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Welcome! This is the weird and wonderful world of Mansun. They are the best band in the world, as you must have realised by now, so go check out something about them...

News Archive

11th November
WHAT WHAT WHAT??!!! I'm *not able* to upload my gorgeous piccies coz...well I don't know why but...*dah*. They will be up as soon as humanly possible. Sorry.

8th November
Ok so you think I'm being darn lazy...but I'm not! I do actually have so much work to do it's unimaginable, so the photos and the reviews will go up at the weekend, fingers crossed.
And now we see melody maker bow down and kiss Mansun's feet coz they're in there three times again! How many weeks is that in a row of multiple articles?? Ok, so there's an Electric man video runthru, a little something from cardiff and a review from Norwich (I was there man). BUY IT!

2nd November
*phew* I've just recovered from seeing mansun in Wolverhapton, bristol, Oxford and norwich! There'll be reviews soon aswell as lovely gorgeous photos.
Also, this week Mansun are in NME and MM *and* Select so get your pennies out.

22nd October
The Mansun tour technically kicks off tonight with a warm up in Bangor. Also, last night was the Later coming soon. A quick reminder that Mansun will be on Lamacq Live from Cardiff (+soulwax!!!+King Adora). Show starts at 8pm.
And No I still haven't seen the Electric Man video:(

18th Oct
Mansun-laden music press this week. Melody Maker have no less than 3 seperate things (mansun gigs preview+photo, Mansun sound setup+photo, Chad psychobabble+photo), and NME has 2 but less significant (Gig preview+photo, ickle Letter for Angst).
Reminder: don't forget that mansun are on Later with Jooles on Saturday Night (*bursts into rendition of the Suede song*)

14th Oct
You may or may not have noticed but I have started to pulg the Compared To A Pigeon fanzine, coz my mates do it. It's not very Mansunny but it's dead funny so do have a look here. There is also a special MisHeard Lyrics feature which includes some Mansun corckers. Go to it now!!!

11th Oct
The bside below are correct, unfortunatly, but I'm sure they're stunners. BUT the release date has been put back to the 6th November leaving us free to go to Norwich and to buy the Best of Blur.
Also, Melody Maker have got the 50 ways the Alternative Nation is fighting back and number 21 is.....Little Kix! Check it out.

5th Oct
Rumours Ahoy! has said that the new possible tracklisting for Electic Man is to be:
CD1: Electric Man, The Drifters, The Apartment (which as far as I know was once considered for Little Kix)
CD2: Electirc Man, ICODU (Perfecto Remix), Electric Man (acoustic)
MC: same as cd2
I am disappointed to say the least. The only have two new songs and then say they've got enough for 5EPs! Oh well. It's out on the 30th October so really soon!

4th October
Melody Maker is the mag to buy this week with a miserable excuse for a review from the Dooooooooommmmmmeeeeeee, and an ickle Chad thing talking about his fave gig, (page 42).
There will be a 'make-over' of some sort in the near future, like today or tomorrow or the weekend. So look forward to it.

3rd Oct
Rumours are about and I dunno if they can be believed: Mansun have blow the budget and gone to Los Angeles (LA = my initials:D) with Grant Gee to film the vid for Electric Man. I just hope it doesn't involve sitting around playing acoustic guitars watching the sunrise. AND the main thing is that they're playing it on CD:UK *this* saturday! (that's ITV 10am ish). So watch.

27th Sept
You may or may not reaslise but my computer died over the weekend so i haven;t been able to update or anything...argggghhhhh. So ppl, i managed to get tickets for SkyScape and it was dead funny....i'll be doing details in the next couple of days. and....


20th Sept
Firstly: apologies for getting my act together very well and updating this bugger but i so will soon. i intent to to regular-ish rants, real news bulletins and add to the gallery. So there.
Everyone buy Melody Maker coz there's a gorgeous poster. Details? ok, so Andie looks like he's posing for a calender, Chad look slike he's posing for a catalogue, Paul is looking especially feminine and Stove is just phwoooooaaaarrr in his Topshop tshirt. By the way, it's the photo session from the ICODU lyrics thing in MM and the album runthru with Paul also in MM.

10th Sept
BBQ in the Barn rocked! Make sure to look at Lizzy's Meet Up Page in the future for pictures.

7th Sept
TICKETS ON SALE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AArrggggggghhhhh, the numbers and dates are below but warning, there is booking fee and p&p to pay for so get ready for the shock. i've got mine for Norwich and London already (like, a minute ago) so see you there. Drop me a line if you're going coz I don't want to be lonely;)

6nd Sept
The tour has been announced today on as has the next single release date. Electric Man is out on the 30th October to coincide with the Norwich gig. The ticket hotline is 0115 912 9000 or you can get them from or soon.
There is a warm up date at Cardiff which is onsale now. The other dates aren't fully confirmed but I've been told they go on sale next Monday (11th). Support from King Adora and My Vitriol even thought Soulwax have been mentioned (I pray, please god let it be Soulwax, they rock). Tickets are a tenner and £12 for London (bastards).
I'm sure you'll all be interested to know that I've started college but I intend to keep this as updated as poss, so when I get interesting news it'll be here as quickly as my long fingers can type...I hope, that's the idea

2nd sept
TOUR EXPECTED! These are the dates that are going round but none are really confirmed (d'ohit):
Portsmouth Pyramid, Portsmouth - Tuesday 24th October
Wulfrun Hall, Wolverhampton - Wednesday 25th October
The Foundry, Sheffield University, Sheffield - Friday 27th October
Bristol University, Bristol - Saturday 28th October
Brookes University, Oxford - Sunday 29th October
Norwich U.E.A, Norwich - Monday 30th October
Manchester University, Manchester - Wednesday 1st November
De Montfort University, Leicester - Friday 3rd November
Shepherds Bush Empire, London - Saturday 4th November

Hopefully some other dates will be added coz it doesn't seem like that big a tour. Electric man will also be released around this time (either 23rd or 30th) so new bsides alert!

27th August
Double luck today: not only is it one year exactly since Oxford, but you can see pictures from that very gig in the revamped GALLERY. How exciting.

24th August This week thou shalt buy NME, there's an ickle bit with Chad talking about Oasis and then the V2000 review. There's also two angry letters from people with taste dissing Wells. Good news for those who couldn't attend One Big Sunday a couple of weeks back, you can see both of Mansun's performances at the radio 1 website.

22nd August>
Hello! V2000 was amazing!!! and rather painful. Review soon, promise.

16th August
This week it's Melody Maker that deserves your cash with the most gorgeous picture of Stove in a long time. *drool* :b... Ok, so the actual article is just Drapski talking about each song and what it's about. Well worth the £1.20 (I'm sure the price goes up every week)

15th August
Last night on Lamacq live they played:
I Can Only Disappoint U,
Being A Girl (part 1),
Comes as No Surprise
Special/Blown It
Electric Man
Love is...
Wide Open Space
She Makes My Nose Bleed
Take It Easy, chicken.
Also, I have news on next singles (very exciting). Obviously Electric Man next followed by S42L (maybe) and Love Is...(maybe). I vote for Butterfly as a single, but pray to god they won't release Fool...
Look out for Vote about Little Kix singles

14th August
One Big Sunday review here
TOTP reviewhere

14th August
One Big Sunday yesterday was so funny, there will be a review shortly, and much more importantly,LITTLE KIX is out today. Just finished listening to it for the 2nd time and I love it, it is weird in the sense that it isn't all that weird (d'you know what I mean), it's a whole different type of music that no-one else would dare do, and only Mansun can do. Also coming up: review of TOTP.

9th August
10 days til V2000 exactly.
Also, it's wednesday so there's the whole NME/MM saga, but this week it is definitly both. Gig reviews and album reviews in both, but if you're the sort of person that can't cope with bad reviews get MM. DIE WELLS DIE IN PAIN!

6th August
Straight in at NUMBER 8!!!!!! Now, if that isn't satisfying i don't know what is. And the best thing was seeing the "almighty" Metallica not even get passed the Top 35, hee hee hee.

3rd August
So, in the midweek charts lovely Mansun are number *drum roll* 5!!!!!! Which is the highest yet for singles. Everyone buy all formats!!! Convince mates that they'll make your day if they buy it too!!!! Rig the charts!!!! (and we're beating Ronan *grins all round*)

2 August
Woah! Check out the reviews here or the superb gallery:) here.

29th July
There is already a review of CD:UK performance here. It was good wasn't it?

28th July
Everyone check out CD:UK tomorrow morning ITV: MANSUN PERFORMING ICODU. First tv appearance for ages:) the joy

26th July
Wow, Melody Maker, how good an interview do you want, compliment overload. But now they'll probably get someone who hates them to review the album and everything will be back to normal. Notice how they call Mansun "the Maker's faves", curiouser. I am actually in love with the picture of Stove doing the kick.

24th July
Anyone hear Chris Moyles?? He played mansun and said the best things afterwards, most of which he said coz Producer Rhys told him to but still. They were: "That guy's got an amazing voice", "That band has got an incredible fanbase" (hey kids, that's us!) and the obvios "Chester's finest". Mansun rule!

22nd July again
I have just seen the video (about two minutes ago, seriously) and it is SO GOOD. Check out the review here

22nd July
The new look has kicked in (pun pun)! And with more news...mansun will be playing One Big Sunday as part of a Radio1 thing in Ipswich on the 13th August (yes, the day before Little Kix) @ Chantry Park. Tickets are free and 5ive are also playing, hooray! For more information .... I'll be there.
Also, I have a spare ticket for Bury St Ed's if anyone wants to buy it off me (don't worry about rip-off pricing, it'll be face value:) )

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