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He came to walk among them.
Humble, modest in his ways.
He was born to spread a message,
that would last for all our days.
There were those who would not listen.
"Lies!" they'd shout. "He's not the one!"
"What he speaks is not the truth!"
"He is not the Fathers son!"
The soldiers came to sieze him,
and although his heart was true,
they crowned him with a ring of thorns,
proclaimed him ' King of Jew '.
They dragged him up a nearby hill,
and asked the people thus,
"Who do you pledge allegiance to?"
"This foolish King or us?"
A voice cried out, "He's not the one!"
"Let's hang him up to die!"
And soon the crowd began to chant,
"Destroy him! Crucify!"
And as his life was taken,
he gazed up toward the sky,
"My Father, please forgive them."
Was his one and only cry.

-by Joni Larson

15 April 2000

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