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Welcome to Bessie Nell's Web Page. Bessie was born in Union County, NC the sixed child of Adam and Bessie Rushing. She is married to Edward Nell of Orangeburg, SC. There are three sons Marc Nell of New York, Lamont Nell of Monroe, North Carolina, Gregory Nell of Ft. Levenworth, Kansas. There are four grandchildren Lauren, Jessica, Edward, and Brandon.

News Flash!

This is the first installment of Bessie's page. This is just the begining and there will be further additions to the page.

Currently the pages for Lamont, Marc, and Greg are under construction and will be finshed soon!!!

Who Are We?

As stated Bessie is from Union County, NC and Edward is from Orangeburg, SC. They both moved to New York in thier early 20's. There they met and were married. While in NY Bessie worked for Einstein College of Medicene and Edward was a NY City Police Officer. After over 30 years in New York, they decided to come back down south. Currently they reside in Monroe, NC.

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