:: Music Reviews ::
[1] General Comment
Hello TJ,
ISOL8 here...I hear a true mastery of music in all your
pieces...your remix work is great too...
REVIEWER: Francis aka ISOL8
[2] SONG: Forest Light (EXLectiX RemiX)
Hi TJ,
Here's my 'official' review of the 'Forest Light' remix:
This is an energetic, club-ready version of the original ambient track. An air of mystery and a chain of rhythms open the song, it develops with
synthesizers and bass, and then the high energy beat kicks in. Best listened to with surround sound.
REVIEWER: Catherine Duc
[3] SONG: Cafe (Euro-Trance Mix)
All the ambience of a busy cafe, sets the scene, with chatter and clinking
glass, while in the background the hum of a plane. But is it arriving or taking
off? We take off for sure as the music breaks in and takes us away from the
noisy hub-bub. Its airy and bubbly and changeable with different synth and
keyboard sounds. And then we hear water, but is it a fountain or maybe rain
pitter-pattering on the pavement? Either way, it has a romantic feel, and adds
to our reverie. Then, suddenly the tempo alters, and we have a sequence shifting
the pace and scene to a different beat. And as we follow, we get brought back to
where we began. It's as if we left the cafe, drifted in different soundscape worlds, and
then returned. It's like being entranced and transported elsewhere! Now where am
I? Oh, yes, here I am! And for that very pleasant musical fantasy ride, I'll
award a top score of 5 points.
REVIEWER: Bard of Ely
[4] SONG: Cafe (Euro-Trance Mix)
Wow, I shot the breeze to your site and, hey...I'm impressed with your CAFE (Euro-Trance Mix)! It's an adventurous and real thematic song. The ambient
athmosphere exposed as a background (French Cafe?) stimulated my imagination, and then imposed by a passing trough sound effect, took me to another
mysterious place with a nice chiming asymmetrical lead. Great mix, friend!
REVIEWER: Ethnotrancer
[5] SONG: OOH!
Your new track is cool.
I like the pads. Nice and swirly. Keep 'em coming bro.
[6] SONG: ReaL LoVe
The song REAL LOVE by EXLectiX is an energy filled dance song. From the moment the song begins until it ends, you can't help but move to it and want to get
up and dance. If you close your eyes and feel the music, it is as if you are in a club dancing the night away. The song never lets you down, it continues to
flow throughout the entire song. It is a must listen song. If you enjoy dancing and shakin' your groove thing, then give REAL LOVE (extended mix) a listen.
I would most definitely have to say I love it. If I didn't, I would be lying. Like I said before, the song REAL LOVE moves you. The energy fills your body
and you lose all control. The song takes over. The music is in YOU.
REVIEWER: Jeremy Jeta
[7] SONG: ReaL LoVe [Extended MiX]
I liked the fact that this song managed to avoid monotony while keeping a constant beat. The keyboard passages which seem the signature
of this tune, were interspersed with both brief synth lines of a differing timbre and more extensive passages: focusing on the bass rhythm
with an ambient backing. This broke up the composition and kept it interesting.
I felt that some use of panning may have enhanced the depth of the sound. I've reviewed hundreds of songs on MP3.com (including many electronic), and I liked
this song a lot - in relation to most of the electronic music I've reviewed. I'm leaning more toward loving it than hating it, because it's very catchy and I
thought the composition was great.
[8] SONG: OOH!
Great Track! It has a nice feel and good, energetic tempo. For those who don't
wish to dance, it has just enough different sounds filtering in and out, to keep you interested without being distracting. Great for the club or the
Hi-Energy sales office!
REVIEWER: L.C., Producer, LNR Records / Elsibu Music Productions
[9] SONGS: Aeroplane & Cafe (Euro-Trance Mix)
As the different passages of the song intersect, one starting abruptly while the previous smoothly fades... You are in the mind of a person who is distracted
by the conversation of
another table, in lieu of the din of his own company. As yet another piece takes
center presence, you find your mind focusing on its own private thoughts. Fading from all other cognizance, you find more importance within - compared to
all the external stimulation. At the end, you find yourself back at the very
beginning, and realize that there is but a timewarp - that makes existence seem
longer than it really is. As well, existence is but a fleeting moment that we
can expand by looking inward. We find our own solace, while the world around us
offers stimulus - as a litmus test of our minds capacity to stop time for our benefit.
I Love it!!! I wanted to try to offer a technical review, but was overpowered by the vision that this storyline created in my mind's eye. But then again, if
our music is able to take people to places other than their own lives for 2 minutes and 51 seconds (plus 15 seconds or less), then who really cares about the
technical aspect? The piece was a SuXXess. That is the true reward.
SONG RATING: 9.732/10 (Because I Can!)
[10] SONG: OOH!
I'm not sure about the intro here 'cos it sounds a bit rude; a bit like
a horse snorting or something. But hey, this is a fun track! So, don't let this
remark put you off! It soon picks up with a nice beat and a driving rhythm. You
can imagine the girl this song's about - getting ready to go out; she's busying
about her place, now she's on her way out that door. She's in a cab, and now
she's arriving at the party in style! You can almost feel the night call and the
city's bustling scene. There's plenty of energy to have a good time here! A
fantastic booming bass sequence kicks everything into action, and it blasts your
speakers into gear. We hear an "OOH!" and can picture the scene. Yeah, this is a
definite fun-filled track, and sounds like EXLectiX is telling us the truth when
he says "SHe LoVes to PaRTY!"
REVIEWER: Bard of Ely
[11] SONG: Riding On A Beach [Yin-Yang RemiX]
Cool intro leads you into a shimmering tunnel of positive vibes. Smooth and relaxing. This instrumental is perfect for driving along open roads .. or indeed
riding on a beach. In my opinion it doesn't last half long enough. I enjoyed this track because it has character and a nice melodic sound lacking in many of
the electronic tracks of today. Lots of imagination and style.
[12] SONG: ReaL LoVe
ReaL LoVe is a very good piece of electronic music that gives you an emotional thrill. The hypnotic synth that opens up the song, draws you in and you are
taken on a tour through a plethora of sounds lead by the driving beat. Each sound has the ability to evoke a different emotion in you. ReaL LoVe gives you a
unique thrill that so many songs do not offer. I loved the emotional rollercoaster that is ReaL LoVe. It allowed me to feel the happiness, sadness,
unsureness and fearfulness of love, without really being in love. The song is so good that you really wish there was more.
[13] SONG: ReaL LoVe
I have a song entitled 'Real Love and Communication', so I was interested
in hearing this one. Like Tina Turner sings in a smash hit you'll all know, it's simply the best!
It opens with a sparkle, and perhaps this signals a toast being drunk to a couple now madly in love! It's full of exhilaration and energy, and the fast-paced
tempo is just like how you feel when you are in love, when everything seems so positive, and you are on top of the world! This tune is a celebration of love,
and the chiming keys could well be wedding bells as they ring out with joy! This tune is pumping the rhythms of life, and sings out in music "I am alive and
so in love!" A tune that will hook you just like your lover did! This is real love, with no doubts and no downsides! The more you listen to this, the more
images and feelings come to you,
the all-embracing nature of true love! There is the thrill of the lover's chase
and playful fun and games in here, as well as a caressing warmth and a more
ethereal and spiritual type of love. The pumping rhythm that keeps up suggests a love that endures. A couple that cannot get enough of one another. This is a
really classy piece of music, highly recommended...and would be great for making real love to! Definitely deserving of a top score of 5!
REVIEWER: Bard of Ely
[14] SONG: ReaL LoVe
Another of my favourites. I can imagine having this full blast in the
car, on a nice sunny day, sunroof down...on the motorway. There's always something new
waiting around the corner with this track: a cool beat, plenty of ear
candy, extremely addictive!
REVIEWER: Mandy Edge
[15] SONG: SuXXeed
This song is exceptional, very Euro. Reminds me of the movie: American
Werewolf in Paris (In one of the clubs in the movie). Easily, a hot dance song
for everyone who loves to move to a melodic entrancing beat. You must listen to
this song if you enjoy moving.
[16] SONG: SuXXeed
Though I´m not into this kind of music, I got blown away by this track! A real f*ckin' trip...who needs drugs, when you can listen to EXLectiX?
REVIEWER: Demis Skoupras
[17] SONG: ReaL LoVe
It's a good dance tune, that's a little on the progressive side. Usually
dance and techno songs keep the same beat through the whole song, this one
changes it up!
[18] SONG: I Know
I'm immediately captured by this track, it has a real funky beat that just makes you want to get up. It's filled with a selection of catchy synth sounds,
that continually keep you
interested...and wondering what's going to happen next. The track leaves you hungry
for more !
REVIEWER: Mandy Edge
[19] SONG: I Know
"I know some things", says a disembodied man's voice over an electronic
backing track. It's all quite spooky really! Who is the speaker? What does he
know? How does he know it? Does he know your innermost secrets? Is he someone
you know? If so, why don't you recognize the voice? Is he a spirit guide or some
entity on a higher spiritual plane? What is this all about? There's plenty of
bleepy, Sci-fi synthy music, and a sweeping electronic sound that could be fazing
in from another dimension. There's a rhythmic bass and a steady beat that
propels and builds the track, whilst the mysterious voice repetively drifts in
and out of your consciousness. This is both eerie and compelling stuff! From one
vocal line, there's one hell of a lot to think about. I want to know what he
knows! A very intriguing, impressive and entertaining track, which I think
deserves a top score of 5!
REVIEWER: Bard of Ely
[20] SONG: I Know
This is an outstanding sonic effort, that's both eerie & inviting at the
same time. The voice sample is quite poetic, mixed with the steady drum track
and sample of a scratched string set. We liked this one out of all the tunes we
heard, because of it's haunting, well constructed quality. Great Job.
REVIEWER: Jubal's Tribe
[21] SONG: OOH!
Gotta love that kick...great synths and fx and incidental noise,,crazy
changes,,its goin' on my station!
[22] SONG: SuXXeed!
Plenty of spacy, sci-fi synthy swishy swampy sounds, bubbling up and under in
this one. This is a very bubbly sort of number, and bubbliness is very
popular these days, so it should "Suxxeed" due to this factor alone! A lot of
scope and musical variation feature in this tune, which seems to be a
keymark of EXLectiX's skills as a musician and composer. Almost classical in
parts, almost holy in others, and also very modern and futuristic! Well, I
think so!
REVIEWER: Bard of Ely
[23] SONG: I Know!
Great Space-Techno, mixed with appropriate vocal samples. It has a slight
industrial edge to it, but still holds true to the hardcore synth sound.
Catchy melodies and cool key changes, make this a sure dance hit. The Drum
Beat pulls you out of your body!
REVIEWER: Christopher Ray
[24] SONG: ReaL LoVe
Hi, I'm listening to "Real Love". OK, electronica is not my thing but...I do like the groove of this track. The beat is really pumping. The song takes off in
many directions, I've found a lot of electronica music does not, so that is cool...
REVIEWER: Brainiac5, Stryped Assed Ape
[25] SONG: ReaL LoVe
Hey, this new track is cool as hell! MUSIC FOR A HYPERACTIVE DREAMSTATE. I love it!
Very nice work!
[26] SONG: Be Somebody (Radio Edit)
This really kicks in fast and right from the start! Jungle beats and a sort of sweeping, soaring sound that repeats like the call of some exotic beast
maybe...have you heard the call of the Madagascan Lemurs? Lots of cutting percussion and tribal drums, that sound so real they could be in your room with
actual drummers, pounding out an enticing and energetic beat! There is so much going on here that the whole track seems alive! EXLectiX was definitely being
somebody, when he put this one together. I'll give it 5 for sheer exuberance!
REVIEWER: Bard of Ely
[27] SONG: Celtic [2001 Remaster]
This track comes at you, and comes alive with bursts of music over a steady,
airy sound that sort of hangs and reverberates, echoing and rising like
Celtic mists over moor and mountain. An effective tribal drumming pattern
and beat, adds the tempo and rhythm, while authentic sounding pipes play on.
This is a very interesting composition that has elements you would expect
from such a piece, and others you would not! I'll give it top marks of 5.
'Celtic 2001' is the sort of music that would be great as part of a
soundtrack of a movie like Braveheart!
REVIEWER: Bard of Ely
[28] SONG: ReaL LoVe
At first, this track is reminiscent of the 80's - I think it's the Jan
Hammer / Paul Hardcastle(esque) melody line and voice - but that soon u-turns
into a driving kicking riff -- If you've ever needed to be motivated to go and
do something by a piece of music... Listen to this!!
REVIEWER: Barba Moscas
[29] SONG: SuXXeed
Though I generally do not like this genre of music, I really like this
track. A nice trippy atmosphere, and good funky beats.
REVIEWER: BuG, Random Disorder
[30] SONG: Cafe (Euro-Trance Mix)
"Cafe (Euro-Trance Mix)" has a nice transition in and out with the crowd sounds. I love the rhythm switch. I also like the sweet and subtle pads that come
and go. Best of luck to you!
REVIEWER: Victor Maas
[31] SONG: ReaL LoVe
I streamed "Real Love" in hifi and liked it very much. You've got a good ear for sounds and I especially like the melodic intro.
REVIEWER: Serious Wilson
[32] SONG: Cafe, ReaL LoVe
On Cafe, it's great music, very creative! The bass line in Real Love deserves an award! It's that amazing. And I really like your ups and downs, lots of
dynamics and subtle shifts in mood. All in all, I like! Keep in touch, let me know when you have new songs up, I'll definitely listen.
REVIEWER: anrkeboy
[33] SONG: ReaL LoVe
Remember that TingLE you felt, right before your HeARt started beating so
hard, that you knew it was more than just paLpiTaTions? You can relive this
feeling, for a fleeting moment, by listening to Real LoVe by EXLectiX. If that is
what the artist was remembering when he started into this piece, then he
certainly nailed it. But I believe we find the feeling of the whole process
of finding ReaL LoVe throughout the entire composition. After the initial dart
in your abdomen (and the two feelings merge for a while), you find yourself
FlusheD with fever, and a feeling of anXieTy seems to worm it’s way into your
soul. Oh, remember that pure ADReNaLine RusH when the relationship goes
to consummation for the first time? You can feel that in the middle passage. But
the ReaL proof of ReaL LoVe, is at the end, when all the newness wears off,
can what’s left be like the beginning even though it is different? The answer is
yes. And if you have never experienced this in your life (as I have been blessed with my ReaL LoVe), then just close you EyEs and feel it...while the music
takes you there in your mind. YeS Sir, this IS ReaL LoVe. This composition is able to take you to the place it is about, in a way that allows you to enjoy
the piece, without bogging you down trying to scrutinize the
technical side of it. Isn’t that what music is REALLY supposed to be about? I give it a 5 just because of that.
[34] SONG: SuXXeed
This music is tight! I love Sci-Fi, and thats what it reminds me of! I
can go into fantasy mode. I am a martial artist, and I just imagine myself
waring against a mob of enemies while this music is playing. Good Stuff! Like
it a lot.
REVIEWER: Antoine Gantt
[35] SONG: SuXXeed
Mind Trip Review of SuXXeed
I closed my eyes and listened to it four or five times, then listened to some of your other stuff to get a better feel. I like the style of captions you put
on your songs. Accurate in meaning and helpful in understanding. Finally, I went back to SuXXeed, replaying it for the duration of my writing.
I will try my best to describe what SuXXeed brings out in me.
I'm swirling in a fog. As I try to shake this away, I feel the need to go....somewhere, there is something out there. I choose a direction and start moving
towards an unknown goal and realize this place or thing I seek is not easily reached. Not sure why I must, I go. The farther I progress, the more strength
and determination I feel inside, but outwardly, emotional obstacles appear: images, ideas, thoughts. Some easily passed, others causing pause for thought.
Each though, try to draw me in and away from what I seek. My teeth grit and I try to block it out, set on reaching my goal.
The inner strength I feel comes to bear and it all slides away. I realize this is where I am going, for better or for worse. As faded images cross my
peripheral vision, I feel I am arriving at whatever it is I seek. Looking around, I try to pierce the haze. Then my eyes once unknowingly closed, truly open.
The journey completed, I wake up.
Thats some good music!
REVIEWER: Llamachine
[36] SONG: Wicked
This track starts off fast, with a bubbly flow and a very effective
percussion in the background. Sounds almost like the use of drums as backing
vocalists - talking drums! Not sure what they are saying! Is this a
case of 'evil' concealed messages in 'Wicked'? It reminds me a lot of Terry
Riley's 'Rainbow in Curved Air' album and style. Very New-Agey synth, and
lots of changes in the sounds: from a high sweeping sound like an
exotic bird-call to bassy and echoing keyboards. The wide range of the music
and FX, in an EXLectiX soundscape, is so typical of this composer's work, and it
keeps your interest high. I'll give this track 4 out of 5. After all, it's
certainly a wicked mix!
REVIEWER: Bard of Ely
[37] SONG: ReaL LoVe
[38] SONG: I Know
Bard of Ely's Funeral Song
If I were given the chance of having one song, and one song only by
EXLectiX, played at my funeral (sorry about the morbid connotations here but,
hey, I'm a writer so I write, and I have just been asked to answer which
track it would be!). It's a very difficult choice but I would choose 'I
I have always thought that this track has the feel of a spirit or
disembodied soul speaking to us all. This could be one who has passed on or
a spirit guide maybe? Whatever the truths are about life after death and the
afterlife, if I had just died, I would be finding out for sure (or not, if
there is none!). So, this track would sum things up very aptly, and I could
be in the role of the man doing the vocals who says "I know some things, I
don't know." Only problem would be that you would be left still
wondering...what the answer to the mysteries of life and death are! What are
these things that are known?
But maybe, just maybe, with the help of EXLectiX's clever compositions, you
might discover more, and if not, you could always just groove along to his
REVIEWER: Bard of Ely
[39] SONG: ReaL LoVe
This song is one of the Best dance tracks we've ever heard, compared to
other Great electronic artists MP3.com has to offer!
REVIEWER: The Ivory Tower Project
[40] General Comment
I really don't know much about electronic music...except if it's good or bad sounding to my ears! LOL...and your's wasn't bad...Very cool tracks!
REVIEWER: Vince, Inside Straight
[41] SONG: OOH!
I thought the track "OOH!" is not only creative, but very funky & very cool! I would
definitely pump this track at a party or in the car!! Very ALIVE track! Keep kickin' out the tunes!!
REVIEWER: Vinnie Richardson
[42] SONG: ReaL LoVe
Hey TJ, I listened to your new song. It is a definite dance hit! I love it! This song is a slammin' song! Keep up the good work, you are definitely on your
way to the top!
REVIEWER: Kellene Lambert
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