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The Rodgers Homepage

Hi there.We are the Rodgers Family.Joe got out of the U.S. Army in Apr,2005.He is now trying to adjust to civillian life again.I guess the old saying is true:"You can take the soldier out of the army, but you can`t take the army out of the soldier." He just graduated from High Tech Institute as an X-ray tech. Jill works as a trainer with mentally handicapped adults and is the momma of this crew and the one that holds us all together.We have 3 wonderful children.Jessica,Jarron,and Jennifer. Jessica is soon to be 21(yes I really am that old).She is looking forward to being able to start driving.She is enrolled in High Tech Institute as a medical assisstant. Jarron is 19,and is into football(Go Dolphins!!!!). He played for Greenbrier High School(Go Bobcats)!He also is in Show choir and has a beautiful singing voice. He also just became engaged to a wonderful young lady named Mandy. She now consumes his every thought. Jennifer is 17,and is our baby of the bunch.She dreams of becoming a singer. She is a wonderful actress(full of drama).She is in the new Hannah Montana film and has had starring roles in 2 High School plays. She also enjoys rock and anything from Hot Topic.The way she acts I have no doubt she will make it. We thank you folks for kindly dropping in and hope you have a great day.HOOAH.

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