presence of the Lord.
Along the banks of the river we run
We dance with laughter, giving praise to the Son.
There is nothing in this world that compares to being in the presence of our Lord. If you have never experienced what this song is talking about, I encourage you to find a quiet place and begin to seek after the Lord. Search for Him with your whole heart. When you find Him, sit in His presence and praise Him!! John 7:37-38 says that "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
I challenge each of you to jump in "the River." It is the most wonderful and refreshing place to be. Once you get in, you'll never want to leave. It will change your life forever. Revelation 22:1 says, "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb." Doesn't "the River" sound inviting? So what are you waiting on? Jump in!!!
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Salvation ~ Are You Sure?"
Gift from a dear ROS sister
Thanks Karen for the beautiful gift.
June 28, 2000
Gift from RBOS Leader, Pat, (My Mom)
Thanks Mom!! June 28, 2000
Award from my Mom on January 9, 2001.
Thanks Mom! :)
Award from Mr. Mom on January 11, 2001. Thanks Mr. Mom for this award!!
To see his site, click on the award. :)

Thanks Christi for this sweet gift.
April 2001

From Melissa,
A dear ROS Sister.
October 12, 2001
Thanks Wendy for my beautiful graphics!
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