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Mercy in Psalm 118


The Lord is my helper; therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. Note the words "my desire," The bride's desire must BE His (Jesus' ) desire. In Gen 3:15, it spoke of the woman's DESIRE to BE upon her Husband. Look up PS 37 :3-9 In these verses, it is showing the covenant relationship between God and man. There are three words to remember: Trust, delight, and commit. Trust HAS to come first. But then our delight HAS to BE IN Him, and then Our DESIRE becomes the Desire OF Him. He gives OF Himself, and our desires merge together, as we trust in Him. Commit you way unto Him, is where we make the Covenant agreement, or oath. This is our Faith. This is where our first Love begins and should continue. And we know that faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God. And faith is that trust in the Word and the work of the Holy Spirit. who quickens the Word within us, and quickens the 'way we should go.' But THAT WAY we should go, is always: according to His precepts, and His loving mercy.

Back to delight. With this discussion above.....we can therefore see that delight actually COMES FROM Him. Delight is HIS Mercy, His Love, His Kindness, His Lovingkindness. So when we see "my desire" recognize that THAT desire is FOUND WITHIN the Mercy of God. God DOING Mercy. In light of this WORD ...desire, being Mercy, the desire, itself, is TO MERCY them that hate me. Jesus said there is no greater LOVE. WHILE we were YET sinners....Christ died....for US!!!!!!Mercy!!!!! And yet now as we see, it's NOT on or of OUR OWN, that Mercy is given......It's the effect of the Presence of the LORD, Himself. Mercy doing Mercy. Thanks for His Mercy was GIVEN. He answered with His TRANSFORMING PRESENCE in the tight distressing condition. He proved that "The LORD is mine." WITHIN the thanks and dependence on His Mercy I am HIS, and He is mine. Therefore I shall see the same on the haters - just Himself, and whatsoever He wishes to do. I FOCUS ON HIM. FOR I SEE HIM. I see His Mercy. The SAME Mercy He bestows upon me. It is the eventual and eternal position of the mercy-ing heart to always see Him."Therefore I shall see Him upon them that hate me."

Verses 8-13 A Hallelujah chorus in itself. Better to have confidence in the LORD than in man, or rulers. Surrounded by all nations the enemies are cut off in the LORD'S NAME. They encircled and they surrounded, but Halelu, the thanksgiving is in my heart, and my enemies are cut off. They are cut off from contact with the mercy-lover and thanker, BY the LORD'S Presence. For In His Name is THE PLACE (that certain place) to dwell. Remember Paul stating that the 7TH DAY was THAT CERTAIN PLACE? HE IS THAT Sabboth..THAT Certain PLACE...IN His NAME.............HIS Presence. Mercy/Grace is His glory in His presence. Mercy Seat is WHERE He resides...HIS Throne. The giver of thanks "According to thy Word" comes to know that place by & by. He sits expecting. How vivos was the thrusting stroke of evils; aimed to tumble me over helpless; but the SAME ONE, the Known One, helped me through it all I can testify to THIS, that it is true !!!!!!

Verses14-16 Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah! The LORD IS my strength! The LORD is my song! The LORD IS become my salvation. The Lord's right hand, His power. doeth valiantly, doeth valiantly, doeth valiantly.

Vs. 17-21 Now arises the great conviction based on the certainty which the understanding of Mercy gives !!!!!! I SHALL LIVE and not die and declare His Works. What works? His MERCY which is to always. The Lord has chastened me sore, yes, but He has not given me over to death. I live! I shall Live. It is the conviction of life which mercy -in- the- doing imparts. THE Mercy that IS imparted. Our FOCUS is ON HIM. WHAT IS HE Doing & WHY? MERCY. Both have the SAME answer.MERCY. Open to me the gates of righteousness. By them I will enter and I will praise the LORD (This word "praise" is the same word as in v.1,4,,29 where the rendering is "Give thanks") The gate of righteousness is flung open wide for the givers-of-thanks. In & through HIS Mercy we exist. And it is the gate to the LORD-the LORD'S gate-the door to HIM. " I will praise thee (thank thee) for thou hast heard me, and art BECOME my salvation - my YESHUAH"!

The balance of the Psalm we leave. It tells of Him. And in reality, the whole Psalm is an opening of LIGHT into the inner-life of the Rejected Stone Himself - our Jesus.

Let us give thanks unto the Lord for He is GOOD, and His Mercy IS forever! Glory and Praise belong to Him! Thank you, Jesus for manifesting our Father to us, in and through us. Glory to Your Holy name...YESHUAH!!
