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Chris's Suzuki Samurai Webpage

This Many People have been to my page

ASA - Suzuki Samurai webpage
Bill Johnston's web page
Rocky Road Outfitters
A Fishin Suzuki Site
Chat Room

Hey this is chris and this is my samurai. I am from fargo,ND. There aren't that many four-wheeling spots around here, except for the sand-hills which are located about 60 miles south. If there are any people here on this site from the Fargo-Moorhead area that have a four-wheeler and want to go four wheelin, just send me an e-mail My e-mail address is:

Here are pages about my Suzuki Samurai named "Madnessboy"

2ND PAGE OF PICS(these take a long time to load
Here is my trip I took up to NOPIMING PARK