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Title of Chapter:  Fate

Author: Alicia08

Authors note: Err… Sorry about the long wait.  I was kinda busy cursing Mr. Abrams for breaking my heart by tearing apart the romance that was Sydney and Vaughn.  J.J. has officially entered Joss Whedon territory.  He’s on my “You evil retched bastard, but I still love you” list.


*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*                 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~



Chapter 3


Buffy woke slowly, her head exploding with pain. Dizziness overwhelms her as she garners the energy to try and pry her lids open.  Failing, she sighs, spreads out on the bed, floating in a sea of half awareness.  Taking her hand to her mouth, she wipes away the drool that threatens to stain the pillow.

Turning on her side, her eyes slowly and with some effort flutter open.  Wincing, she regretted her action and quickly closed her eyes, the sunlight peeping through the closed blinds, sending flashes of pain to her throbbing membrane.

Her back now to the sun's rays, she cursed the sun gods, for creating the big blob of hotness.

She felt awful. Memories of her drunken binge the night before filled her throbbing head.  She pried her eyes open once again, mentally assaulting her behavior hours prior.  Sighing loudly, she touched her temple, and slowly clambered off the bed, but got tangled within the curtains.  "What the…," she began to curse, but was unable to finish as she fell to the floor with a thud.  "Just peachy wonderful," she groaned, pushing herself up off the floor.  "I'm never drinking again," she promised, walking towards the bathroom.



"How does breakfast sound to you?"

"Breakfast sounds delightful," Angel said striding from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his torso, the sunlight bouncing off his glistening chest, his upper body splattered with glints of water. 

Cordelia was of course dressed. Her hair swept up, in a bun, leaving her shoulders bare, with the exception of the spaghetti straps that held her dress in place.  

She was a morning person, while Angel was not.  He looked at her and smiled. She was easily one of the most beautiful women Angel had ever encountered, with her glorious auburn hair, and huge brown eyes, and a model-girl figure, which was where his initial attraction laid, the first few weeks they had known each other.  As time passed, he'd forgotten about her exterior beauty and was captivated by her interior splendor.

Cordeilia was an amazing woman with a kind heart, but her work came first.  He'd realized this earlier in their relationship, but Angel had held on to the hope that he would slowly move up the ladder of priorities in Cordelia Land.  Unfortunately, that never came to be.  Work seemed to always ride in the passenger seat, while he settled for the back. 

"I was thinking we could take in the scenery while we ate." Cordelia sighed and walked over to the balcony, stepping across the threshold and into the warmth of the sun that was shining its rays down on the city.  "It's beautiful outside today," she breathed in the air, and turned to face Angel who was now sitting on the bed, watching her intently. "So what do you say?"




Exiting the bathroom, Buffy slowly got dressed, the aspirin she took earlier not seeming to have taken effect as of yet. She silently cursed herself for indulging in alcohol the night before.  It wasn't like her, but Williams’s sudden departure was unexpected, and very disappointing.  This was the week they planned their wedding.  Something she envisioned them doing as a couple. 


And now that vision was shattered. 

Buffy got dressed, grimacing at the onslaught of daggers shooting to her skull with every movement.  Moaning, she flung her self on the bed, and waited for the walls to stop spinning. "Mmmmm... 30 more minutes of sleep," she whined, her eyelids heavy. Deciding against it, she forced herself up, tottered over to the mirror adorned on the wall. She stood a while, admiring her subtle beauty that stared back at her.  Smiling, she reached into her handbag and retrieved her lipstick. 

Once made up, her hair loose, cascading down her shoulders, she picked up the key from the dresser top, and made her way to the door.  Sunlight, food and coffee, should do the trick she thought. 

Loads of coffee.




Buffy waited patiently for the elevator to open on her floor, where it would then take her down to the lobby.  She sighed, and looked around taking in her surroundings.  “Wow,” she murmured.  Her foul mood the night she had checked in, made her unaware of how beautifully breathtaking the Sheraton Hotel truly was.

The hallway went on for miles, the red carpet framing its base, creating an atmosphere of splendor.  A fairytale place where magic and happy endings ran rampant. 

A chandelier hung from the ceiling, adorned with glistening crystals, giving the hallway a rapt ambiance.

The sound of the elevator opening pulled Buffy from her intrigue. She stepped in, and watched the door close.  Looking to her reflection that frowned at her, she squinted her eyes.  “God… I look awful,” she cursed, as she fiddled with the bags under her eyes.




Angel and Cordelia stepped into the elevator, once it opened on their floor, nodding in greeting to the only other occupant in the steel box.

"Buffy?  Buffy Summers?" Cordelia screeched, eyeing the blonde with wide eyes. "How are you?"

The screeching voice jerked Buffy out of her self disparage, and drew her gaze, from her reflection that was cast in the metal casing in the elevator, to that of dark brown orbs. “Err, Hi,” she replied.

“Now Buffy, are you trying to tell me you don’t recognize me?”

When Buffy gave her a blank stare, Cordelia continued.

“Cordeliea Chase”.  She held out her hand and Buffy responded the same as they shook hands.  “I work with your husband.  William.  We met briefly at the Christmas Party the company held last year.”

Flashes of memory suddenly bombarded Buffy’s mind.  She remembered meeting Cordelia.  ‘Absolutely gorgeous’ was her initial reaction to meeting this woman, then it was replaced by jealously.  No, not the jealousy you would think, but the jealously that her boyfriend at the time, might find the obvious beauty that was Cordelia Chase more enticing than what she had to offer, which in comparison was not much.

Buffy knew she was pretty… she’d gotten attention from many males to know that by now, but her beauty was subdue.  She was attractive, but not stunningly so.

“Oh, of course.  How could I forget,” Buffy smiled.  “How are you”?

“Great”.  Cordelia turned to Angel.  “This is Angel, my fiancée,” she introduced.

For the first time, Buffy noticed the man that had accompanied Cordelia into the elevator.  A tiny breath escaped her lips as she took in the sight of him.  His eyes were enticing and so riveting that she found herself captivated by them.  It was as if he could see into her very soul.  She stood there for a while staring up into his angelic face.  How long, she had no idea.



“Is something wrong?”

“What?  Huh?”  Reality slammed into her and she swung her gaze to the brunette.  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I… uh… didn’t sleep well last night.  Must have spaced out a bit there.”  She turned her gaze once again to Angel.  “Angel is it?”  She smiled.  “Nice to meet you,” she said as they shook hands.

The elevator doors buzzed open and the three exited coming to a halt in the foyer. 

“So, what brings you to the Sheraton?” Cordelia inquired.

“Wedding preparations,” was Buffy’s simple reply

“Oh yes, I completely forgot.  Will did tell me that you guys were getting married. Where is Will by the way?”

“You don’t know?”

“Know what?”

“The company requested him.  Actually they requested all the executives for some emergency meeting in San Francisco which as you can imagine, I wasn’t too thrilled with”

“Really?” Cordelia pondered, but quickly disregarded it.  “Come… join us for breakfast.”

“I don…”

“You’re not intruding, plus I insist”




They sat at a table with a great view of Central Park. They ate, they made polite conversation and in between bites, Cordelia and Angel would occasionally snuggle.  For reasons unexplained, Buffy’s jaw would tighten at the sight.

“Excuse, Ms. Chase”.  A waiter approached the table. “You have a telephone call.  It’s of some urgency I was told”.

Cordelia looked from Angel to Buffy bemused, then back to the waiter.  “Ok”

“This way”

Cordelia politely excused herself and followed the waiter into the back office.

Angel and Buffy sat silently at the table until the awkwardness became overwhelming.  “So, how long have you and Cordelia been together?”

“Um, it’s going on 4 years now.  How about you and your fianceé?”

“About the same”

More silence, more awkwardness

“Well, I’m afraid I have some bad news,” Cordelia said surprising them both with her sudden reappearance. 

“What’s wrong,” both Buffy and Angel said in unison. 

The brunette reached for her purse that rested on her chair.  “That was my boss.  Guess who is requested to go to San Francisco for an emergency meeting?”

“Tell me you’re kidding,” Angel bemoaned. 

“I’m so sorry sweetie, but it’s mandatory.  I couldn’t get out of it. They need me to leave right away,” she stated as she flung her purse around her shoulders. “Listen, I still want you to enjoy yourself.  We already paid for the sweet in full, so it makes no sense to leave.  You and Buffy here can keep each other company,” she smiled in Buffy’s direction.


To Be Continued…


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