DIVX Codec Installation programs
If you know what you're looking for, click one of the following links to go directly to the area you need:
vids:Div3, 3.22 Alpha(Scene Detect Patch)
vids:Div4, 3.22 Alpha(Scene Detect Patch)
vids:DivX, DivX 4/5 player, distributes free and commercial players
Quicktime Direct Download(For download managers)
Choppy Video, Freezing mid-play, & Other problems
Help Stop Junk Mail
To be able to download files from angelfire, you may need to disable or close old versions of download managers like Getright.
Updated September 21, 2003(09/21/03)
I'm starting to wonder if stupidity forwards the world, and not intelligence. There seems to be a whole lot more stupidity to go around, and it's cheaper and more liked than intelligence.
I've changed my e-mail address again. Hopefully, I won't have to get so technical with hiding the address that it'll need 50 lines of javascript encryption...but it's starting to look like I'll need a better method of hiding it.
Updated September 16, 2003(09/16/03)
I changed my e-mail address. The link provided is simply my way of thanking the advertisment services for harvesting my e-mail address and spamming me countless times. The mail.com address has become a pitiful excuse for a service, as well as an ad-infested pile of scum. Pop-ups, ads on every page, and ads that appear between page loads is the same as it being a dead service. I bet that they'll even start doing that to paying members soon.
Updated August 18, 2003(08/18/03)
I added a collection of WinSock.dll files. I may have a way to improve internet connections by downgrading the DLL. I won't suggest you try it, because it's likely to open up fixed security holes in your computer, but some people may actually need these DLLs, and I had to do some serious searching to get all of them, and that's with a lot of experience on my side.
WinSock.dll information/download Page
Updated July 16, 2003(07/16/03)
I made a small HTML template user in VB. Nothin' special, but me likes it a lot more than the stupid angelfire template, which has ads on it, and is hard to make copies of when I'm making new pages. It also lets me put meta-tags in the head tag instead of the body. It's nice, as long as you have the mentality for it.
Updated July 08, 2003(07/08/03)
I just updated some text on my page using javascript.
I plan to make this page more search-engine friendly in the near future, but I also plan to keep the security I had in place. If you can't get my javascript E-mail address working, E-mail me about it.
The installers on this page were made using the nullsoft(AKA guys who make WinAmp) NSIS installer...
Windows Movie File Playing Codecs/Software:
vids:div3 and vids:div4 Instructions:
1A.Download Divx322.exe from
If this site dosen't work, try 1B. If it does, go to step 2.
1B.Download Divx322.exe from
If this site dosen't work, try 1C. If it does, go to step 2.
1C.Download Divx322.exe from
If this site dosen't work, try 1D. If it does, go to step 2.
1D.Download Divx322.exe from
This site has a copy of Divx322.exe on it. I checked it for viruses myself, and this copy was clean.
You need to press "Yes" in the window that comes up after pressing "Install" for this version to work.
If this site dosen't work for some reason, try 1E. If it does, go to step 2.
1E.Download Divx322.exe from This Site,
but please only download from here if all of the other sites don't work.
2.Run it.
3.Click "Install".
The codec should install, and you won't have to restart the computer after it's done.
It has worked for the few videos I was having trouble with.
Though I've never had any trouble with the DivX videos, these utilities are supposed to solve some problems with them.
Get Divx_fix.exe.
It installs PRR Video Utilities' DivX AntiFreeze and DivXG400.
I haven't changed the packaged files, but have added some shortcuts and an uninstaller.
It installs to the start menu in "PRR Video Utilities". Documentation and Configuration for each of the utilities is there.
After any of the above codec are installed, the Original Media Player or the New Media Player should play the movies.
-Please note that different root versions of QuickTime use different registration keys. 4.x.x, 5.x.x, 6.x.x, etc. will not be fully functioning with a key for a different version.-
Here's the Full Install directory for QuickTime 6.0.0 (10.4 MB)
I will try my best to keep these links working.
The links allow you to use Getright(and maybe mozilla) to download Quicktime.
Direct QuickTime Download Links:
QuickTime 6.0.2
QuickTime 6.0.0
QuickTime 5.0.5
QuickTime 4.0.3
QuickTime.com Download Form:
If neither Divx 3.22 Alpha or Quicktime work, get DivX4Windows which should still have a simple installer to use.
Divx4Windows is the vids:DivX codec.
MediaTv Technologies Home Page still has the Freeware .VIV player
Other Fixes/Drivers:
These are the Visual Basic 6 Run-Time files, which are needed to run any Visual Basic 6 program, including the WUC:
Visual Basic 6 Run-Time files
This program checks web sites to see if they have been updated, or changed.
You can do simple searches fairly easily, and more complex searches need only a little additional work.
The main reason for using this program is that you can avoid numeous ads, from pages that update sparingly, and/or have too many ads on them... not unlike this one.
You'll probably need to get Comdlg32.ocx to run this program, so grab this installer unless you know you don't need it.
Comdlg32.ocx Installer
You can get my WebUpdateChecker source code from planet-source-code.com
Misc. Helpful Windows Fixes/Information Page
WinSock.dll information/download Page
Removing GetRight 4.5's 'Pirated' status, and restoring the ability to enter registration codes
Restoration CD Passwords
Final Doom Level 31(Pharaoh) fix
E-Mail Virus Protection scheme
Opening Control Panels from the RUN menu, or Internet Explorer "Open" menu.
.LNK File Restorer Page
!Clear - Recent File List Remover
Using dsa.msc and domain.msc on a non-server version of Windows 2000
A set of files that can increase the speed and reliability of Defrag and Scandisk
The following set of instructions requires that you have a little general computer knowledge, and a few specific pieces, like restoring the registry from pure DOS, editing the registry, and saving the file as a .BAT.
Safer Startups using Batch Files
Caution! Do not use the following set of instructions unless you are very versitile with a computer and regedit, or you are willing to take a big risk about knowing how to use your computer
Windows 98 Crash reduction instructions
I have an installer for the Micro$oft WMV Codecs that Media Player 6.4 downloads. Because I don't think all that many people need it, and because it IS someone elses stuff, you'll have to e-mail me to get a copy.
Stuff for Macs:
This link leads to a Macintosh DivX player...That's all I know, honest.

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
Mail any complaints, comments or questions to my E(xtra-Malicious)-mail address
Please remember that I'm not a magician...I can't always make everything work,
and I can't read your mind to find extra details.
With that said, good luck.

Click here for a page full of wort hless E-mail addresses
they are here in case anyone tries to "harvest" my address.
If they do, they will get far more usel ess addresses than usef ul ones.
DIVX / DIV3,DIV4 Links
PRR Video Utilities' Home Page. I've made an installer/uninstaller that puts both of them in your system.
This is the DIVX Codec Homepage. They don't seem to have a vids:div3 codec...
DivX-Digest Codec List(divx3.22 file source)
QuickTime Links
QuickTime Homepage
QuickTime 6.0.2 .ZIP File
QuickTime 6.0.0 .ZIP File
QuickTime 5.0.5 .ZIP File
QuickTime 4.0.3 .ZIP File
Other Helpful Links
Quicktime ON2 Codec Installer Site
MovieCodec.com has codecs for many other types of video
www.dogpile.com searches using about 13 engines, giving maximum results
AnalogX is a site with good, FREE utilities. I even used to use their 'Proxy' to access the internet.
Popup-Killer's Homepage
'Utopia', One of the best online games around.
A page with links to personality typing pages