1. the position of pastor - 3:1
    1. the local church has only two offices: pastor & deacon
      1. the office of pastor is a desirable office
      2. "desire" means to covet, to reach after, to aspire to, a longing for
      3. any qualified believer (man) can become eligible for the position
      4. the local church determines whether a believer is qualified & should be elevated
    2. terms that describe the office
      1. three terms are used to describe the officer & they are used interchangeably (bishop, elder, pastor)
      2. evidence of there being only two offices: qualifications for only two offices are given
    3. nature of the office
      1. the office involves oversight, leading & feeding
        1. the term "bishop" is greatly misused today
        2. the NT knows nothing of a bishop over other ministers
        3. NT bishops were to see that the work of the local church was done correctly
        4. they were to guard the church from the inroads of error
        5. for this reason strong teaching & leadership is needed
      2. the office involves work
        1. it is a wholesome and beneficial work
        2. to be an overseer is more than an honor to be enjoyed
        3. one duty of the overseer is teaching
        4. because of the time & effort involved in the work, they are to be financially supported by the church
      3. it is a worthwhile office "good"
  2. the qualifications of a pastor - 3:2-7
    1. these verses put great emphasis on moral and spiritual qualities
      1. all these requirements, except two, apply to all Christians (apt to teach & not a novice)
      2. there is just one standard for all Christians
    2. a general qualification - "blameless" - 2
      1. this means a great deal more than not being a criminal
      2. this does not mean that he must be perfectly sinless
      3. it does refer to a consistent & mature Christian life
      4. this serves as a general description of the person’s life
      5. what follows could be considered a definition of blameless
    3. marital qualification - "husband of one wife" - 2
      1. this requirement has caused much controversy
      2. literally means a one-woman man
      3. the emphasis is on the "one"
      4. the overseer must not have anything to do with any other woman
      5. sexual sin after marriage would disqualify someone from being a pastor
      6. such sins may be forgiven & a restoration to wife and church, but still disqualified
    4. personal qualifications - 2
      1. vigilant
        1. one who is temperate, wise and cautious
        2. one who is alert to what is going on around him, and able to remain calm
      2. sober
        1. a quality of mind which is serious, earnest & sound
        2. does not mean that they should be long-faced
      3. good behaviour
        1. refers to a life that is well-ordered
        2. the ministry is no place for a man who fails to carry through with a plan or is unorganized
      4. given to hospitality
        1. literally means a lover of strangers
        2. a pastor must be friendly & warm
      5. apt to teach
        1. he must have the gift of teaching
        2. not just a readiness to teach, but the power to do so
        3. every pastor is first and foremost a teacher
    5. moral qualifications -3
      1. not given to wine
        1. a Nazirite vowed to drink no wine in his dedication to God, a pastor can do no less
        2. there are many blameless beverages that we can drink today
      2. no striker – must not use physical force to get his way
      3. not greedy of filthy lucre
        1. the love of money causes all kinds of evil
        2. money itself is neither good or bad
        3. a pastor must not be in the ministry for what he can gain financially
      4. patient
        1. considerate of those who mistreat him
        2. must return good for evil
      5. not a brawler
        1. not contentious or offensively aggressive
        2. keeps his temper under control
        3. their goal is to make peace
      6. not covetous – not a lover of silver
    6. family qualifications - 4-5
      1. his family management must be a model for other families to follow
      2. the pastor must rule well his own house - 4
        1. the Bible always speaks of the father as the head of the marriage & home
        2. he is to provide leadership, protection & care
        3. he is to provide for the spiritual & material needs of the family
      3. the pastor must parent well - 4
        1. control of his children must be constant
        2. the present tense of "having" stresses a habit of his life
        3. his children must be believers that are not insubordinate
      4. this qualification is often overlooked or disregarded
      5. logic behind this qualification - 5
        1. the way a man controls his home reveals his capacity to lead & govern the church
        2. the test of his calling & his success is in his home
    7. spiritual growth qualifications - 6-7
      1. not a novice - 6
        1. promotion of a new convert could easily cause his to be filled with pride
        2. pride will bring the same judgment it did on Satan (falling from the exalted position)
      2. good reputation among the lost - 7
        1. what the candidate says, the church sees & the lost report should all agree
        2. since the world is the place from which he must win converts, a good reputation is needed