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Never Look Back

Never look back on the past with regret
for the days that might have been,
nor the promises made that were never kept
and the goals you did not win.

For life cannot always be perfect
and our days don't always shine bright,
and promises are sometimes broken,
and dreams may not turn out just right.

But no time has ever been wasted
nor did idle tears just fall,
that the Dear Lord was not watching,
and understood it all.

for to everything there is a season,
a time to reap and to sow,
a time to laugh and a time to cry,
and a time for us to grow.

So let the ghosts of past memories
fade and just slip away,
for the promise of another season,
begins with another new day.

written by Jean V. Russell

This page is dedicated to my sisters
Marie and Lorraine and everybody else
who has to make a new start.

13 April 2000

Dear Lord,
I am so thankful that no matter
what we are going through,
You Dear Lord are holding
our hand and everyday that we live
and every breath we take;
we are getting closer to You!
Thank You Jesus, for all
that I have in You, Peace, Joy,
Hope, Love, and Strength!
In Your Precious Sweet Name I pray!

(Author unknown)

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