Rose Among Thorns
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"A Rose Among Thorns"

The name on the cross said "King of the Jews"
proclaiming to all His nobility.
But, on Christ's Head was a crown of thorns
rejecting any claims of royalty.

The day turned dark as "The Light" faded out
and spiritual blindness remained.
Couldn't they tell that Christ is "God's Light"
loosening our shackles and chains?

Didn't the crowd see Mary standing there
a rose blooming among thorns?
How could they have missed the fragrance
as she wept over her First-born?

A rose is a rose, wherever it may thrive
Bethlehem or Gethsemane.
It always gives off a lovely fragrance
wherever it may happen to be.

Before He cried out, "Father, into thy Hands,"
Christ forgave His accusers.
Couldn't they hear the love in His Voice
in spite of the crowd's jeers?

Didn't the crowd see Mary standing there
a rose blooming among thorns?
How could they have missed the fragrance
as she wept over her First-born?

A. Galloway 8/7/95

Created by Zanna
9 April 2000

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