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Title of Chapter: Wicked


Authors note: This chapter has been rushed delivered due to the prodding of Dragoneyes and Buffy4vAngel, as well as Tutu. It’s angsty, so be warned.



Next morning, Buffy awoke to the incessant ring of the phone; irritation in her that she had been forced into wakefulness, when she was still so tired.  For a second, she was disoriented, drifting between darkness and half awareness. Wiping away drool that threatened to stain the pillow, she reached for the phone on the nightstand next to her bed.  Yawning, she brought the receiver to her ear. 


As the voice on the other end of the phone, acknowledged her good morning with an irritated good morning of their own, Buffy bolted upright in bed.

“Dad?  How did you…”

Her words faded as she listened to the angered voice on the other end.

“I would never slap you”

Again she was cut off, and was only able to utter words once her father took a breath.

“Oh… you didn’t mean literally did you” Rolling her eyes at her own retarded ness, she continued.  “I didn’t want to tell you cause I knew how you would react”

She listened

“Like this.  This… all with the yelling.  This is how I knew you would react.  This is why I said nothing to you.  You’ve been pretty obvious with your disproval of me wanting to find out about my birth parents, so obviously, when I decided that it was something I wanted to do, I didn’t tell you about it”

Buffy sighed into the phone, as she smoothed her hair from her face.

“You can’t really mean that.  How can you think… how can you say that?  You and mom mean the world to me.  You’re my parents, and that’s never going to change. Having you two in my life was a blessing.  Just because I want to find out about my biological parents, does in no way negate what you mean in my life.  I just wish you would understand that.  Dad… this is just something I need to do, and it would mean everything to me, if you can support me in this.”

Buffy grunted into the phone as her frustration rose.

“Dad please.  Can we not bring Riley into this. This is about you and me”

She listened to his reply

“I didn’t lie to either of you.  I told him where I was going, and besides, he didn’t need to know everything.  We’re not married Dad”

Buffy regretted those last words, the second they left her lips.  ‘fuck’ she mouthed, closing her eyes and waiting for the onslaught of parentage to come her way.

“Riley and I aren’t marriage material, well, not marriage material for each other anyways.   I don’t know why you can’t see that.  We lack a spark”

She looked to the left.  The clock read 11am.  She fell back on the bed, with the receiver still clutched to her ear.

“A spark.  You know… that thing two people have… never mind.  There will be no marrying off of me to Riley of any kind, ok, so it’s best to run over that dream with a bulldozer.  Get it all nice and squashed, cause it’s not happening.”

Buffy sighed into the phone once again, feeling a migraine rushing to implant itself into her temple.

“I *am* not going to become a cat lady,” Buffy drawled into the phone, her annoyance rising.  “I’m only twenty-four.  I have plenty of time to find myself a husband”

The conversation with her father continued much of the same for the next few minutes. How’d he find out where she was?  It seemed Mr. Preston gave him a little ring.  What had she expected though?  When the daughter of an old friend shows up in town, why wouldn’t the next step be to call up the old friend. 

Hanks Summers was angry to say the least, and the angrier he got, the more guilt ridden Buffy became.  And the sad thing was, that she realized his anger was justified, but so were her actions.  If she told him what she had planned to do, he’d seen to it, that her mind was changed.  And if that were a feat beyond his manipulation, he’d find another way to get what he wanted.  Calling up the head of the magazine in which she worked for, an ordering them to take her off the story was not something he would shy away from.  Whatever it took, he was and would be willing to do.  She’d been witness to many of his business dealings before.

To make matters worst, her father had contacted Riley and filled him in on her devious ways, which is why when she finally hung up the phone with her dad, she immediately picked it back up, and dialed the number to Riley’s work.  On recognition of her voice, she instantly sensed the resentment in his.  She had offered an explanation to why she hadn’t told him everything, and unlike her father, Riley was understanding.  He simply forgave her, told her he loved her, and wished her luck.  Even offered to jump into his Mercedes and drive out to Connecticut once he got off work, just to be her support. She’d told him no, that it wasn’t necessary. 

When she hung up the phone, tears trickled over her eyelash and down her cheek. Her father had ordered her back to New York, and she simply refused, stating that she was an adult and can do and be where she wanted.  They had ended their conversation on a low note, both livid at the other.  And now with Riley being so understanding, after dreaming of another man in her sleep last night, she hated herself. 

Riley was an amazing guy, understanding, loving, caring, everything a woman could ask for, but for the life of her… she couldn’t understand why that alone couldn’t be enough.  In that moment, she promised herself, that she would try to make it work with Riley.  She may not be in love with him now, but she could learn to.  Riley deserved that chance at least.

Buffy laid in bed, examining the contours of the ceiling, and how the paint cracked and peeled slightly in certain places; only visible to those with a keen eye, for most of the day.  Her mind drifting off, into daydream land.  Images of Riley and her, with 2.5 kids, white picket fences, and a dog, filled her head.  As the daydreams became more vivid, Riley’s image faded, only to be replaced by Angel, sometimes Spike, which she thought was peculiarly strange. She dreamt of her childhood; her 11th birthday party. Her mother and father, Hank and Joyce Summers was there, laughing and smiling.  Her aunt Olivia was there as well, along with all her cousins and nieces.  Riley was there too and…

Buffy jolted up in bed, the ring of the phone ripping her into awareness.  She picked it up, and smiled as she heard the voice of her best friend on the other end.


“Well duh”

“Funny,” Buffy responded into the phone yawning.

“So… how did it go today?”

“What go?”

“At the hospital, with Rose. You said you were gonna go back today”

Buffy turned to look at the clock, which read 6pm. “Today was not the best of days to go”

“Why?  What happened?”

“My father called this morning, and well, lets just say, he wasn’t happy.  After the conversation we had, I was in no condition to go and talk to Rose without breaking down in tears every 10 seconds.  She’d think I was some crazed unstable lunatic”

“I’m sorry Buffy.  How did he find out anyway?”

“William Preston called him up to chat and reminisce on olden days, and well, inevitable I was a main focus of the conversation”

“Hmmm” She paused.  “Ok, well enough with the brooding. You’re coming with Oz and me to the Bronze.  We’ll have some drinks, dance, get all crazy wild, to take your mind off things.  What do you say?”

“Tempting.  Very very tempting, especially the drinking bit, but I’m gonna pass.  I’m not in the mood. I think I’ll stay home and get in some much needed brooding.”

“Are you sure? I’ll have Oz show you his sexy dance.  He does this thing with his pelvic.  It’s very erotic”

 “Again, tempting, but I’m just gonna stay in tonight.  You don’t mind do you?”

“No… of course not.  I just didn’t want you to be all alone by yourself.  If you want, I can cancel my plans and I can come over?”

“Nonsense.  I’m fine Will.  You go and have fun k”

“If you’re sure”

“I’m sure, now bye,” Buffy hung up the phone, clambered off the bed, and tottered over to the bathroom.  A nice warm bath is what she needed.

Forty-five minutes later, Buffy emerged from the bathroom refreshed.  Damn the brooding, she was going to have some fun tonight.  Getting dress, she made up her mind, to take Willow’s advice.  Looking in the mirror, she flicked a strand of loose here from her face, picked up her purse that sat on the dresser and headed out the door.




She rubbed her hands to her side, savoring the warmth of the fabric from the red dress she wore.  At the same time, she looked up, through the dancing couples, pass the seated area and towards the bar. 

Angel was there. 

Seated next to a female.   A very attractive one at that.  A jealousy arose in Buffy at the site.  She couldn’t explain it’s cause, but it unnerved her. 

She knew he saw her, since he looked directly at her, through the crowds of people.

She raised her head slightly and their eyes met. Angel was looking at her with an expression she had no difficulty interpreting.  He desired her.  This was normally the part where she would turn and walk away, paying no attention to his stares.  He was very much not her type.  Riley was her type.  Angel was not, or that’s what she told her self now.  Being twenty-four, she had encountered her fair share of tall, dark and mysterious type aficionados, but after experiencing how callous and uncaring they could be, she rebuffed them all, keeping them at a distance. 

So why was her body shivering in heat, simply because this man was mentally undressing her, and caressing her body with his deep dark, welcoming eyes. She fought the savage urge to run to him now, and loose her self in a whirlwind of desire, and lust that he provoked.

Averting her eyes, she looked to the dance floor, looking for familiar features, preferable those of Oz, Willow or Tara.  Even Spike would do.   The thought of Angel looking at her with his dark, penetrating, soulful eyes unsettled her, especially after the promise she made to herself earlier in the evening to give her relationship with Riley a chance.  If looking at him from a far perturb her inner being to the point that made her shiver, she didn’t and had no intention of finding out how her body would react to him up close.

The music changed then.  A soft slow melody hummed throughout the club, the soulful voice of the singer soothing. Couples held each other tightly as they swayed back and forth to the melodic rhythm. 

“Would you like to dance,” came a deep voice from behind.

Her breath caught in her throat, as her heart raced.  That voice was undeniably Angel’s.   Keeping her eyes fixed on the couples before her, she responded to his invitation. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea”.

“I asked you to dance, not run away with me,” Angel told her, making his way around her form, so he now stood directly in her view.  “It’s a simple dance”

Buffy very much doubted that anything having to do with Angel was simple, let alone dancing in his arms. She looked passed him, continuing her search for a familiar face… besides his.  “I’m looking for someone”

“I’ll help you look for them later.” Angel took her hand, and began to lead her into the throngs of dancing couples. 

Before Buffy knew what was happening she found herself, on the dance floor.  “Angel,” she pleaded trying her best to distance herself from his presence, but it quickly became clear, that short of making a scene, Angel would have his way.  She sighed, and rested her hands on his shoulder, as his found their way around her waist, resting lightly on her hip.  Again, her body shivered from his closeness, her heart pumped madly against her chest, her pulse quickened.

“Relax,” he whispered, into her ear, pulling her tighter into his embrace

She was going to have difficulties doing that as well as keeping her composure, she realized.  That was easier said than done, considering she at that moment, hand no control over every fiber in her body.  Her cheeks were aflame, her body shivered at every touch, the heat spreading second by second until she burned for him.  “I am relaxed,” she lied.

“No you’re not.” Angel shifted his weight, slowly lifting his hands from Buffy’s hips to her waist.  “Relax your body and ease in to me.”

‘Ease in to you’ Buffy thought panicked, as if she had a choice.  Her body seemed to have a mind of it’s own tonight.  Her body gravitated to him, as if she was the missing piece in his puzzle.  Where his hip swayed, hers followed. Where he dipped, she dipped. His body felt amazingly good, against hers.  She breathed in the scent of his hair, but then quickly cursed herself for behaving like such a fool.  At this point, she was positive that her heart was beating loud enough to wake up everyone in a ten-mile radius of Frenton.

“There you go.” Angel could feel her relax, as their bodies melded together on the dance floor.  “Spike tells me you’re from the big city,” he said for a lack of anything else to say.  This was a first for him. Talking to females he found attractive was one of the many things he was good at, but with Buffy, it was different.  He couldn’t explain it, but there was just something about her that made the hairs on his neck stand at attention, among other things.

Buffy’s mind swirled.  Her concentration clouded.  All she could think about was the proximity of Angel’s body to her own.  The sound of Angel’s voice, pulled at her.  “Huh”

Angel lowered his head, to meet Buffy’s averted eyes.  “What part of New York are you from?” he asked more directly.

This is not good.  This is beyond not good.  He actually wants to know about me

Buffy looked into his orbs, and became deadly aware of his sincerity.  He was truly interested and wanted to know about her life.  This is definitely a first, she thought.  He’s supposed to be callous and uncaring.  Rude and crude.  Foul and uncouth. Sincerity and kindness were not the traits she had anticipated in a man like Angel.  Damn… there goes those walls, she had cemented up a while back.  They came crumbling down, in a bedlam of rubble, leaving her privy to his charm. “I live in Manhattan… the upper east side”

Buffy saw Angel’s eyes widen at her confession.  “Upper East Side huh?… I’m impressed.  You must be one of those spoiled little rich daddy’s girl,” he said with a smirk.  Angel knew his statement was far from the truth, but this feeling he had.  The one that made his stomach knot, because of the closeness of this women he held in his arm.  He wanted it to go away.  Get her angry, and then her true self will show, and his attraction for her will dissipate, or so he hoped.

Ha ha!  Now this is more like it, Buffy thought pleased.  She felt a sudden rush of relief.  Angel was just like the rest of them.  Overbearing, judgmental, odious and offensive. She pushed away from him, a sudden onslaught of disappointment muddling her thoughts, at the separation of their bodies.  She quickly buried it, trying to look her most offended.  “My parents are well off, and I’m well off, but I’d have you know” She glared furiously at him  “there is nothing spoiled about me,” she finished indignantly. 

Angel watched Buffy’s retreating form. 

Let her go.  Do not run after her.  Whatever you do… don’t go after her. 

Angel followed Buffy through the crowds of dancing couple, pass the seated area, and out into the parking lot.  He panicked when he realized he lost sight of her, but calmed when he caught a glimpse of red, in the darkness of night. 


Buffy pretended she didn’t hear him call her name, as she rummaged through her purse for the key to her car.  Dancing with him had felt far too good.  If only she could muster the anger needed to be mad at him.  He called her spoiled to her face, yet, for reasons unexplained; she couldn’t stay mad at him.

Crap… why couldn’t he of smelled.  Smelly was definitely a turn off.

“Buffy” Angel called out to her again, decreasing the distance between her and him.  “I’m sorry”.

 No, No, No, No.  You are anything but sorry.  Take it back now.

Take it back

Take it back

Take it back

“I didn’t mean what I said.  I’m really sorry” 

Pansy ass.

Buffy kept her back to him; afraid he would be able to sense her yearning for him in her eyes. She said nothing and felt him grab her hand.  “Please don’t go,” he asked quietly

“I need to get back to the Inn.  Willow is probably wondering where I am,” she lied through her teeth.

A faint sound of music hovered through the warmth of the night.  A couple exiting from the club, kissing while they walked.  The door getting caught on the rough floor, leaving it slightly opened.

“Dance with me”

Buffy turned to face him, her fear coming to pass.  Her desire for him filled the dry air, and was obvious for all to see. 

The way she was staring at him, made Angel feel almost as though Buffy was looking through him. He looked at her mouth, her lips half parted, and quivering slightly.  He could see the hankering in her eyes, and knew she burned for him, as deeply as he did for her.

“Dance with me,” he repeated

Buffy hesitated five seconds too long, cause before she knew it, he pulled her to him, and she was unable if not unwilling to do anything about it.  He held her as he did before, and swayed to the music seeping out from the club, into the parking lot where they dance in the twilit night. 

Buffy closed her eyes, in an attempt to thwart what was happening.  It was unsuccessful.  If anything it just made things worst.  With her eyes close, every thing about her situation became heighten.  The feel of his rippled chest pressed against her, the firmness of his body, the sensual flow of their bodies as one, as they swayed to the music.

Buffy sighed and gave up her resistance.  She slid her right hand around his neck, while the other rested on his shoulder.  Her head rested into his chest, his chin lay gently upon her temple, his fingers circling the softness of her back.

She struggled to get air into her lungs, as excitement and fear filled her all at once. 

Oh God.  Riley.  I can’t do this to Riley, she thought terrified.

She mustered just enough resistance to push Angel from her.  Refusing to meet his eyes, she suddenly found the black-laced shoe she wore fascinating.  “I… uh… bye,” she murmured, before turning around and proceeding to unlock the door to her car. 

Let her go Angel.  Turn and walk away now

Angel drew in a ragged breath and took a step towards her, hesitating slightly before his arms came around her, turning her around, so that they were now face to face and drew her fiercely against him. He captured her chin with his free hand, their eyes meeting, as she looked up at him, staring deeply into his eyes, flames flickering into the depths of dark brown.  He lowered his head, and his lips claimed hers.

Buffy made an inarticulate sound of intense pleasure as his mouth took hers in an all consuming kiss, the key in her hand falling to the floor.  Her body arched against his and her slender arms held him close.  They swayed together, his strong arms holding her as if she answered his every prayer.  

Buffy had been kissed before, but never like this.  She was being kissed now, by a man who knew exactly what he was doing.  A man who knew how to make her feel as if the sun rose and set for her alone.

Pleasure rippled through her body at the gentle movement of his mouth against hers, and she clung to the broadness of his shoulders as the kissed deepened. 

Angel kissed and caressed her feverishly, savoring every inch of her slim, silken body.  He kissed her mouth, her upper lips, her cheek…

Buffy felt dizzy with excitement by the time Angel moved his way down to her throat, nuzzling on the velvety skin there, her body quivering in response, her senses now heighten to a fevery- pitch.  She had never felt so alive, so consumed by such pleasure, her entire body tingling with elation.  “Oh God,” she moaned in delight, as she felt his tongue lapping at her neck.

“What-cha man got to do with me. I’m not trying to hear that see”

Buffy tensed, her face flushed as she pulled out of Angel’s arms, unable to meet his gaze, as she moved away from him, to look towards the exit to the club. 

“I got a man”

The four friends exiting the club began to giggle just then.

“Who sang that song again?

“Wasn’t it Sir Mix A lot?”

“Nah man.  He did Baby got back.  Ya know… I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can’t deny, when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face, you get sprung…”  They danced, sang, rapped, and giggled some more, as they disappeared into the night, leaving Angel and Buffy in their mist.

“Cute” Buffy remarked wryly, as she watched the retreating form of the four friends that just saved her from making a huge mistake… Ok, an even bigger mistake.  Meeting his gaze, since they parted, Buffy said what she should of told him, from the very beginning.  “I have a boyfriend.  And… I love him.  I can’t do this.  I’m sorry”

Angel straightened.  The flames burning out in his eyes, a frown forming on his features.  He could hear it in her voice and see it in her face.  She was speaking the truth, and he was shock by his sudden urge of disappointment.  This wasn’t a bad thing.  This was a good thing, he forced himself to believe. 

She has a boyfriend.

A boyfriend she loves

This is your chance to leave and walk away.  She has a boyfriend, hence making her forbidden territory.  Plus, if you think about it.  She was never your type.  Girls like Cordelia are your type.  You like tall curvaceous brunettes, not thin leggy creatures with clouds of golden hair and phoenix eyes. Why in Gods name you haven’t snatched up that hot piece of brunette ass is beyond me.

Angel decided to follow his conscience this time, and watched as Buffy retrieved her keys from the ground, got into her car and drove off, leaving him alone in the parking lot. 


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