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Established December 1979
Navaid M. Khan

during the last thirty plus years through its PROACTIVE programs has been
Transforming and Motivating people to EXCEL
and deliver

is here to change the MINDSETS!
From Reactive to PROACTIVE - From Negative to POSITIVE

has brought to Pakistan twice the
The Number ONE Globetrotting Customer Service Guru of all Gurus

on December 3, 2006
at Pearl Continental Lahore
on May 3, 2008 at Karachi Sheraton Hotel & Towers

At Lahore the program was attended by 275 executives while Karachi program had over 375 participants

wishes to put on records its appreciation for all those who made two programs of
a phenomenal success with their participation

in collaboration with

back to Pakistan
to speak on
on Saturday, April, 21, 2012
9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.
at Karachi Sheraton Hotel
attended by 370 plus participants
designs, develops and conducts
training programs
for optimizing Organizational Efficiency.

You do not have to pay our FEE if you are not Satisfied with our training program
“From Managing to Leading”

Learn the Leadership Secrets and what it takes to go from being a successful and efficient business manager to a powerful, inspiring & effective Business Leader


This one day seminar will cover the following areas that are essential for making the transition from the managerial role to the leadership role.

1. Leading with a Vision Role of leadership; understanding differences between a leader and a manager; identifying a leader’s vision; defining a vision; analyzing a situation; writing a vision statement; and goals setting
2. Making Vision a Reality Communicate and support vision; communicating effectively; gaining support and empowering employees; and implement vision
3. Defining Employee Roles and Priorities Employee roles; understanding roles of a leader; understanding role of an employee; empowering an employee; employee priorities; aligning employee priorities; evaluating employees' performance.
4. Employing Motivational Strategies Employee motivation; understanding guidelines; employee apathy; and identifying hindrances
5. Planning for Change Change process; understanding the awareness phase; understanding the achievement phase; informing employees; communicating change; and understanding benefits of change
6. Motivating Employees through Change Motivate employees through change; acting as a role model; understanding guidelines to motivate employees through change; solving problems during change; and resistance and resolving conflict
7. Coping through a Change Process Effects of change; understanding workplace changes; identifying the sources of stress; failures and mistakes; and dealing with mistakes

Who should attend?

All leaders and managers who would like to greatly enhance their experience to influence and persuade employees towards achieving the goals

“ Let’s develop R.E.A.L. Team Players”

A must for all those who want to improve their teamwork skills and contribute more effectively to the success of their team.


Let’s make ‘Team Work’ the slogan for your work group and turn them into a high-performing team.

The strongest, most productive teams are comprised of individuals who are R.E.A.L. team players (Responsible, Effective, Accountable, Learning).
They accept and seek responsibility, work effectively to impact team performance in a positive way, are accountable for their actions and continuously learn how they can be a more value-adding contributor.
If you want your staff to increase their effectiveness in a team environment, this two day workshop will give them hands-on practice in persuasive communication, conflict resolution and dealing with disruptive behaviors and difficult people. And develop the skills of a great team player to achieve group and organizational goals.

Your Staff Will Discover How To:

• Know and demonstrate the behaviors of a R.E.A.L team player
• Assess personal strengths and recognize areas for improvement
• Communicate ideas, recommendations and feedback persuasively
• Work more smoothly with difficult team members
• Recognize and overcome behaviors that derail team success
• Feel more engaged and committed to helping their team become a high performing unit

Successfully Managing Change and Employee Resistance

"The talk you hear...about adapting to change is not only stupid, it's...dangerous. The only way you can manage change is to create it. By the time you catch up to change, the competition is ahead of you." - Peter Drucker


While we all agree that Change is Constant and leads to growth & development, we have accept that all change involves loss. Even if what we are losing is an out-of-date, inefficient, and 'less fun' way of working, it is still a loss. Even if we are glad to lose it, it is still a loss.

Many employees will resist change. How they resist and the choices they make can influence the success of your change project, the impact on productivity and employee morale, and ultimately employee turnover.

This is a one day program that will look at the concept of Change Management through looking at ‘Why organizations need to Change’, discussing different ways of approaching change, describing a proposed process of successful change management, what works and what doesn’t when managing change at your organization.

What will you learn at this program?

Before starting organizational change, you will be able to ask yourself: What do we want to achieve with this change, why, and how will we know that the change has been achieved? Who is affected by this change, and how will they react to it? How much of this change can we achieve ourselves, and what parts of the change do we need help with?

Who should attend this program?

This program is for those managers and executives who have the Responsibility for managing change – who are looking for ways to manage the change in a way that employees at their organization can cope with it.

Result based Leadership

“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes. Leadership is all about doing the right things.” - Peter Drucker


Leaders in business are no longer responsible solely for their own performance; today they have work to ensure the success of others. They are expected to take on significant responsibilities with minimal experience and preparation.

The first part of the program deals with fundamental leadership and management principles. The second part requires potential leaders to apply the information learned to use in real life situations.

This two day program looks at qualities that leadership relies on, such as integrity, honesty, humility, courage, commitment, sincerity, passion, confidence, positivity, wisdom, determination, compassion, sensitivity, and a degree of personal charisma. Connecting these attributes to results is the basis of effective leadership. Effective leadership requires both attributes and results.

What will you learn at this program?

This program will help you will be able to understand the leadership attributes your require in your business. In other works the program will help you identify your style of leadership and connect attributes to results. You will be able to focus on four important areas of results such as Employee results, Organization results, Customer results and Investor results.

Who should attend this program?

This is program for those middle or senior manager with at least five years’ management experience and who are in line for succession. They would have responsibilities in functional areas for delivering organizational results.

Motivating yourselves and others to Reach Peak Performance


The twenty-first century has no place for Mediocrity. It demands that each person in the organization perform at their highest capacity.

Competition is fierce – and it is going to get fiercer. To compete and stay ahead we need to learn how as managers we must motivate ourselves and those that work with/for us to perform at peaks.

We will need us to build organizations in which each person, from top to bottom, will be a Peak Performer; organizations in which doing one’s best will be the norm.

As managers we can make it happen if we can learn how to motivate peak performance in everyone who reports to us – and in ourselves. We need to give the probable peak performers sufficient reason to perform up-to their highest potential.

Performance is based on people. Performance will only improve when people are motivated to a level where they develop a passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status.

What will you learn at this program?

This program will help you take the journey to Motivating Yourself and Others to Reach the Peak Performance Zone. In this program you will learn how you, as a manager can make it happen.

You will have an understanding of the basics of self-motivation for themselves and others.

Who should attend this program?

This program is for senior and middle managers who are looking to drive performance initiatives as well trying to sustain performance initiatives that are already in place to build a peak performance organization.

Win-win Negotiation Skills

- Effective techniques to achieve win-win outcomes


We are negotiating almost all the time - with business partners, clients, suppliers, colleagues or family members. The success of our outcomes depends entirely on our understanding of the negotiation and communication process.

We are negotiating almost all the time - with business partners, clients, suppliers, colleagues or family members. The success of our outcomes depends entirely on our understanding of the negotiation and communication process.

The traditional negotiation skills may be ineffective when dealing with both Generation X and Generation Y who form a large part of workforce in today’s business world. We have to thus understand what the other force is, and where it is coming from in order to give ideal outcomes for all parties concerned.

We all negotiate every day, whether we realize it or not. Yet few people are ever taught how to negotiate. And if we do learn how to negotiate on the job, we probably learn from someone who practices the traditional adversarial approach. This old school, win-lose approach is only suitable for one-off negotiations. . In today's world, a win-win outcome is the only acceptable result.

Most of us are expected to negotiate effectively with vendors, customers, and partners repeatedly over a long period of time. We need to achieve good results for our side while maintaining a healthy

What will you learn at this program?

This course takes you past just a theoretical understanding and includes a number of practical exercises that use accelerated learning principles to ensure that learning is maximized - delivering maximum benefit for , long-term relationship with our negotiating partners you, your organization and both negotiating parties.

Who should attend this program?

Managers, supervisors, purchasing agents, executives, sales and marketing staff, customer service representatives, and anyone who deals with others can benefit from this negotiation skills program.

Managing & Resolving Conflicts productively at work and at home


Conflict is inevitable. We often work with people who have rightful opinions and ideas of their own which we may often find ourselves at odds with. In addition economic principles dictate limits on our resources such as time, money and energy. These conditions lead to the inevitably of conflict.

Given this inevitability we find Conflict Management one of the most needed skills for twenty-first century managers.

Conflict is good when the outcome is a win-win resolution. Conflict is good when the relationship between the people in conflict is strengthened as a result of the conflict. But few people are skilled in the interpersonal skills necessary to manage conflict effectively, and when conflict isn't managed it generally goes bad. And when it goes bad it can get really bad.

Most people don't really think about how they approach conflict. It just happens. When conflicts arise we tend to play out our roles like scripts based on our behavioral and conflict styles. Effective conflict management can only be achieved when an individual begins to really see how her or his conflict style is actually self-destructive.

What will you learn at this program?

It will improve the way conflict are resolved before they affect other parts of the organization; minimize the escalation of conflict and channel the conflict into a positive outcome.

It will help you understand the conflict styles and allow you to really see your own self-destructive behavior patterns.

Who should attend this program?

Managers, Trainers, Consultants, Project Managers who must keep everyone happy and effectively coordinate groups of disparate people while not having any authority to actually do so

Be A WINNER… - with Positive Thinking & Attitude


The world today is not for the “ordinary”. It is longer our Father's world.

If there is nothing special about our work, no matter how much work we put in, we will not get noticed; and that increasingly means we won't get promoted or paid much either.

Achieving personal success does not have to be left to chance, destiny, luck or good fortune. Success is yours if you can identify, develop and use your inner potential. While we are all born with the ability, we have to learn and practice our skills to achieve the Future that we want.

People who shape our thinking today claim that times are bad and are going to get worse; the Pakistani society is about to collapse and law and order is going to go from bad to worse.

None of us can control the society or the economy – global or our own. But each of us can shape our destiny by thinking positively so as to ensure that achieving personal success should not be left to chance, destiny, luck or good fortune.

What will you learn at this program?

After attending this program you should be able to identify and establish new goals, develop a new sense of purpose and generate new ideas about yourself and your future. It will help you Discover the power your positive attitude has to help you achieve your goals and the ultimate success. I short it will help you become the Winner you deserve to be.

Who should attend this program?

All those who want to be Win and Succeed in this life! Bureaucrats, administrators, CEOs, management professionals, and all those who believe that if you are not fired with enthusiasm you are not living.

From Good to Excellent Customer Service


Customer expectations are on the rise and we need to raise our service standards if we are to survive in business. In today’s world having a good product is not good enough – with the advent of technology everyone has a good product. Everyday we are finding an increasing number of goods and services on the market that are startlingly similar.

To develop, maintain, and expand business, companies must satisfy a complex array of client needs in an environment shaped largely by external forces—competitors seeking a larger piece of the pie, new entrants into the market, product innovations, and increasingly insistent calls for improved quality and reduced prices. These and other factors create heavier demand on customer relations. Successful service is a combination of technical expertise, the ability to manage both information and people, and efficient, productive communication. This workshop can help you make a difference in maintaining and growing your company’s customer base.

This program focuses on how to give “unmatched superior service” and to keep your customers loyal and buying more.

What will you learn at this program?

This program will help your people become committed to providing ‘winning service’ to your customers.

It will show you how you can fly beyond your Customers’ Rising Expectations, Climb the Stairs to an Unbelievable Level of Sales, Service & Achievement and Shift from Blame and Shame to Taking Personal Responsibility.

Who should attend this program?

The program is a must for all those who have the responsibility for delivering either internal or external Customer service. The frontline staff can not afford to miss it.

Managing and Coping with Stress


As we enter the new millennium the levels of stress and pressures are not going to become any less. The events of September 11, 2001 coupled with a worldwide recession have only added to stress in our lives.

International mergers along with right sizing or downsizing in our over staffed public sector means lesser number of jobs.


The program will help the managers deal with stress related problems in the Pakistan’s business environment and show them as to how by using the ‘power of choice’ they can turn stress into a challenge or an opportunity.

What will you learn at this program:

This learning workshop has been especially designed to focus on problems related to STRESS’ in the Pakistani society, both at work and at home and discusses issues such as:

• What is Stress?
• Why do we have Stress in our Lives?
• How it effects our success, managerial productivity and happiness.
• What can we do about it?
• How can STRESS help us SUCCEED?
• A Recipe for a STRESS FREE LIFE!

Who should attend this program?:

This workshop is a must for all upcoming and mid-level managers of the twenty-first century.

Professional Fee

The standard professional fee charged for all customized training program within Pakistan is US$ 1,000 to US$ 3,000 or equivalent in local currency per trainer for a full day program and US$ 750 to US$ 2,000 per trainer for a half day program. For programs outside Pakistan the professional fee is US$ 2,000 to US$ 5,000 or equivalent in local currency per trainer for a full day program and US$ 1,250 to US$ 3,000 or equivalent in local currency per trainer for a half day program.

The above fee includes design and facilitation plus course materials such as handouts and presentation folders for the program participants.

The above fee does not include the costs for the workshop premises, meal costs and refreshment during the workshop days.

The above fee also does not include the travel and accommodation costs for programs held outside Karachi for CMS trainers.

The costs stated are inclusive of 6 percent tax which is deducted and directly deposited by the client in Government of Pakistan Treasury.

Note: Corporate package discounts are available. Professional fee stated above is subject to change from time to time.


For more information call
Mr. Navaid M. Khan
on 0333 210 6763

A brief profile of the Founder

Mr. Navaid M. Khan is an international management consultant, a motivational speaker and a management trainer who has designed developed and conducted over 2,000 training sessions on various aspects of management designed at instilling Excellence in management at all levels.

Mr. Khan has had the opportunity of having met with some of the top names in the Management world. Internationally acclaimed # 1 Guru on Customer Service Ron Kaufman, described him as ‘the shining star’. Sam Deep the author of many best sellers including “Yes You Can” described him as ‘the Pakistani management guru’. Dr. John Gray author of Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus, chose to appoint him the Facilitator and Relationship Coach for his workshops in South Asia & Gulf countries. Tom Peters the undisputed management guru, the author of many best sellers including “The Search of Excellence” chose to work with Mr. Khan for his 2006 Pakistan program which unfortunately was cancelled on account of Sunni Tehrik bomb blast.

Mr. Khan has completed the Advanced Management Program and The Management Consulting Skills programs in United States. His work experience includes working as a Consultant to various North American and European conglomerates well as with various United States Government agencies such as STATE, USDOC, USAID, USIA.

Mr. Khan has in the new millenium designed, developed and conducted sales, marketing and management training Programs for Marketing Association of Pakistan, Pakistan International Airlines, THK, a member firm of KPMG International, PWC Consulting, a business of PriceWaterhouse Coopers, United Bank of Pakistan, National Bank of Pakistan, Habib Bank Limited, Sillkbank Limited, National Institute of Public Administration, Sind Police Department, Karachi Electric Supply Company, Oil & Gas Development Company Limited, PTCL, Li & Fung (Pakistan) Limited, Nutshell Forum, and Institute of Business Management.

Mr. Khan, serves as Visiting Management Faculty for BBA, MBA & EMBA programs.

Mr. Khan has been a part of the teaching team of Pittsburgh based US group PRO-SPEAK that offers presentation skills programs which are very highly rated in United States.

Mr. Khan says, "The best way to predict our Future is to invent it…"

At CMS, we will help you help you invent your Future!


 Abbot Laboratories (Pakistan) Ltd.  Adam Tea Ltd.  Adamjee Insurance Company  Aga Khan University Hospital  Ahed Associates  Allied Bank of Pakistan  Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan  Atlas Group of Companies  Aspro Nichlas (Pakistan) Ltd.  Asiatic Advertising Ltd.  Brooke Bond  Burshane (Pakistan) Ltd.  Bank of America  Boots Company (Pakistan) Ltd.  Canadian Jeans Company  CALTEX (Pakistan) Ltd.  CITIBANK NA (Pakistan) Ltd.  Cyanamid (Pakistan) Ltd.  Commercial Union Assurance  Cotton Export Corp.  Dawood Yamaha Industries  Dawood Leasing (pvt.) Limited  English Biscuits Ltd.  Esso Eastern Inc.  EXXON Chemicals  Eastern Pharmaceuticals Ltd.  Forbes, Forbes, Campbell &Co  Gresham (Pakistan) Ltd.  Ghee Corporation of Pakistan  Habib Bank Limited  Hoechst (Pakistan) Ltd.  Pearl Continental Hotels  Hotel Marriott Karachi  IBM World Trade Corporation  ICI Pakistan Ltd.  Institute of Bankers  Industrial Promotion services  Investment Corp. of Pakistan  Johnson & Philips (Pakistan) Ltd.  Khwaja Auto cars Ltd.  Lakson Group of Companies  Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited  Lipton (Pakistan) Ltd.  Merck Sharpe & Dohme (Pakistan) Ltd.  Muller & Phipps (Pakistan) Ltd.  Metropolitan Steel Corporation  MNJ Communications  Medora of London  National Bank of Pakistan  National Construction Ltd.  National Development Finance Corporation (NDFC)  National Food Industries  National Investment Trust (NIT)  National Refinery Ltd. (NRL)  N. V. UP JOHN SA  Pakistan Industrial Development Corp.  Pakistan international Airlines (PIA)  Pakistan Automobile Corp. (PACO)  Pakistan Arab Refinery Ltd.( PAR)  Pakistan National Shipping Corp.  Pakistan Steel Mills Corp.  Pakistan State Oil Corp.  Petty Ray Geophysical Division  Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. (PPL)  Peoples Steel Mills  Premier Tobacco Company  PIA Shaver Poultry Ltd.  Philips Electrical Company  Pakistan Tourism Development Corp.  Pakistan Services Ltd.  Qasim International Container Terminal  Paragon Advertising  Rhone Poulenc Roerec  Roche (Pakistan) Limited  Reckit & Colman (Pakistan) Ltd.  SANDOZ (Pakistan) Ltd.  Standard Chartered Bank  Saudi Arabian Airlines  SEARLE (Pakistan) Limited;  SHELL (Pakistan) Ltd.  Singer Industries  Sind Police Department  Smith Kline Beecham  State Life Insurance Corp.  Treet Corp.  UNICEF  U. S. A. I. D.  U. S. Foreign Commercial Service  Union Texas Inc.  Warner Lambart Ltd.  Wyeth Laboratories  Zelin Ltd.


Institute of Business Management
...a center of Business Excellence

Rotary Club of Karachi Centennial
Serving the under privilaged

MCB Bank Limited
...the best private bank in Pakistan

Tom Peters - In search of Excellence
- World's # 1 Customer Service Guru
