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Title: Me, My Bestfriend and Baby Makes Three

Author: Silent Angel of Time

Rating: G Chapter Two

A.N. For those of you who find Faith living with Buffy I understand but it is explained later in the story...

Buffy looked turned when she arrived in England two weeks later, in all of her post-apocalyptic glory she was happy to be on vacation with Dawn and Faith. After greeting are exchanged between the three women, Giles and Andrew, Giles asks, “well?”

“No more Jorden-gun.” Buffy assures.

“Jorgen...” Giles’ voice utters various syllables that Buffy doesn’t care to learn to pronounce.

“Whatever,” Faith responds, “B and I crushed him.”

“Good,” Giles nods.

Buffy glances around the living room, “where’s Wil?”

“She and Xander went out,” Andrew informs, “I think they’re up to something.”

“How is she?” Buffy asks concern for her friend written across her features.

“She’s been better since Xander has been here,” Giles responds. “ He gets her to leave the house but Andrew is right they have been secretive the last couple of weeks. Giles cleans his glasses but once he replaces them he asks, “tea anyone?”

“How about some good old American coke?” Faith asks.

“We have some in the ‘fridge.” Andrew responds as Giles leads the way into the kitchen.

Everyone is crowding around the kitchen table that only seats four people when the door opens and closes, “Giles? Andrew?” Willow’s voice drifts into the kitchen.

“In the kitchen!” Giles calls back.

Willow and Xander walked in both looking up beat and warm hugs are exchanged before Buffy asks, “how are you Wil?”

“Better.” Willow nods, “Actually, um, Xander and I need to talk to you guys, can we, uh, talk in the living room?”

Everyone shares worried expression but they all settle onto the couches waiting and watching as Willow, who can barely contain her excitement, jumps up and down and Xander seems just as anxious to share whatever it is they had to share. “Willow, Xander, what’s going on?” Dawn asks looking back and forth between the two.

Xander and Willow stare at each other and when Willow nods Xander bursts out, “Willow and I are having a baby.”

“Isn’t it great?” Willow beams.

“Good Lord,” Giles’ words are the only ones that break the silence.

“Sia gentile, rewind,” Dawn’s breaks the silence.

“What Italian girl said,” Faith jerks her thumb in Dawn’s direction. “You and Willow screwed?”

Willow blushes, “no!” Xander exclaims. “No, we saw a doctor last week...”

Giles interrupts Xander to ask, “have you two completely and utterly lost your minds?”

“No, we’ve talked about this.” Xander responds, his good mood wavering.

“Wil, you don’t even have a job.” Buffy points out.

Willow grips Xander’s hand as she states, “I’m pregnant, and I will be for the next nine months and then after that there’s an entire lifetime for you guys to get used to it. So get used to it. And I do have a job, Robin offered me a job at his school in New York.”

“Wood?” Faith’s voice falters but she recovers quickly, taking on a nonchalant quality when she asks, “you still talk to him?”

“Sometimes,” Willow nods, “he called after her heard about Kennedy. He offered me the job if I needed a chance of scenery, it’s teaching fourth grade science.”

“So you’re moving?” Andrew asks.

“We weren’t sure.” Xander responds, “but taking your reactions into consideration it’s looking like a yes.”

“So coming out to try and convince me that I’m insane?” Willow asks when Faith approaches her in the garden.

Faith shakes her head taking a seat beside Willow on the grass, “no.” Faith pulls at the grass as she talks, “way I see it is it’s your choice. Whatever keeps your boat floating.” Faith shrugs. “I know the kids gonna be loved and take it from someone who knows bad parenting, you and Xander won’t be bad parents. It may be a little unconventional but what’s to say for convention anyway?”

Willow smiles at Faith, for the first time they had just had a real conversation, “thanks Faith.”

Faith drops the grass she has pulled from her hands as she stands, brushing her hands together she responds, “no prob.”

“He misses you,” Willow offers, hoping that this is something Faith would want to hear.

Faith doesn’t face Willow when she responds, “he’s better off without me.”


“Red,” Faith sighs, “Wood and I are history...ancient history. Two world and all that.”


“If anyone asks, I’m going out...” Faith cuts Willow off before disappearing out of the garden.

“She was in a hurry.” Xander comments as he takes Faith’s vacated seat.

“We were talking about Robin,” Willow informs lying out in the cool grass. Xander lays out next to her on his stomach and they sit in silence for a long time before Willow asks, “do you think Giles and Buffy are right?”

“No.” Xander states firmly, “this is our life, our choice.”

“Faith thinks we’ll be good parents.” Willow informs.

“We will be.” Xander responds and leaning over Willow stomach he begins speaking in a tone that Willow hopes will loose its annoyingness over time, “do you here that little baby? I’m your Daddy. And when you come out we are going to play all kinds of games and go for walks and eat ice cream.”

“Xander you do realize that the baby is the size of a pinpoint, right?” Willow asks laughing at her best friend and father of her child.

Xander’s hand settles on the top of Willow’s stomach, “yeah but I just want the little guy to recognize my voice.”

“I have a feeling he, or she, won’t be able to get it out of their head.” Willow responds with a light laugh, “so New York then?”

Xander nods, “yeah, besides after being in Africa for a year I’m starting the miss the best of the US of A, like curly fries.”

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