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I Believe In You

Many are the roads to chose,
We, are given a choice,
The choices are simpler, still,
If we listen, to our inner voice.

Uphill, as it seems,
Unending, and mistaken,
So it seems, this life of ours,
But, with each choice,
a step you are making.

I know that you can do this,
I know that you are smart,
God will help you with this,
But, you must do your part.

Reach for a star,
Live your dreams,
Things will be just fine,
They are never what they seem.

I believe that you can do most anything,
I have witnessed your persistence,
With all that you have within you,
You will go, the distance.

Be bold and achieve,
You're the best at what you do,
You will accomplish so much,
Because, I believe in you.

~author, Max ~

I dedicate this page to our children,
Jacques, Renè and Johan
-Zanna, 30 April 2000

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