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A thousand times I called you Mom,
You answered every call,
Regardless of my needs or wants,
....You filled it...big or small.
Denied yourself those hidden wants,
So I could have my fun,
I never knew until I aged,
How motherhood was "done".
Today, my children ask of me,
Much like I asked of you,
And, yet without a second thought,
"I'll do what I can do".
With due respect and countless thanks,
My heart these words come from,
No other woman in my life,
Means more to me than Mom.

Author Unknown

I write you this in hopes you'll see,
how special and important Mothers are to me.
Your Mom was special I can tell,
'cause knowing you she raised you well.
She gave you much her Mothers love,
t' was strong yet soft, like down from dove.
You must be proud and honored too,
to know this Mom belongs to you.
But know this too it's from my heart,
her greatest gift she did impart.
To the entire world her gift was true,
this greatest gift of course was you!

This page is dedicated to my Mothers.

11 April 2000

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