A Shining Star
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"And they that be wise shall shine as the
brightness of the firmament; and they that
turn many to righteousness as the stars
forever and ever." Daniel 12:3

A Shining Star

Sometimes it seems God places a
child in our midst
Whose beauty shines forth like an
exceptional treasure.

To look into his eyes each day
is to renew ourselves
By grabbing hold of our own hopes
and dreams.

But what if a loving God only
loans this child for a season?
Isn't it the same loving God who
gives us strength?

Walk on, My Child, to Paradise
Where a Risen Lord reigns
And they that are with Him are
called and chosen.

For God's glory upon you causes
the heavens to brighten
And with Him you'll glitter as a
star forever.

Written by A. Galloway
in Memory of Ennis Cosby

24 April 2000

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