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Goldenjaguar's House


(This picture of Goldenjaguar has been provided by Obsidia, owner of Obsidia's Jellicle Jubilee, Thank you Obs, the link to her page can be found in my links page, if you like this picture, stop by her site and let her know by signing her guestbook)

Hello My name is Goldenjaguar and I will be your host please feel free to look around my house don't steal anything.

This is a non-profit site and CATS is the the property of the Useful Imformation Company and the producers with in the Company.

I would also like to thank the following people for their help

1)Angelfire for providing me with this site

2)The owner at Rumpelteazer's site for her advice.

3)We can't forget Andrew Lloyd Webber for making the musical

4)and last but least the creator himself T.S. Eliot for writing the book Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats

5)Thank you to every one who helped me and to those who visit my site.

If you would like to go to my brothers Den go through this tunnel

Information about the owner of this site.

Role Playing Game (Updated)

Goldenjaguar's room

Cheeta's Room

White Tigress's Photo Album

The Special Golden Secton (Updated)

the Golden Stories

The Golden chat

Golden Links.

The Guest Book

This CATS Webring site owned by the Jellicle Cat known as Goldenjaguar.
If you are a fan of CATS, the musical, join the ring!
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Note to any one tried to e-mail my Xoom account with in the last month or so, I didn't get it because Xoom is currently merging with another server, so if you have any questions please send them to the Angelfire address listed above.

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