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Little Angel in Heaven

This page is made in memory of
little Andri Mocke who moved
on to be with Jesus on 22 May 1999

God's little Angel

Dear God,

You sent a child to me,
To fill my life with joy,
And only You knew which was best -
A little girl or boy.

Somehow I took for granted, Lord,
That we would have a lifetime,
And I made so many future plans
For this precious child of mine.

Enchanted by this miracle,
Caught up in each new day,
I guess I didn't hear You, Lord,
When You said, "This one can't stay."

I trust You, Lord. Thy will; not mine,
Yet I can't understand
This sudden loss - the emptiness -
Caused by another's hand.

I know my child's an angel now
But my heart is aching so.
I'm sorry I wasn't ready, Lord,
To let my little boy go.

There wasn't time for one last hug;
There was no final kiss.
Oh God, it's all those special smiles
That I really miss.

So, Lord, could you do just one thing
For me especially?
Please hold my angel close to You
And say goodbye for me.

Author B. Walsh

Andri smiling

page by Zanna 3 May 2000

Little Andri Mocke

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