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Welcome to Dan's antique phonograph page!


Latest additions:

10/02/06 - So you like music from the 20's and 30'? Be sure to visit Janet Klein and Her Parlour Boys! The Music from the 20's and 30's still lives!

05/28/04 - Record Mystery: Columbia Vertical Cut Records?
05/26/04 - Bell Hood Phonograph Needles - Very strange looking needles........
01/07/09 - The New Home of The Old Time Victrola Music Message Board.
You'll find the experts here and novices to the antique phonograph hobby are always welcome!

This message board is conducted in cooperation with:
Old Time Victrola Music @

This information will also be posted under "Links" at the bottom of this page.

Label Gallery - Bell - Black Swan - Cameo - Challenge - Early Columbia Labels - Columbia Exclusive Artists - Edison Diamond Disc - Edward VII Coronation Commemorative Disc - Federal - Gennett Red Label - Harmony - Judson Radio Corporation - Little Wonder - Marconi Velvet Tone Records (Columbia) - National Music Lovers of New York - Okeh - "Lateral" (Maroon) - Opera Disc - Oriole - Path� - Silvertone - Van Dyke - Vocalion

Sonora Baby Grand - Owner's Manual (c.1920).

This is my favorite phonograph. I bought a Baby Grand about 30 years ago and it's still running strong! Click on the above link to see the original owner's manual.

The image files are about 200K each (so you can actually read the manual!), so it will take a while to load if have a dial-up connection.

Sonora Phonograph Images

Want to see something really interesting? The Most Unususal Victrola you've ever seen!

My Favorite Victor Talking Machine Co. Ads.

Enrico Caruso: 1921 Victor Talking Machine Company Catalogue - Artist Profile and List of Recordings

Technical Data

Parsons' Auxetophone What's Louder than Loud?

Anatomy of an Edison Diamond Disc Reproducer

How to make your own Fibre Phongraph Needles - Have you had your fibre today?

Phonograph Motor Basics

Strobe Discs for 76,77,78 and 80 RPM. More to be added in the near future. If you need a special speed, drop me an email and I'll be glad put it up on the site or email you an image file.

The Basics of Lateral and Vertial Recording methods (with diagrams).

Conical and Exponential Horns. "Everything you ever wanted to know about Conical and Exponential Horns (and probably more) but were afraid to ask!" ------- For all you Orthophonic fans out there.

The Victor Orthophonic System: The Maxfield-Harrison Electro-Mechanical Model (simplified) More for the Orthophonic fans!

Phonograph Questions? Email me!


The New Home of The Old Time Victrola Music Message Board.
You'll find the experts here and novices to the antique phonograph hobby are always welcome!

This message board is conducted in cooperation with:
Old Time Victrola Music @

Last Page Tweaking: 11/02/08

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