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Coming Together

Author: Angel's Kuuipo

Parts: 11 - 12

Author’s Note: Here’s a little glossary of the Gaelic phrases that are sometimes used in this story.
Gráim thú= I love you
leannan= sweetheart
mo myrneen= my beloved
mo chroí= my heart
Tá tú go h-álainn= You are beautiful
álainn= beautiful


~Part: 11~

“I miss them.  I can’t believe I actually miss my poof of a grandsire, but I’ve gotten used to having him around again.  I really miss Lacey though.  There’s just something about your mum.  Don’t get me wrong; I’m happy with Sasha now that she understands that Lacey isn’t a threat.  That was an interesting conversation let me tell you…”

“Alright luv, what’s wrong?”  Will asked as he and Sasha made their way to his car after the party.


Will snorted, “Don’t Sasha.  I have no patience for the games women play.  Put up with far too many over the years.  Be honest with me please.”

Sasha sighed.  She wasn’t sure how to put her thoughts into words.  <Oh well here goes> “What’s the deal with you and Lacey?”

“What do you mean?”

“If she’s with Liam then what was with that kiss tonight?  I mean the few times I’ve seen the two of you together you’re both all touchy feely and Liam just sits by with a smirk on his face.  Therefore I repeat my earlier question; what’s the deal with you and Lacey?”  Sasha hated the whine she could hear in her voice, but she couldn’t help it.  She didn’t like the idea of sharing her boyfriends’ affections with anyone.

It was Will’s turn to sigh.  He and Lacey were quite close and being physically affectionate with each other was just natural to them.  They hugged, kissed and played.  The physical closeness also reassured Will that there were no lingering ill effects from Lacey’s ‘meltdown’ as she called it.  The desire that had been between them before was still there, though neither had made any move to do anything about it.  He and Lacey were comfortable with how things were between them.  Angel didn’t mind.  He knew where Lacey’s heart loyalty lay, but they both knew he wouldn’t mind if they pursued their attraction as long as he was there.  Lacey just wasn’t ready for that though and Will understood.  “That’s just the way we are Sasha.  I’m a vampire.  Vampires are physical creatures and Lacey understands and accepts that.  She and I are very close and that’s not going to change no matter who I may be involved with.  As for why she kissed me tonight?  She liked my gift.  I gave her and Liam a suite at the Four Seasons.  She was very much anticipating putting it to use.  Where did this jealousy come from?  I thought you liked Lacey.”  Will thought he could love Sasha, but if she couldn’t accept his relationship with Lacey then there was no point in continuing.

“I don’t like to share.”  Will had stopped and was looking at her like she had lost her mind.  Sasha grimaced knowing she wasn’t handling this very well.  “That didn’t come out right.  I sound like a jealous harpy.”  She sighed again, closing her eyes and running a hand through her shoulder length blond hair.  Opening her eyes again she said, “I guess I just don’t understand the dynamics of the relationships you have with Lacey or your co-workers.”

“That’s because they aren’t my co-workers Sasha, they’re my family.  We work together true, but that’s secondary.  We would lay down our lives for each other.”  Will saw the understanding dawn in her gaze and relaxed a bit.  “There’s nothing illicit going on between Lacey and me.  We love each other and own a part of the other’s heart, but she and Liam belong with and to each other completely.”  <Or they will if Angel has his way on this trip.>  He shook his head smiling slightly at the memory of how giddy Lacey had been when he’d first told her about Sasha.  “Don’t you realize how happy she is that you and I are together?”

Thinking back on the last month Sasha realized that Lacey had been nothing but sweet to her since the day they met, subtly extolling Will’s praises to her.  Lacey wasn’t around them much but when she was she watched her and Will with a satisfied air about her, like some plan of hers had come together the way she wanted it to.  Sasha hung her head feeling like a cast iron bitch.  What were a few touches and kisses between friends…family?  She should be glad that Will had people around him that cared so much.  Raising her brown eyes to his dark blue she said quietly, “I’m sorry Will.  I overreacted.  Forgive me?”

Will looked long and hard into Sasha’s eyes.  He saw her regret and her acceptance of the situation.  Will pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly before saying; “Forgiven ducks.  However, you had better prepare yourself for a chat with Lacey when she returns.  She noted your reaction tonight and won’t let it go without talking to you about it.”

“Oh yay me.  Can’t you just tell her everything’s fine?”  Sasha figured it wouldn’t be pretty, but she would sit down and talk to Lacey if it made Will happy.  It was obvious the other woman meant a lot to him and she was just going to have to get over it or risk losing him.  She frowned slightly at that thought.

“I can and will, but she’s still going to want to talk to you.  Lacey is not one to let things fester.  Best get used to it luv.  If you’re going to be around me and my family you’ll have to get used to being mothered by Lacey.”  He didn’t see the evil glint in her eyes.  <We’ll just see about that Will.>


“…It was so much simpler in the days when I would just find a willing woman, shag her then drain her.  I can’t believe I’m talking to cats, but the two of you are good listeners.”  Will was feeding MacGyver and Magonagall who were watching from their perch on top of the refrigerator.

Lacey and Angel had been gone for two weeks and life was dull.  Well dull in the sense that Lacey hadn’t been around to make everyone smile and laugh.  She just had that gift, with just a look or a softly murmured phrase she lit up a room.  The family had been busy with several cases, but was handling things quite well.  There also seemed to be a few more of the not so nice demons plaguing the city.  A couple of times they’d been tempted to call Lacey for some information, but had managed to find it on their own.  All of them wanted Angel and Lacey to have this time together.  Unbeknownst to either of them, Nico had had a vision of Angel and Lacey in very serious trouble sometime in the next month if they had stayed in L.A.  That was one of the main reasons the four of them had cooked up the trip for Lacey’s birthday and made arrangements with the cast for Kassie to take over for her.  Trick had refused to be a part of the mild treachery.  He was of the firm opinion that Lacey and Angel should have been made aware, but he was in the minority.  Only the threat of bodily harm and no sex from Kassie had kept him silent.  Willow had told Angel about the trip, but not the reasoning behind it.  He had been thrilled with the opportunity to have Lacey all to himself for an entire month.

“Well pets you’re all set for the evening.  Time for me to get Nico and Trick and head out for a lovely patrol of the seamier side L.A., nothing like trying to locate the whereabouts of the latest and greatest nasty, hmm?”  Will said as he checked the loft out of habit making sure all was secure.  He left a lamp on for the cats and locked the door behind him.

Going down to the office he heard Nico and Willow in the library.  They were supposed to be researching, but from the not-so-soft moans he could hear coming from the room they had apparently gotten sidetracked.  Will glanced around the rest of the office and saw Trick sitting at his computer with a set of earphones on.  Will could hear the music from where he was standing and knew he had put them on to drown the sounds coming from the library.  Chuckling to himself Will made his way to Trick.  Tapping him on the shoulder Will asked as he removed the earphones, “They been at it long?”  Before Trick could answer Kassie came into the office looking decidedly exhausted.  Her face crinkled into a cute frown as she heard the sounds coming from the library.

“Gods they’re at it again?  I love them both and I’ve known Nico since birth practically, but there are certain things I never wanted to know about my best friend…such as the sounds he makes when he comes.  Way TMI.”  She finished blushing slightly as the sounds of the couples mutual completion reached them.  “So glad we have no clients in here right now.  Can we say embarrassing much?”

Trick had gotten up when his girlfriend had come in and wrapped her in his arms as she verbally summed up his feelings as well.  He had to admit to himself though that listening to his friends had turned him on and he felt Kassie stiffen slightly in his embrace when she felt the evidence of his arousal.  She turned to him and whispered something into his ear.  Tricks bright blue eyes grew wide and with a terse, “We’ll patrol later” to Will he led Kassie upstairs.

Will was doing his best to cover his laughter.  <Well at least they had the decency to…never mind> the thought didn’t finish itself as he heard familiar sounds echoing from the stairwell.  <Really wish I could be with Sasha right about now.  Too bad she had a business trip and won’t be back ‘til Wednesday> Will thought to himself as Nico and Willow came out of the library.  “I really hope the two of you used the couch and not the table this time.  Though it would be better for business if you refrained from shagging in the office period.”

They both started at the sound of his voice and looked a bit guilty.  Willow rallied quickly and said, “You’re just mad because we didn’t invite you to join us Spikey.”

Will snorted, “Been there done that with you already pet.  Don’t care to go there again.”

Nico looked back and forth between his girlfriend and friend.  “Am I missing something here?”  He had thought there was something between the two of them, but nothing had ever been said.

Will looked at Willow and shrugged.  It wasn’t any big deal to him if anyone found out they had been a couple in the past.  Willow looked rather uneasy <Damnit.  I didn’t mean for this to come out now.  Oh well too late now.>

She looked at her love and said, “Spikey and I were together for a while.  It’s been over for a long time.  We struck too many sparks off of each other.  One of the reasons we carp at each other so much now.”

“Don’t worry mate.  She’s all yours.”  Nico searched Will’s eyes for a long moment then searched Willow’s.  He found nothing in either of them that told him they were jonesing for each other and relaxed.

Nico looked around the office, “Where’s Trick?  Isn’t it time to patrol?”

Will smirked, “Let’s just say you’re little soundtrack inspired him and Kassie arrived in time to reap the benefits.  He should be down again soon.”

The couple both blushed.  The three made small talk for a while and soon a satisfied looking Trick and Kassie reentered the office.  Kassie glared at Will when he opened his mouth, “Not a single bloody word Spike.”  He closed his mouth and smiled innocently at her.  She only called him ‘Spike’ when she meant business.  <Picked that up from Lacey I’m sure.>  She turned to Nico and Willow, “And you two.  Must you get all groiny here in the office?  Others have to use that library too you know.”  Trick leaned in and whispered something in her ear.  Will had caught the words “…said about the stairwell” and busted out laughing.  Kassie turned a very interesting shade of red and muttered, “Never mind.”  Nico and Willow just grinned.

In an effort to change the subject Kassie asked as she sat down on the couch, “So what’s on the agenda for tonight?”  She looked at her watch and saw that it was only 10pm.  She’d been up since three that morning and was hoping to just go to bed, but if they needed her she’d help.

“Well Nico, Trick and myself are supposed to meet some informants to get some information on that Monlorca demon that’s been terrorizing the homeless population around Griffith Park.”  Will answered distractedly.

“Do you need my help?”  Kassie asked smothering a yawn.  She looked up at Will when he didn’t answer and saw him frowning at the front door of the office.  A moment later the door opened and a rather tall, pale dark haired woman wearing a vintage wine velvet dress walked in.  She was very pretty with lustrous black hair that fell in loose curls to her waist and soft blue eyes.  Her features were delicate and she had the lithe body of a dancer.  Kassie heard Nico’s sharply indrawn breath and Willow’s gasp.  She looked at Trick and saw he was looking as curious as she was.  Their unasked questions were answered when Will spoke.


Dru smiled softly and twisted her hands nervously in front of her.  She was fairly certain that she hadn’t been spotted by the imbeciles Gabriel had watching the building.  In a softly lilting accented voice she said, “Hello my Spike.”  She looked at her childe then took in the rest of the people in the office.  Seeing Willow she nodded and said, “Little tree.  You’re looking well.”

Willow blinked at Dru’s words.  She looked and sounded almost sane.  “Dru.  It’s been a long time.  I’d say it’s a pleasure to see you again, but since you tried to kill me the last time we met I’d be lying.”

Dru ducked her head at the words.  Taking a deep unnecessary breath she looked again at Will and said,  “I’ve done something horrible.  I need your help.”

Nico spoke for the first time, “I saw you in a vision.  You were responsible for Angel and Lacey being attacked.”

Tears formed in her eyes and she nodded miserably, “I didn’t mean to.  I don’t want Mummy and Daddy hurt.  I wasn’t well when I told him…”Dru stopped as sobs wracked her slender frame.

Long buried feelings and instincts came to the surface in Will at the sight of his sire in tears.  He moved forward and drew her into his arms.  Gently maneuvering her to the couch he sat down and pulled her into his lap.  She huddled there as she had so many times before.  “Hush the tears pet.  Tell Spikey all about it,” he murmured softly in her ear.  She flinched away from his hand softly stroking her back.  Will inhaled and caught the faint scent of his sire’s blood.  <What happened to her?>  He growled softly and Dru shook her head.  She wasn’t ready to tell him about that yet.

Calming slightly Dru raised her head, “Please everyone sit down.  I don’t know how long this bout of sanity will last.  I hope I can tell you everything before I go away again.”  Taking a deep breath she looked at the group of people her childe and sire called family and began, “I told Gabriel where to find Daddy and the walking books.  He’s sent his childe and minions to bring her to him.  I-”

Trick interrupted her, “Who is Gabriel?”

Dru closed her eyes.  She hated the feeling of not being understood, but knew it was her own fault for not giving all the facts.  “Gabriel is a powerful vampire and my consort.  He has had an interest in the wal-”she paused trying to remember the walking books name, ” Lacey for quite some time.  He followed the trial of her ex-husband and friend.  Gabriel admired the brutality of what had been done to her and turned the two responsible.”  Nico did a very impressive version of a vampiric growl at the mention of Lacey’s ex as did Trick and Will.  Dru smiled slightly at the displays of protection and opened her eyes again.  “In one of my less than coherent moments I let it slip to Gabriel that little wal-Lacey would be of great import one day.  He got it in his head that she held the key to untold power, which she does but he’ll never get it.  She neatly avoided capture by disappearing right after the trial was over.  I’ve been trying to keep them away from her since, but…”Dru grimaced as she said the names, “Sean and Jack saw all of you two weeks ago.  At first they didn’t recognize walk-Lacey.  Her name is Lacey.  I’m sorry in my mind she is the walking books or Mummy.”  Shaking her head she continued gesturing to Nico, “Anyway after recognizing the seer and her they reported to Gabriel that she had been found.  He was quite pleased.  Of course she and Daddy left the next day.  Gabriel was in a bit of a rage at losing her again.  He came to me a week ago ‘demanding’ I tell him where she was.  Demanding meaning tortured me.  I held out for as long as I could before I broke and told him where she could be found.  They left two days ago.  Tonight was the first time I’d been able to get away to see you.”  Dru looked warily at the group assembled around her.  The comfort of being in her childe’s arms again was soothing, however, the looks on the others faces were anything but.

Kassie spoke first, “Let me get this straight.  You’ve known about Lacey since the beginning and didn’t bother to let her know that her ex-husband and his best friend were vampires?  That some psycho was trying to find her to play Gods know what kind of games with her?”  She shivered at the thought that all this time Lacey had been in danger.  Thinking back over her words she answered her own questions, “Never mind Dru.  I understand why you didn’t contact her.  She wouldn’t have accepted it.  She didn’t know she had an ex-husband until recently.”  Dru nodded.  Her sight had led her to the conclusion that all she could do was keep an eye on the young woman from a distance until the right time.  The right time had come a little sooner than she anticipated.

Will asked quietly, “Why didn’t you come to us sooner pet?  I know why Lacey is important to us, but why does Gabriel want her?  Come to that why are you with him?”  He was a bit uneasy to know that his sire was involved with that particular vampire.  Gabriel was young, but had a bad reputation even for a vampire.  He was almost more vicious than Angelus had been in his bloody prime and had no sense of honor at all.  The glaring lack of the latter kept him from attaining the positions of power he craved which in turn made him a not fun demon to deal with.

Dru sighed, “I was ashamed my Spike.  Though most are unaware, you and Daddy aren’t like others of our kind anymore.”  Feeling him stiffen she quickly explained, “I meant I was ashamed of me.  I’m still a cold-blooded killer and I know that I don’t belong with either of you.  I didn’t think you would listen to me.  Let’s face it we all know I’m not the most tightly wrapped individual in the mind.  You would be right to question my motives.  I have changed a bit though.  I have spells of lucidness that are becoming more frequent.  Like now, I’m actually carrying on a conversation without Miss Edith or referring to the stars.”  She smiled a little at the feeling of not having to fight through the webs that normally encased her shattered mind.

“You’re family pet.  We may have chained you up but we wouldn’t cast you aside out of turn.  Now about my other questions?”

“Mummy is changing.  Gabriel wants her so he can build an empire greater than Angelus’.  He also wants to play with her.”  Dru shuddered at the memory of the things Gabriel had said he would do to her new mum.  “I sought him out after I first saw Lacey in my vision.  Usually my visions are of a much more immediate situation as you know, but not so with Lacey.  It was odd to want to protect a human, but I knew one day she would make Daddy very happy.  I’ve known about her for almost ten years though I was unaware of how she would become Lacey.  I’ve kept track of her and watched over her all the while trying to steer Gabriel away from her.  What happened between her and her ex even I hadn’t foreseen.  That incident brought her onto Gabriel’s radar and the feeling that I had let her down slipped my hold on my tongue.  I’ve spent the last year and a half scrambling to make sure she would be safe, but I failed.  I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and now she and Daddy are in great danger.”  Tears fell from Dru’s eyes again at the last statement.  She burrowed closer to Will as he held her tighter.  She lifted her head again, “Gabriel doesn’t know she is with Angelus though.  Somehow I managed to keep that much to myself all this time.  I am so sorry.”

Willow sat quietly absorbing what she had just heard.  She was somewhat at a loss to realize that she believed every word the vampiress had said.  She was also a bit miffed that the Powers hadn’t seen fit to impart the knowledge to her that Lacey’s abilities were expanding.  She turned her emerald green gaze to Nico and started at the tears she saw in his amber eyes.  “Nicholas what’s wrong?”

“We sent them away because of what I saw.  We sent them right into this.  We left them open to attack because we wouldn’t listen to Trick and tell them they were in danger.  Drusilla?”  She turned towards the shaking voice of the seer not opening her eyes, “Do you know where Lacey is going to be taken or what they’re planning to do to Angel?”

Dru could feel her sanity slipping away and fought hard to answer the question, “Mummy will be brought back to the mansion here an…” her voice took on a sing-song quality and she began to hum softly to herself “…and Daddy will greet the sun with open arms.  Oh how the stars sing happily at the thought.  Spikey?  Tell princess a story.”  She giggled and looked around with no recognition in her madness glazed blue eyes.  “I’m hungry my Spike.  My tummy is getting all growly.  Which one can I have?  Ohh…may I eat the little tree?  I haven’t seen her in so long.  I’m sure she will taste as sweet…”Dru’s words stopped with a wave of Willow’s hand as the vampiress fell asleep in Spike’s arms.

The family looked at each other.  Will sighed heavily and shifted his sire’s weight in his arms as he stood.  “Thanks pet.  We have a lot of work to do.  I’m going to take her upstairs.  Trick can you bring some chains from the storage room?  I also may need your help to tend to her wounds.”  The demon healer nodded and followed the two vampires out of the office.

Kassie looked at her watch again, her tiredness forgotten, and saw that it was now almost 11pm.  Calculating the time difference she looked at Nico and Willow, “It’s seven in the morning in Galway.  I say we call and warn them.  It may not be too late to avoid all this mess.”

Nico and Willow nodded and Kassie moved to the phone praying they weren’t too late to save a very important part of their family.


Angel waited until he was certain they were gone before opening his eyes.  He had heard Lacey’s thoughts and heeded her warning to not reveal he was awake.  Something about that seemed odd, but he was in no condition to analyze it just yet.  He lay there glaring at the rapidly lightening sky.  With a howl of pure rage Angel tried to get up.  He fell back to the ground as the world tilted wildly.  Growling all the while Angel rolled over and pushed himself to his knees.  He hung his head waiting for the dizziness to pass detachedly noticing the blood dripping profusely from the large gash on his temple.  It felt like the left side of his head had caved in.  Lurching to his feet Angel slowly and painfully made his way back to the cottage.  After a few tries he managed to get the key in the lock and stumbled into the kitchen.  He pulled out several bags of blood and drained two before feeling able to wait long enough for the others to heat.  Angel leaned heavily against the wall as he drank three more bags of blood.  Not noticing the trail of red that now marked the white wall he made his way to the bathroom to try to stop the bleeding.  The blood he had just consumed would do him no good, if the wound didn’t close.  Wishing not for the first time that he had a reflection Angel managed a fairly credible patch job.  Removing his blood soaked shirt and jeans he collapsed on the bed and gave in to the blackness again.  His last thoughts were <I will get you back Lacey.  I love you.>  He was so deep in the healing sleep that he didn’t hear the phones begin ringing every fifteen minutes for the next two hours.


“There’s still no answer in the cottage or from either of their cell phones.  We’re too late.”  Kassie said wearily.  “I need to call Andy.”  Pulling out her cell phone once again she dialed her friend’s number.

He answered on the fourth ring.  “Someone better be dead.”

“I’m sorry Andy.  It’s Kassie.”

“What’s wrong hon?”

“I won’t be in for a few days…”

“You sound like you’re about to have a breakdown.  Is everyone all right?  Are Lacey and Angel okay?”

Kassie’s eyes widened.  “Yo-you know about Angel?”

“Yeah.  Lacey and I got up close and personal with a couple of vamps a while ago.  Don’t worry I haven’t said anything to anyone.  What’s going on Kass?”

“There’s trouble…I need to be here right now.”

“Not a problem.  I’ll take care of the others.  Just do what you need to do and let me know when everything’s copasetic.”

“Thanks Andy.  I’ll talk to you soon.”

It was 1am and she and the rest of the family were in Will’s living room.  Drusilla was securely bound in Will’s bedroom until she became sane once again.  The vampiress had been quite distraught on waking from her impromptu nap to find that she did not have her doll with her.  Kassie had hit upon the rather brilliant notion of letting her borrow the bear that Angel had won for Lacey when she’d dragged him and Will to Magic Mountain.  It was maroon, the size of a small child and sported devil horns, a crooked halo, and wings.  Trick had joked it should be the mascot for the agency.  Lacey had agreed and set it up in a place of honor on the reception desk in the office.  Its name was Mortimer.  Dru had calmed considerably upon receiving the bear.  Will had fed her and now they were trying to figure out what to do next.

Trick looked at his family.  He knew they were feeling guilty about not telling Angel and Lacey that they could be in danger and a couple of hours ago he would have wholeheartedly agreed that they should be.  But now that he thought about it this whole situation reeked of being one of the Powers games.  As Lacey was fond of saying, “Things happen for a reason.”  He thought of Drusilla lying in the bedroom stuck in a constant vicious battle for sanity.  Kassie could help her he knew.  And if what the vampiress had said about Lacey changing was true, then perhaps she and Angel were meant to be away from the rest of them for a while.  With those thoughts in mind he said quietly, “I think we should all get some sleep.  We won’ be any good ta anyone if we’re dead on our feet.”  He pulled a protesting Kassie up from the couch.

“Trick we have to do something!”

“What can we do Kassie?  Until Drusilla is coherent again we won’ know where ta find Lacey and we’re too far away to see if Angel is all right.  I’m not sayin’ we give up darlin’.  I’m sayin’ we need ta rest and regroup.  It’s entirely possible that Lacey and Angel are perfectly fine and jus’ not answerin’ their phones.  They could have taken an overnighter somewhere and kept them turned off.  We jus’ don’ know.  Now all of us are tired and I jus’ think it would be best if we started fresh in the mornin’.”  Kassie dropped her hazel eyes from his blue and nodded in agreement.

Nico and Willow also stood.  Trick turned to Nico and said, “Don’t beat yerself up about this Nico.  I know ya did yer best with the information ya had.  Like Lacey says, ‘Things happen for a reason.’”  Nico just stared at him for a moment and nodded.

Willow moved to Trick and kissed him on the cheek.  She softly whispered, “Thank you” in his ear before she led a silent Nico out the door.

Trick then turned to Will who was sprawled in an easy chair.  “You gonna be alright man?”  Trick was actually worried about the vampire.  Will had been unusually quiet since getting Dru settled.

Will looked up at him and tried to pull one of his patented ‘no worries’ smirks.  It didn’t work.  “Sure mate.  I’ll be just peachy. This is nothing I haven’t handled before.”  Will really didn’t want to admit how thrown he was by the sudden reappearance of his sire.

Kassie let go of Trick’s hand and moved to sit in Will’s lap.  He looked startled for a moment, but soon wrapped his arms loosely around her as she laid her head on his shoulder.  “I’m going to try to help Drusilla Will.  I’ll talk to Willow in the morning and see if she thinks I can do it.  The damage may be too great, but I’ll do what I can.”  Sitting up she placed a hand on his face and turned him to look at her, “Call if you need anything, ‘k?”  At his nod she brushed her lips lightly across his and got up.  Taking Trick’s hand once again she said, “Good night Will” as they headed for the door.

“’Night ducks.  Trick?”  The healer turned at the questioning tone.  “Thanks for your help earlier.  I’ll see you in the morning.”  Trick nodded and followed Kassie out of the loft.

Scrubbing a hand over his face Will said to the empty room, “Bloody buggering hell.  This is quite the cock up idn’t?”  He got up and went into the kitchen.  He stood there staring longingly at the unopened bottles of Jack Daniels that sat on the counter before moving to the refrigerator and removing a bag of blood.  <Wouldn’t do to get pissed right now, no matter how badly I want to.  Trick is right.  We need to be fresh if we’re going to do some good.>  Taking the heated mug back to his chair he sat quietly thinking about the woman currently occupying his bed.

Drusilla.  His sire, his dark goddess.  He had spent over a hundred years loving her and had been rejected and beat down at every turn.  He had eventually washed his hands of her and had been quite pleased to be on his own.  He and Angelus had talked at length about her once they had finally started speaking to each other instead of trying to kill one another.  Will had finally admitted to himself that Angel would always be ahead of him in Dru’s heart and had made peace with the situation.  Now she was back because she had put her Daddy in danger and needed good old Spike to fix it.  He frowned at that thought.  No she wasn’t here because of Angel, she was here because of Lacey.  Will’s mouth quirked at the corner as he took a final sip of his midnight snack.  It seemed everyone in his family, vampire or current, was bound to the little spitfire of a redhead in some way.

Standing he made his way into the bedroom to check on his sire before he tried to get some sleep.  Dru was awake and sitting in the middle of the bed clutching Mortimer tightly.  “How are you poodle?”  Will asked softly using a nickname he hadn’t uttered in a hundred years.

Dru looked at him curiously, “Are you angry with Princess my Spike?”

Will sat down on the edge of the bed facing her, “No luv I’m not angry.  Why do you ask?”

Dru carefully placed Mortimer aside then wiggled her wrists and ankles making the chains rattle.  “You’ve chained Princess up like a naughty little girl.”  A seductive smile spread across her face and she leaned towards Will until she was inches away from his lips, “Does Spikey want to play?  It’s been ever so long since we’ve played.”  She closed the distance between them and pressed her lips to his.

Will inhaled sharply taking in her scent.  He groaned and opened his mouth slowly moving his tongue to play with hers.  He brought a hand up to cradle the back of her head and lowered her back on the bed covering her body with his.  They stayed lost in each other for endless minutes.  Dru moved to unbutton his shirt and the chains binding her rattled again bringing Will back to his senses.  He pulled away, “No Dru.  We’re not going to do this.  I have someone in my life now.  I’m not going to bollocks it up.”  He stood running a slightly shaking hand through his hair.  “If you don’t need anything then I’m going to bed.”

Dru pouted for a moment before her eyes and expression cleared, “I’m sorry William.  I had no right to do that.  We’ve been done too long to pick up like that again so soon, if ever.”  Will looked into her soft blue eyes seeing the veil of madness had been pushed aside once more.  Dru closed her eyes and rocked back and forth humming for a moment before opening them again, “All will be well my Spike.  Mummy and Daddy will be with us soon.  I look forward to talking with the color mender tomorrow.  Goodnight my Prince.”  She lay down again with her back to Will pulling Mortimer to her.  Will pulled a blanket out of the chest at the foot of the bed and draped it over her.

Kissing her temple softly he whispered, “Goodnight Dru.”

Will walked back into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Jack.  <Sod it.  I’ll recover soon enough.>  Taking a long pull straight from the bottle Will eyed the phone thinking for a long time.  Finally he reached for it and the pad next to it glancing at the number written there before dialing.

“Sasha it’s Will…I know it’s very late or very early depending on how you look at it…I just needed to hear your voice…I’m sorry I shouldn’t have called you…it’s nothing really…wow are you sure you haven’t spent time with Lacey behind my back?  That sounded an awful lot like her…okay all right I’ll tell you, but it’s a long story…Well it started with a girl…”


When Angel awoke the sun was just setting.  As he lay there he carefully took stock of his situation.  Other than a headache he was feeling fine physically.  Emotionally was a different story.  He knew his mate was still alive, but felt her absence keenly.  Racking his brain he recalled one of the minions saying something about the airport.  Angel closed his eyes again and replayed the conversation he had overheard Lacey having.  The prick she had been talking to was named Sean.  She seemed to know him…her ex-husband.  Angel’s eyes popped back open.  <Her ex is a vampire?  Well that’s just bloody lovely now isn’t it?  She was handling him quite well though.>  Putting those thoughts along with the fleeting one that he’d been around William and Lacey too long if he was using the word ‘bloody’ aside for the moment he continued with his mental replay.  Sean had mentioned a Gabriel wanting Lacey.  He shifted into his game face as he realized which Gabriel he had been talking about.  The younger vampire had been garnering quite a brutal reputation, but he was not very good at keeping business relationships in good standing.  His various attempts to gain higher levels of power in the demon world were not working and he had become more volatile and unpredictable.  Now Angel understood Cordy’s advice on Angelus.  He was going to shut Gabriel down and in the process let it be known that The Scourge of Europe was still a force to be reckoned with.

Angel rose from the bed and headed to the shower.  As he let the water pound down on him he recalled being able to hear Lacey’s thoughts earlier.  He had no idea how that had happened.  Though being mated afforded several new levels of awareness, mind reading was not one of them.  <Apparently more happened to her while she was gone than even she knows> he mused.  After dressing Angel picked up his cell phone to call home.  He saw that his mailbox was full and began checking messages.  His scowl grew darker and darker as he listened to the increasingly frantic messages Kassie had left.  Angel pulled Lacey’s laptop out and found a flight leaving Galway in an hour and half but it was full.  As he began packing he tried to call Will but there was no answer.  Next he tried the office, but got voicemail.  Growling he finally called Willow.  She answered on the third ring.

Willow glared at the clock as she answered the phone.  She’d been asleep for maybe four hours.  It had taken her a good two hours to get Nico to talk to her after they’d left Will’s.  Even then he hadn’t said much just sat there drinking tequila straight from the half full bottle she had in the kitchen.  He’d been withdrawn and had shut her out though he had made love to her with a quiet desperation.  Then had gone to his loft.  Unable to be cooped up she had gone to the roof and sat staring at nothing until the sun came up.  Finally going back to her empty loft she’d cried herself to sleep.  She was still hurt and upset that he hadn’t talked to her or stayed with her.  <He wouldn’t be able to hide from me if we lived together instead of across the hall from each other.> “Hello?” she growled.


All animosity fled at the sound of Angel’s voice, “Angel!  Thank the Goddess.  Are you and Lacey all right?  We’ve been so worried about you.  Did you get our mess-“

“Willow!  I’m in a bit of a hurry here.  Lacey’s been taken and I need to get back to L.A. now.  There’s a flight leaving in an hour and a half that’s full.  Get me on it.  I don’t care how you do it just get it done.  Have William call me as soon as he can all right?”

“No problem Angel.  Listen before you go you should know that we have a guest.  Drusilla showed up last night.  That’s how we knew you were in danger… Angel?”

“I’m here Willow.  Is Dru all right?”

“As well as she can be.  She drifts in and out.  Will had her chained in his bedroom last I checked.  Kassie gave her Mortimer to hold on to since she didn’t have Miss Edith with her.  That seemed to help.”

Angel managed a small smile at that, “Good.  I’m on my way to the airport now.  I’ll see you all soon.”

“Angel are you ready to go right now?  I mean you have your stuff packed and all?”

“Yeah Little One.  Why?”

“You want me to teleport you here?”

“Can you do that?”

“Ppfft…hello uber-witch here.  Give me five minutes and you’ll be home in a flash…literally.”

“Fine Willow.  I’ll be waiting.”  They disconnected and Angel swiftly did one more sweep of the cottage.  Seeing that nothing important remained he made a mental note to have his steward close it up and went to stand by the few bags he and Lacey had.  A few minutes later there was a loud snap and a bright flash of light.  When the light faded the cottage was empty.


Kassie couldn’t sleep.  She was thinking about what she was going to try to do with Dru later.  Her healing abilities had become much stronger over the last couple months, but she really didn’t think she was strong enough to do this on her own.  The fact that Drusilla was a soulless demon didn’t help her much either.  Aside from the madness that clung to her like a shroud Dru was darkness personified.  Kassie wasn’t sure it would be possible to heal her, but she had to try.  It had almost broken her heart to watch the insanity creep back into the woman’s eyes earlier.

Trick turned on the bedside lamp and rolled over propping himself up on an elbow and bracing his head in his hand, “Darlin’ you are not a quiet thinker.  What’s goin’ on?”

Kassie turned her head to look at her boyfriend, “I’m sorry Trick.  I was thinking about Drusilla.  I don’t know if I’ll be able to help her.  For one she may be too far-gone and two she’s a demon.  I’m not sure getting into her head is a good idea.”

Trick gathered her into his arms and gently stroked her hair, “I know Bella.  But I also know that yer’re gonna do yer best.”

Kassie smiled against his chest, “I love you Caleb Michael Trixter.  You know that don’t you?”

Trick’s eyes widened.  They’d danced around those three words for months now.  It was also the first time she had used his given name.  He used his grip on her hair to gently pull her head back to look into her hazel eyes.  His blue eyes glowed, “I love you too Kassidy Renee MacKenna.”  He lowered his lips to hers as a low purr started in his chest.  He and Kassie finally fell asleep a satisfyingly long time later.

When they woke up Kassie got herself around while a curious Trick watched from their bed, “Darlin’ what’s the rush?”

“I need to talk to Willow.  I want to get started with Dru.  I know I won’t be able to do this without her.”

“Alright Bella.  Do you want me to be there for you?”

“Yes, if you don’t mind.  I may need your strength.”  Kassie had never tried to use anyone else’s energy but Willow’s before, but a part of her thought she just may need her love by her side to get through the next few hours.

“You go on.  I’ll meet you in Will’s.”  Kassie kissed him and walked out the door.


Nico sat on his couch with a photo album in his lap and a second, rapidly dwindling bottle of Sauza next to him.  He slowly turned the pages looking at the photographs of him, Kassie and Lacey from when they were in high school, then college.  He smiled softly at a shot of Lacey in their senior play.  She may have been a shy bookworm, but on stage she completely came to life.  He wished sometimes that she would pursue acting again and considering the contacts she now had she’d probably do well, but with their new lifestyle it probably wasn’t the best idea.  He wasn’t even sure if anyone other than him and Kassie knew that Lacey had been a part-time stage actress before Sean had gotten a hold of her.  She still didn’t talk a lot about who she had been before she’d become Lacey.  There was a gap of group photos for the time after college, but he had a couple of single shots of his girls.  Then there were the post cards from Lacey.  She had traveled throughout Latin and South America before eventually winding up in San Diego.  Next were the photos of more recent times.  Nico smiled involuntarily at a shot of Angel carrying Lacey piggyback.  His girl had never looked happier.

Sighing he leaned his head back and closed his eyes on the tears that were trying to fall.  <I let you down baby.  By trying to protect you I threw you to the lions.  I am so sorry Lacey.>

<Gods Nico, maudlin much?  Quit being such a baby-man>

Nico’s head snapped up, a move he somewhat regretted after mainlining tequila for several hours, and looked around.  He could have sworn he’d heard…”Lacey?”

<Apparently.  This is really weird.  I mean I know we share thoughts once in a while, but…I’m on a plane heading for somewhere.  Angel and I were ambushed this morning.  Someone named Gabriel is apparently quite eager to make my acquaintance.  Oh and Sean is a vampire.  Can you believe that?  As if he weren’t enough of a bastard human, now he’s a demon.  Can you please enlighten me as to what Sharon ever saw in him?>

Nico couldn’t help but laugh.  <I think it was the blond hair, blue eyed surfer thing he had going.>

<Ick.  We were in the middle of the desert for crying out loud.  I really was pathetic then wasn’t I?>

<No baby you’ve never been pathetic.  Just naïve.  That may have been partly my fault.  I kinda had a habit of intimidating guys who showed an interest in you.>

<You WHAT?!>

Nico clutched his head, <Oww!  No screaming right now.  Tequila and loud voices in my head do not a good combination make.  I didn’t want you to get hurt Lacey.  I cared about you too much.  Hindsight being 20/20 and all that I know now it was a mistake…and I am very drunk because I never meant to tell you that.>

<So that’s why I never had a date.  If I weren’t so happy with my life now, current circumstances notwithstanding, I’d probably be really mad at you, but what you did was done out of love, so I suppose I can forgive you.  ‘Sides I think I made a pretty good choice this time around.  And I know you agree.  I hope Angel is all right.  He took a pretty bad hit.  He’s gonna be wicked pissed when he fully wakes up.  I’m so going to enjoy getting away from these tossers.  Have you heard of this Gabriel?>

<Yeah he’s a badass vamp, very bad news.  And he’s Sean’s sire.>

<He’s really not very bright.  He couldn’t even tell that I’m mated to Angel.>

Now it was Nico’s turn to scream <You’re WHAT?!>

<Bugger.  Okay that was loud.  I see what you mean about the loud voices though I’m dealing with a chloroform hangover rather than tequila.  And you should know better than that Nicholas.  Getting pissed never solves anything though after this latest crisis is over I’m thinking the seven of us do just that.  Anyway, I said that Angel and I are mated.  Claimed.  Belong to each other for eternity.  Pretty bloody fabulous if you ask me.>

Nico closed his eyes <I’m happy for you baby.  Lacey, I messed up big last night.  I hurt Willow and I don’t know if I can fix it.>

<What did you do?>

<Finding out I’d sent you and Angel off into a dangerous situation put me in a bad place.  I used her then crawled away to lick my wounds.>

<Oh Nico…you ass.  Remind me to kick it when we see each other next.>

Nico cocked his head <Lacey how is it that we’re having this conversation?  I mean I’m unendingly relieved to know that you’re okay, but how?>

<I’m not really sure.  I think mama may have left out some things when we talked.>

<Huh?  You talked to your dead mother?  Alright Lacey spill.>

So she did.

~Part: 12~

Angel found himself in Willow’s living room suddenly with arms full of crying redheaded witch.  “Shh Little One.  What’s with the tears?”

“Oh Angel I’m so sorry.  This is all our fault.  I really hope you and Lacey will forgive us eventually.”  Willow said as Angel pulled back to look in her tear stained face.

“What are you talking about Willow?  Unless you guys are the ones who set Lacey’s ex and a bunch of minions on us then how can this be your fault?”

Willow’s eyes widened, “Sean was there?  Oh goddess.  How was Lacey when she saw him?”

Despite his eagerness to form a plan and kill some demons Angel couldn’t help but laugh a little at the disjointed conversation he was having, “Little One!  Calm down please.  I’m sure much has been happening on both sides of the Atlantic.  There is a lot to discuss and plans to be made.  Take a deep breath and relax.”

Willow looked up at him, “You haven’t called me Little One in ages Angel.  I’ve missed hearing that.  You’re right though.  A lot has happened in the last few hours.”  She looked him over and noticed the bite mark at Angel’s throat.  Despite her sadness, Willow broke into a huge grin, “Angel!  You and Lacey claimed each other!  Oh I’m so happy for you both.  That could come in handy for her.”

Angel nodded, “Thanks and I know.  Her newfound immortality among other things is part of the reason I’m so calm right now.”  He took a good look at the witch in front of him, “I woke you up didn’t I?”

Willow flushed having a pretty good idea that she looked scary.  She hadn’t taken off her make-up and what with the crying and lack of sleep she knew she had mascara tracks and her face was probably all red and puffy, “Yeah, but don’t worry about it.  My problems aren’t going anywhere.  I’d much rather know you’re safe than be asleep.  None of us got to bed until a few hours ago.  Dru showing up last night threw us all for a loop.  Sit down and let me tell you about it.”

Willow led Angel over to the couch.  He sat down and pulled her down next to him positioning her so her head was in his lap.  He reached behind him and took the throw off the back of the couch to place over her.  Willow looked up at him; “We haven’t done this in a very long time.  I know we’ve been working together for the last few months, but do you realize this is the first time we’ve been alone as in no one else around but us?”

Angel thought about it and realized that she was right.  Their friendship had been cemented decades ago, but with her duties to the Powers and his they were separated for long stretches at a time.  Since the new family had come together everyone had been pretty busy with other things.  There hadn’t been a whole lot of time for chatting.  “You’re right Little One.  We’ll have to do it again sometime when things are a little less volatile.”

She smiled a mischievous little smile; “You can take me to the zoo dad.”

Angel smirked down at her, “Brat.  It’s a deal.  Now you show me yours I’ll show you mine.  What’s been happening?”


Lacey ended her conversation with Nico when the urge to go to the bathroom became overwhelming.  The tequila he had consumed had made itself violently aware about the same time so it had worked out well.  She had come out of her dreamless drug-induced sleep into a more normal sleep at the sound of his voice in her head.  Lacey had thought it was a dream so she had answered him.  Much to her surprise it wasn’t a dream and she and Nico had been able to share their thoughts.  In the past that ability had pretty much belonged just to him and Kassie and even then it wasn’t like they could carry on whole conversations.  She had kept her breathing and heart rate steady, as she slowly woke up so as not to alert Sean.  Now she opened her eyes and looked around the private jet she had been put in.  She was lying across two seats.

“So my little bitch is awake.  Did you enjoy you nap?

Lacey tried to sit up and found her hands bound behind her.  <Oh I am going to be sore> she thought.  Swinging her legs over she awkwardly sat up.  Ignoring Sean’s question she simply said, “I have to go to the bathroom.”  Sean just stared at her.  The other occupants in the cabin studiously avoided looking at her.  She rolled her eyes, “Come on brainiac.  Do you want me to piss on myself and meet this Gabriel unclean?  Somehow I think I’m a little more important than that.  You really should be nice to me.”

Sean looked as though he wanted to refuse, but he eventually got up and pulled Lacey to her feet pushing her towards a door midway down the hall.  “Make it quick.”

Lacey shook her head mumbling under her breath about ‘soddin’ wankers’ and ‘what could I have possibly seen in him?’  “You gonna untie me?  ‘Cause I’m sure as all damn not letting you near my knickers.”

“Like you’d have any choice in the matter if I wanted you.  I really have to say Sharon you’ve gotten mouthy.  I’m sure Jack and I will find something to occupy it better.”  He said as he untied her.  Sean really wanted to put his ex-wife in her place, but he had his orders which he had already bent by striking her in the clearing earlier.  No unnecessary force, keep his hands off of her and be courteous and though Gabriel was not around to see if Sean obeyed him he knew the minions that were with him wouldn’t hesitate to sell him out.  He was going to have to backtrack now and try to be nice to her.  That thought made him growl.

<Jack’s a vampire too?  Well this just keeps getting better and better.>  “Yeah whatever gets you through Thompson.”  Lacey said as she closed and locked the door.  She looked around the rather well appointed bathroom, absently taking note of the shower as she took care of business.  She checked her sleeve and was dismayed to find that her hair stick was gone.  <Oh well.  Guess they aren’t as stupid as I thought.>  Pulling up her sleeve Lacey studied her new tattoo.  The varying shades of green seemed to shimmer and undulate like the flames it created.  <This really is pretty and the whole thing was completely painless.  Mystical tattooing, the wave of the future.>  Surprisingly there was a mirror over the sink and Lacey got her first look at her new appearance as she washed her hands.  There was a slight bruise along her right cheek but upon closer inspection she saw that it was fading rapidly.  If her cheekbone had been broken that was no longer the case.  <Immortality totally rocks.  Vampire healing is way shiny.>  She pulled the high crew neck of her top to the side and looked at the claim mark that graced her neck absently thinking it was a good thing it was covered at the moment.  She smiled in pride at sporting Angel’s mark and wondered if he would still carry hers.  Then she looked at her hair.  It was a nasty tangled mess.  The first drawer she opened produced a brush and funnily enough a hair elastic.  Lacey didn’t want to think too closely about whom this plane belonged to.  After washing her face and rinsing her mouth out she set about working the tangles out of her now long hair.  Studying the color in the mirror she decided she liked it.  The red-gold locks seemed to shift in color depending on how the light hit it, kind of like flickering flames.  It set off her peridot green eyes almost better than the dark reddish brown she had previously dyed it.  Finally finished with the detangling Lacey took another look.  Her hair fell in long layers to the bottom of her ribcage perpetuating the flame analogy.  <This is great.  I love it and I know how Angel feels about.  I don’t know how I’m going to explain it to the cast…and I’m in shock aren’t I?  I’m stuck in a private jet with my ex-husband who is now a vampire and several minions being taken to Gods know where to meet with this mysterious Gabriel and I’m worried about explaining my hair?  Repressing.  That’s what I’m doing; I’m repressing my fear until such a time that I can safely wig the big wig.  Okay.  All right.  I’m good with that.  Repressing right now is of the good.  So back to my hair…>Lacey stumbled on the first couple of attempts, but years of practice came back to her as she French braided her locks.

As she did she decided to see if she could contact Angel via that whole Jedi-mind link thing like she had done with Nico.  <Angel?  Can you hear me?>


“…I don’t kn-Lacey?” Angel could have sworn he heard his mate.  Willow looked at him curiously and mouthed ‘what?’  “I can hear Lacey in my head.  Lacey are you all right?  Where are you love?”  Willow’s eyes widened.

<I’m fine myrneen.  Who are you talking to?>

“Willow.  She teleported me back to L.A.”

<Well what are we waiting for?  Tell her to get her Wicca ass in gear and beam me out of here>

Angel looked at Willow.  “She wants to know if you can teleport her too.”

“Is she in a stationary location?”

<I heard her.  Currently?  I’ve locked myself in the bathroom of a private jet bound for I don’t know where.>

Angel relayed the info and Willow shook her head.  “She’s in transit.  I won’t be able to get a lock on her location.  I’m sorry.”

Angel stroked her hair, “It’s okay Willow.”

<Yeah tell her not to worry.  Just thought I’d ask.  I don’t think I’m in any immediate danger.  I just have to put up with my ex who by the way is now a vampire sired by this Gabriel bloke I’m being taken to.  He broke my cheekbone earlier, but it’s already healed.  Vampire healing totally rocks.>

“He hit you?  I’m gonna enjoy killing him.”  Angel growled and his features flickered back and forth between human and demon.

<Oh no luv.  He’s mine and so is Jack who is also a vamp but he’s not here.  My demon ex is pounding on the door now.  I’d better go.  I’ll find out what I can and get back to you.>

“All right Lacey.  I’ll talk to you soon.”

Willow spoke up again, “Can she keep the link open?”

<I don’t know but I can try.  Let’s do this.>

“She says she’ll try.”  Angel told her just as there was a knock on the door.  Willow went to answer it and found Kassie on the other side.  Not wanting to disturb Angel Willow slipped into the hall.

“You look like hell.”  Kassie said not unkindly.


“Want to talk about it?”


“Right then.  Are you up to helping me with Dru?  I’d like to try to put her back together.”

“She’s not Humpty Dumpty.”

“She may as well be.  Will you help me?”

Willow sighed.  “I’m sorry I’m being bitchy Kass.  Nico and I had a…I don’t know what happened last night, but it wasn’t good.  Let me clean up a bit and leave Angel a note.  Come on in.”  She said as she turned to go back in.

“Angel’s here?  Is everything all right?  Where’s Lacey?”

“I’ll fill you in while I get ready.”



“Enough already!  Jesus Sean where am Ah gonna go?  Ah’m assuming we’re still ovah the Atlantic.  It’s not like Ah can really make a darin’ escape from the bathroom now is it?”  Lacey said as she opened the door and glared at her ex.  She pushed past him and made her way over to the bar in the main cabin where she thankfully found a bottle of water.  She could hear Angel chuckling in her head and fought to contain a smirk <hush.>  She knew she shouldn’t be so confrontational but damned if she could stop herself.  Lacey was royally pissed off and Sean was a very convenient and appropriate target.  She gracefully took a seat and cocked an eyebrow at him.

Sean was fuming.  This little slip of girl was making a fool out of him in front of some of his sire’s most trusted minions.  He just really hated the fact that she wasn’t afraid of him.  He tried to bolster himself with the thought that he had broken her once already; he could do it again.

<Oh it really chaps my ass to say this> Lacey sighed, “Why don’t we call a truce Sean?  I’ll try not to be such a cast iron bitch and you try not to be…well you.  Tell me about this Gabriel I’m supposed to meet.  Why all the drama and trouble of kidnapping me?  Not a really good way to endear me to him ya know?”  Sean just looked at her.  She sighed again, “Okay fine.  Let’s start with a different question.  Where are you taking me?”  Again nothing.  “Oh for Gods sake you pillock it’s not like I’m asking you to divulge the combo to Fort Knox.  I think I have a right to know what I’m dealing with.”  <So much for the not being a bitch part, but I am in a really bad mood.>  <Just breathe love.>  Lacey took a deep calming breath and slowly let it out.

Sean finally relented.  He actually did want to tell her what was in store for her.  “Fine my little bitch.  I’ll tell you.  Gabriel is my sire.  Jack’s too.  He took a liking to us during the trial.  Remind me to thank you for that little experience later Sharon.”

“Hold it.  Before we go any further will you please stop calling me ‘Sharon’?  That is no longer my name.  My name is Lacey.  If you can’t bring yourself to do that then just keep calling me ‘my little bitch’.”  <Stop growling Angel.  You’re distracting me.>

Sean smirked.  His ex really had changed.  There was no trace of the pathetic little mouse she had once been.  If he didn’t hate her so much he’d probably like the new and improved version of her.  Deciding to play the suave business man he once was Sean nodded, “Fine… Lacey.  My sire has been told you possess certain gifts.  He wants you to use those gifts to aid him in expanding his empire.  You’ve eluded him for almost two years so when he finally got a lock on your location he wanted to make sure you didn’t get away again.  I do apologize for the rather rough treatment you received.  Perhaps we were a tad overzealous in our approach.”

Lacey barely restrained herself from rolling her eyes.  <That’s laying it on way thick.  Are you getting any of this Angel?>  <Yes love.  See if you can find out where you’re headed.>  “And what makes him think I’d be willing to help him?”

“Gabriel can be very persuasive.”

“Uh-huh.  Out of curiosity what did you do with the vamp I was with?”

Sean smiled thinly, “I left him to greet the sun; so sorry to take away your plaything.”

Lacey just shrugged, “I was going to kill him anyway.  You saved me the trouble.”

“Yet you seemed concerned about him when he went down.”

She shrugged once again, “Well I had plans for him.  I wasn’t quite done playing yet.”  <Oh you’re good Lace.>  <I try luv.  Gods I hate this.>

Neither saw the appraising look one of the minions was casting their way.

Sean chuckled accepting her explanation.  “I must say I am curious to know how you’ve come to be this way.  You’re much more interesting now.”

“Whatever.  Actually I guess I should thank you and Jack.  You could say that I wouldn’t be the woman I am today if not for the two of you.  Where are you taking me?”  <Please say L.A.>

“Back to Los Angeles well Bel Air to be exact.  Gabriel has a mansion there.  I believe you’ll be quite comfortable there as long as you cooperate and do as you’re told.  You’ll be very well provided for if you behave.”

<In your dreams wanker>  “How much longer till we get there?”  Lacey really wasn’t sure how long she’d been out.  She hadn’t worn a watch the entire time she and Angel had been in Ireland and her internal clock was messed up.

Sean reached for the phone nestled in the arm of his chair, “When will we be arriving?… Thank you.”  He looked back to Lacey, “We’ll be landing at LAX in about six hours.”

Lacey nodded falling silent.  Her ex-husband watched her for a moment then asked, “What happened to your voice Lacey?  Have you taken up smoking?  It never used to be that raspy.”

Lacey controlled the automatic flinch at the memory the question brought forth and smiled instead, “Let’s just say the vamp I was with was very, very good.  I screamed myself hoarse.”  The minions all choked on their laughter as Sean just glared at her.  <What does he mean about your voice?> <I’ll tell you later.>  <Okay.> <Great.  Now what?>  <Have you eaten anything Lacey?>  <Ugh no.  The thought of food right now is somewhat appalling.  The chloroform he dosed me with has left me queasy.  ‘Sides don’t really trust them not to drug me again.>  <Good point>  <Hang on luv>  “Well thanks for the heads up Sean.  If you don’t have anymore to tell me would you mind if I stretch a little?  I’m feeling a bit stiff.”

“By all means Lacey.  Be my guest.”  Sean left his ex-wife to her whatever and went into the other cabin to call his sire privately.  The four minions followed him.  Thankful she was dressed in comfortable clothes Lacey stood up.  She looked around the cabin again.  It was quite spacious.  There was a wide open area in front of the flat screen TV built into the wall so she moved there to loosen up her stiff muscles.  Trying to keep a vigilant eye out for her captors and trying to concentrate on Angel she began her routine.

<Okay now we can talk.>

<What did he mean about your voice?  I’ve always thought it was really sexy.>

<Glad you like it.  I screamed so much when he and Jack hurt me, then after with the nightmares before I suppressed it all that my voice broke.  It hasn’t been the same since.  I refused to speak at the trial so they never heard me.  All of my testimony was read from transcripts.>

<I’m so sorry love.>

<What’s done is done and you’re right it is kind of sexy.  I can still sing fairly well if I want to so I don’t mind too much.  Tell me what’s been going on, on your end.>

<Sure love> She and Angel began catching each other up on what had happened since they were separated.  The strain of her divided attention almost proved a costly mistake.


Will bolted up from the couch at the knock on the door.  The dead phone fell from his lap as he went to answer it.  “Hello pets.  What can I do for you?”  He asked Kassie and Willow.  Taking a closer look at Willow he asked, “Willow, luv, what’s wrong?”

Willow glanced at Kassie who shrugged slightly.  Giving Will a weak smile she said, “You called me Willow, now I know I’m in bad shape.”  Shaking her head when she saw him about to question her again she said, “Bad night.  Can we come in?”

Will stepped back, “Sorry, please.”  Before the two women could tell him why they were there, there was a scream from Drusilla.  All three rushed into his bedroom.  “Dru what’s wrong?”

Dru was thrashing around in her chains.  At the sound of her childe’s voice she calmed.  Opening her eyes she regarded Will wearily, “Mummy is in trouble.”

“Yes pet.  We know.”

“No I mean she’s in trouble right now.  Her attentions are torn and…she’s going to be fine.  Oh my mummy is very powerful now, more so than even she knows.  The Flame of the Keeper burns brightly.  Daddy is so lucky to have her.  She will be such an asset.”  Dru relaxed back onto the bed.  She cocked her head; “Daddy is here now my Spike.  May I see him soon?”

Willow inhaled sharply at Drusilla’s words.  She muttered softly to herself, “And from the Eternal Flame of the Keeper and Warrior...”All eyes turned to her.

“What was that luv?”  Will asked Willow as he eyed his sire once more.  Her voice didn’t have the singsong quality to it that normally indicated her madness, but she wasn’t making any sense.

Willow shook her head, “Nothing…something…I can’t say anything yet.”

Will nodded.  Then he felt it.  Angel was in the building.  <How the bloody hell did he do that?>  “You can see him as soon as I figure out what’s going on luv.  Are you hungry?”

“Yes I am.”  Looking at Willow she said, “I’m sorry for asking if I could eat you little tree.”  She sighed as tears formed in her eyes and slowly rolled down her cheeks.  “I hate this William.  I hate going back and forth.  It’s worse than just being insane all the time.  I have to force myself to kill when I’m lucid.  I’ve been tempted so many times since the saner moments started to just greet the sun, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.  Something has kept me from ending my sad excuse of an existence.”

Somewhat hesitantly, considering what had happened the previous night, Will sat on the bed and gathered her into his arms.  Willow and Kassie withdrew slightly.  “Sounds like you’ve lost the taste for killing luv.  I know what that’s like.  Went through it meself a while back.  Seems like you’re changing too pet.  I’ve thought about the whole not wanting to kill thing.  Could just be age and maturity, but I think it may have something to do with Angelus’ soul.  It’s affected us somehow.  How else could I justify falling for a Slayer?  Maybe your madness has prevented the change from happening sooner.  I don’t know.  But what I can tell you is Kassie is going to try and help you.”  Kassie was watching Will in some surprise.  It was the first she’d heard of Will’s theory, but it kind of made sense.  Willow watched sire and childe with tenderness in her eyes.  No matter what had happened between Dru and William in the past he was always gentle with her.  Will pulled back to see if Dru was listening to him.  She had a very thoughtful look on her face.  “Would you like that pet?  If you didn’t have to battle the madness anymore?”

Dru was quiet for a moment before smiling, “Yes my Spike I would.  I believe my path is about to change.  Kassie is the color mender isn’t she?”

Kassie smiled, “Color mender.  I like that.  Yes Dru I am.  If you’re ready we can get started.”

Will stood up.  “Let me get her something to eat first.”  He placed a chaste kiss on Dru’s forehead and left the room.

He heard Dru say, “I need a promise from my sire before we begin.”

Willow responded, “He’s talking with Lacey right now.”

Will’s eyebrows rose at that as he made his way over to the couch and picked up the phone he had dropped when the girls had knocked.  He and Sasha had talked until the battery died.  He had told her pretty much everything about him.  Sasha now knew that the TV shows weren’t completely works of fiction and that Liam was Angel.  Will hadn’t planned on spilling his secrets the night before, but Jack Daniels had a way of loosening his tongue.  He wasn’t sure now where he and Sasha stood, but he had hope.  He’d be seeing her when she returned in three days.  Placing it back in the charger Will went to the kitchen and heated two mugs of blood.  Sipping on one he gave the other to his sire.

A roar of fear and rage stopped everyone in their tracks.  Not long after the door to Will’s loft slammed open to admit one very angry and scared Angelus.


Lacey was grabbed from behind as she straightened from a forward bend.  “What the hell?  Sean what do you think you’re doing?  Let me go.”  <Lacey what’s wrong?>

Lacey shuddered involuntarily as Sean held her pressed tight against him slowly rubbing a hand down her front.  His other pressed against her stomach forcing her lower back into contact with his erection.  He and the minions had returned from their conversation with Gabriel to find Lacey gracefully moving through a series of bends, stretches and contortions.  The sight of his now slender toned and very flexible ex-wife bent over at the waist with her hands flat on the floor proved too much for the fledgling childe and he disregarded his sire’s orders not to lay a hand on her.  Nuzzling her neck he murmured, “My little bitch you have changed so much in appearance and attitude.  You’re beautiful.  I wonder if your responses in bed have changed as well.  Let’s find out shall we?”  While he continued to describe what he was going to do to her one of the minions, the one who had been watching the young woman, mindful of his master’s strict orders not to mention Dru’s wishes, moved to stop what was happening; he was stopped by the other three who were watching with lascivious anticipation.

<LACEY!>  Angel roared as he heard the things his mates’ ex-husband was saying.

<Ow, yelling bad.  Angel I have to concentrate now.  I’ll talk to you soon.>  Before Angel could say anything more Lacey broke the connection.

Lacey was scared but she was determined to stay calm.  She closed her eyes and said, “We’re not going to do this Sean.  I will not let you use me that way.”

Sean chuckled darkly, “As I said earlier my little whore it’s not like you’d really have a choice if I wanted you.  And I do.”  He spun her to face him holding her wrists clasped in one of his hands behind her.  With his other hand he removed the elastic holding her braid and wound it through the thick strands to hold her head still as he crushed her lips to his.  Lacey tried not to gag, as her mouth was forced open and invaded by Sean’s tongue.

<And now I remember why I cut my hair.  Think Lacey.  Don’t give into the panic.  You’re different now.  You can get out of this.  You can fight back.>  Lacey repeated those thoughts like a mantra as she was lowered to the carpeted floor of the plane and held there by the weight of her demon ex’s body.  He released his hold on her wrists only to capture them again and hold them over her head.  His other hand was roughly grabbing at her breasts.  As he ripped her shirt away something in Lacey snapped.  Just as he released her mouth to nip at her neck Lacey twisted sharply and bucked her hips up.  The move caught Sean by surprise loosening his grip on her wrists.  Lacey brought the heel of her hand up sharply connecting with his face.  There was a satisfying crunch and blood sprayed from his now broken nose.  She kneed him in the groin for the second time since their reunion and he howled in rage and pain rolling away from her.  She flipped upright and moved into a fighting stance as Sean, in full game face, pushed himself to his feet.  “I was going to be gentle with you whore, but now I’m going to make it hurt.  Just like the last time.  Do you remember the last time?  I loved the screams.  Jack did too.  He was very disappointed not to have his turn with you.  I really should have let him have you at that party.” He snarled at her.

The door to the cockpit opened at the sounds but was quickly closed again upon the co-pilot seeing the brewing battle.  The minions continued to watch in silence.  Lacey snarled as she threw a wicked right hook sending his head snapping to the side.  Following the momentum of her punch she turned and executed a snap kick to his leg breaking his kneecap.  Sean howled again as he dropped to his knees.  “I. Am. Not. Your. Whore.”  She said through clenched teeth punctuating each word with a blow or a kick.  Then she moved to press her back against the door to the cockpit.  Her position gave her a view of the main cabin and she took in the sight of the four minions watching from the short hallway and her snarling ex-husband who had regained his feet and was slowly advancing on her.

“You’ll be whatever I want you to be bitch.”  Lacey had had enough.  Her hair snapping around her by some unseen wind looking like leaping flames and her eyes burning with clear green fire she threw out her right hand the now visible flames on her wrist leaping with the same fire in her eyes she said, “Rahtu Noroh Goronja Neh!”  Sean went flying back and collided with the minions.  Before any could recover Lacey moved her hand up, “Vitu Shashei Nagawa Leh!”  The five vampires were lifted up and dropped into seats.  Another flick of her wrist, “Mano Fritawei Luto.”  Green bands formed around each of them preventing any chance of escape.  As quickly as it all started it was over.  The fire faded from Lacey’s eyes and tattoo, her hair settled back down around her and she slumped against the door.  <Well that was different.  Guess I know now what the protection incantation can do.>  Shaking her head she looked down at herself.  Her shirt was ripped and torn, hanging in tatters around her making it more of a rag than a shirt and she was covered in Sean’s blood.

Wearily pushing away from the door she headed to the bathroom ignoring Sean’s unending stream of curses.  With an absent wave of her hand a band formed over Sean’s mouth cutting off the flow of insults.  Ensconced once more in the bathroom Lacey removed her ruined shirt, bra and pants and methodically cleaned the blood away with a damp cloth.  She finally looked in the mirror.  That’s when the tears came.


“No!  Lacey!  GODDAMNIT!”  Angel roared again when he felt Lacey break their connection.  He was standing in the middle of Willow’s loft in full game face.  <That bastard!  I’m going to rip him apart limb by limb.  It’s going to take days for him to die.>  His mental tirade continued as he tore up the stairs to Will’s loft.  The door opened with such force that it banged against the wall leaving a hole in it.

Willow, Kassie and Will came out of the bedroom.  Kassie absently noticed Nico and Trick enter behind Angel, but kept her focus on the panting vampire.  “Angel!  What’s wrong?”  Willow asked, warily approaching the growling and obviously enraged vampire.   “Is it Lacey?  Did something happen to her?”  Angel’s head jerked up at the sound of Willow’s voice.  He growled in warning, but Willow continued her approach eventually going so far as to raise a hand to his cheek.  “She’s going to be okay Angel.  Whatever it is, Lacey will get through it.  She’s strong.  Probably stronger than any of us.”

Angel shook his head though he didn’t pull away from the warm hand against his cheek.  “Sean is trying to rape her again.”  There were gasps and growls all around.  A single tear rolled from one golden eye.  “We were talking and then he was there saying all manner of horrible things that he was going to do to her.  She told me she needed to concentrate and broke the connection. I-I don’t know what’s happening.”  Angel collapsed back onto the couch and buried his head in his hands.  Willow sat next to him and wrapped her arms around him the best she could.

“Sire?”  Dru called from the bedroom.  Angels’ head came up and he untangled himself from Willow’s comforting embrace to make his way towards his childe.  Will slipped the key to her shackles into Angels’ hand as he went past.  He stood in the doorway taking in her appearance chained to the bed holding Mortimer to her.

“Hello Dru.”

“Hello my Angel.  Do not be afraid.  Mummy will be fine.  The Flame burns brightly.  All will be well.”  Those words calmed Angel down somewhat.  His childe may be insane, but her visions were never wrong.  Taking several deep, calming breaths he nodded.  A light cough sounded behind him and he turned to look at his hastily assembled family.

“Hi.”  He said wearily.  Kassie launched herself into his arms.

“Gods Angel.  I’m so glad you’re all right.”  She pulled away and he kissed her forehead.

Trick said, “Glad to see ya mate.  Don’ worry we’ll get yer girl back.”  Angel nodded.

Nico held back.  Angel turned to him, “Don’t worry Nico.  None of this is your fault.  Lacey and I were supposed to be in Ireland.  Special things happened there.”

“I know.  Lacey told me.”  Nico looked to Willow but she avoided his gaze.  Angel looked back and forth between them and growled softly.  Something wasn’t right.

“Sire, may I speak with you?”  Dru asked from the bed.  Angel turned back to her.

“Sure Dru.”  With that he closed the bedroom door leaving an uncomfortable silence behind him.

Nico begged quietly, “Willow can we talk, please?”

Willow closed her eyes briefly.  “Yeah, but I don’t have a lot of time.  Kassie and I are going to be busy in little bit.”  She flinched away from him when he tried to take her arm as they walked into the hall.

Kassie looked sadly at the closed door.  “I hope they work this out.”


Angel’s gaze caught Mortimer once more and he smiled faintly, “I won that for Lacey at Magic Mountain.”

“I know.  The color mender told me.”

“Color mender?”

Dru frowned slightly, “What is her-Kassie.  Kassie told me.  She’s going to help make me better my Angel.  She’s going to take the madness away.  I hope.”  Dru took hold of Angel’s hand and squeezed.  She held his eyes.  “This is very important sire.  If Kassie cannot help me I want your promise that you will end me.  No let me finish.  I cannot continue wavering back and forth between sanity and madness.  I just can’t so please give me your word that should she be unable to heal me you will put me out of my misery.”

Angel looked at his childe and felt guilt settle over him like a shroud.  Drusilla.  She was Angelus’ greatest achievement and Angel’s greatest regret.  It was his fault Dru was in this situation in the first place.  As Angelus he had taken great pleasure in his ‘courtship’ of the innocent young seer.  She’d had a precarious hold on reality to begin with and Angelus had pushed her over the edge into madness.  Looking at her now with the veil of insanity pushed away for the moment he could do nothing but agree.  If it would bring her peace then he would abide by her wishes.  “I give you my word Dru.  But I don’t think it will prove necessary.  Kassie is very good at what she does.”  Angel leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead.  When he pulled back he saw her wince.  “Are you hurt?”

She nodded embarrassed.  “Gabriel was quite brutal in his attempts to find where Mummy was.”

Angel’s eyes flickered gold.  Undoing the shackles he snarled softly “Let me see.”  Without a word Drusilla unbuttoned the shirt that Will had given her the night before.  Angel averted his eyes as she removed it and held it in front of her as she turned over.

“All right.”  When his gaze returned to her he shifted fully into his game face.

“Even the healer couldn’t do much for me.” Dru said quietly as Angel traced the deep gashes that crossed her back.

“He will pay for this Dru.  Make no mistake about that.”  Angel gathered her into his arms and gently put her shirt back on.  Sitting on the bed he cradled her and brought his wrist to her mouth and said, “Drink childe.  It will help.”  Angel closed his eyes as his childe delicately sank her fangs into his offered wrist.


“I’m sorry about last night.  I was a complete and utter bastard.  I had no right to do what I did.  I was wallowing deep in self-pity and took it out on you.  I made a promise to Lacey that I would always protect her and I failed in that.  She told me this morning what a fool I was.  I’m done kicking myself in the ass now.  Well about the whole putting the sister of my heart and her mate in danger anyway.  Hurting you and the whole mainlining tequila thing I’m sure will be good for a lot more.  If it’s any consolation to you I’ve been worshipping the porcelain god.  Lacey’s already promised to kick my ass on your behalf when she gets home.  I love you Willow.  I’m so sorry I hurt you.  And I’m babbling and repeating myself.  I only do that when I’m drunk.  Do you think you can forgive me?”  Nico asked hopefully.

Willow just stared at him.  <He really does look awful.  Good.  I could get rid of the hangover, but I think I’ll let him suffer.>  After a few more long minutes of silence Nico hung his head in defeat.  Willow finally spoke, “I understand the bond you have with Lacey.  I have a similar one with Angel.  Don’t shut me out like that ever again Nicholas.  That hurt worse than you leaving my bed this morning.  You made me feel cheap and used.  I’m worth more than that and I know you know it.”

Nico raised his head and Willow saw the silent tears coursing down his face.  “I know you are Willow.  I’ll do my best to make it up to you. I prom-” He broke off as another wave of nausea crashed over him setting him to sway on his feet.

Willow grabbed his arm to steady him.  “Somehow I think you’ve punished yourself enough.  Come on before you make a mess all over the hall.”  She said as she led him back into Will’s loft.  She managed to get him to the bathroom before he ruined Will’s floor.


Lacey backed herself into a corner, sliding down the wall and let the tears fall.  The crying jag lasted a good while until the fact that she had won finally worked its way into her brain.  She had beaten Sean.  Granted she didn’t know if she’d be able to repeat the whole telekinetic bit, but she had beaten him and secured the minions as well.  <I did good.  Don’t really understand the how, but I did good.>  Lacey got up and washed her face again.  She looked at her tattoo.  The words that had been inscribed there had vanished leaving behind more flames.  Flipping through the knowledge she possessed she was still unable to find an explanation for tattoo’s presence.  <What are you hiding from me mama?>  Looking through the drawers once more she found an unopened toothbrush and some toothpaste.  <Oh joy.  Oh bliss.  Oh bloody happy day.>  Lacey quickly made use of them to remove the taste of Sean from her mouth.  It also helped her to suppress the fact that she was indeed becoming hungry.  She still didn’t trust any of the food that may be on board.  Lacey turned and spied what appeared to be a linen closet.  Inside she found big fluffy towels on the shelves along with an array of bath products.  Hanging on the inside of the door was a robe.  Lacey donned it then headed back to the main cabin.

Coming to stand in front of the bound vampires she asked, “Where can I find some clean clothes?”

The minion who had attempted to stop Sean earlier spoke without any urging, “In the other cabin Mistress.  There are some women’s clothes in the blue bag, bought for you.”

Lacey looked at the minion.  He was old and powerful she could tell, though he looked no more than twenty-five.  <He could be a master.  Why his he serving as a minion?> “What’s your name?”

The minion eyed the smallish woman in front of them with respect as his three companions leered at her.  Sean just sat there glaring daggers at Lacey being able to do nothing else.  “Joshua Mistress.”  He had watched masters rise and fall for more than four centuries and seen many things in his long unlife, but this small flame-haired woman had scared the bejesus out of him and his demon.  He wasn’t about to incur her wrath or that of her mate, whom he had a feeling was still alive knowing what he did about the wily bastard, by not answering her questions.

“If I ask you another question Joshua will you tell me the truth?”  Lacey eyed the vampire.  He looked like if he could he would have pissed all over himself by now.  He was literally shaking in his seat.  <He’s scared of me and I’m being polite.  I’ve managed to terrify an old one.  Huh.  Why is he calling me ‘Mistress’?>

Joshua nodded, “Yes Mistress.  What would you like to know?”

“How old are you?”

He blinked. “Mistress?”

“How old are you?” she repeated.  <I like this guy.  I think I’ll keep him alive for the time being.  Sean is going with me to Angel.  The other three will probably wind up being staked.>

“Ah…I’d really rather not say Mistress.”  He cast a sidelong glance at his companions and Lacey understood.  <Something is definitely up with this guy.  We will have to talk.>

“Fair enough.  Is there any food on this plane that’s safe for me to eat?”  Brushing her teeth really hadn’t helped all that much.  She was getting quite peckish.

The question caught him off guard, but he rallied quickly.  “There’s some cheddar cheese in the refrigerator and some crackers in the cabinet next to it.  That’s all I can think of that’s not laced with anything.  That and the bottles of water in the bar.”

<Cheese and crackers again.  Oh well, good thing I like that.>

“Thank you Joshua.”  He nodded.  “I have two more questions for you for now.  What hangar are we pulling into when we get to LAX and how many will be waiting for us when we get there?”

“Hangar three and only the driver for the limo Mistress.”

“Very good.”  Without a glance at the others she made her way towards the back cabin.  As she went she heard one of the other minions say, “What the hell is wrong with you, you pussy?”

“She scares me Bob.  Something about her is not right.  You see that we’re all tied up mystically at the moment?  She did this or weren’t you paying attention?”  Lacey’s mouth quirked up at the corner.

Bob’s response and the rest of the conversation was lost to her as she entered the other cabin.  Quickly locating the bag Joshua had spoken of she took it with her into the bathroom.  Then she went to the small galley and fixed a small plate of food.  As she ate she dumped the contents of the bag.  All of the clothes were new with the tags still attached.  There were lingerie, shirts, skirts and dresses, but no pants.  Scanning the sizes she pulled out the items that would fit her to try on after her shower.  She also found make-up and several pairs of shoes in various sizes.  Considering her Fila’s wouldn’t go with any of the clothes she picked out a pair of black wedge-heeled mules that were her size.  Taking out some of the bath products from the closet and two fluffy towels Lacey got into the shower.

Sighing in relative contentment as the hot water beat down on her she tried to contact Angel again.  <Angel?>

Angel’s head snapped up and he paused in his conversation with Dru, <Lacey?  Mo chroí are you all right?  He didn’t hurt you did he?>

<I’m fine mo myrneen.  Sean and the others are under control.  I think mama left a few things out when she told me about the ‘mystical tune-up’ I was getting.>

<What do you mean love?>

<My new tattoo came to life, my hair snapped around like in a strong wind, I made Sean fly across the cabin, lifted all five vampires up and floated them over to the seats then secured them with mystical bonds all by using my hand and unconsciously reciting the incantation woven in the tat that has since turned into more flames.>

<You don’t take a breath even in your thoughts do you?  Gods Lacey I am so glad you are okay.  I went a little crazy there when you cut me off earlier.  I’m with Drusilla right now.  She’s looking forward to meeting you finally.  Do you mind if she keeps Mortimer?  She’s grown quite attached to it.>

Lacey smiled as she rinsed her hair.  <Not at all.  Tell her I said hi.  You’ll just have to take me back and win me another one.>

Angel grimaced, but accepted the terms. <Fine.  I’d do just about anything for you.  You know that.>  “Dru, Lacey says hi.”

“Hello mummy.  I can’t wait to meet you.” Dru said quietly as she felt her sire’s blood working at healing her wounds.

<Kassie is going to try to heal her.>

<That’s going to be interesting.  I hope it works, for Dru’s sake and for Kassie’s.  Would you like to meet me at the airport?>

<You know it love.  Where?>

<Hangar three.  I’ve been told the only thing waiting for us will be the limo driver.>

<And you trust this information?>

<I do, but it never hurts to be prepared.  One of the minions is quite willing to answer my questions.  He calls me Mistress.  There’s something about him.  He’s old.  I think he’ll prove useful.>

<We’ll just have to see once we’re together again.  Well I should let Kassie and Willow get started with Dru.>

<I’ll see you in a few hours luv.  What are we going to do with the others?>

<Probably stake them on the spot when you land.>

<I can deal with that.  I want you to bring my car.  Just don’t touch the red button on the steering wheel.  Have whoever else is coming bring the Navigator.>

<Yes ma’am.  Have I told you how much I love it when you get all demanding and authoritative?  It makes me hot.>

<Down boy.  We’ve still got three hours till I land.  But it’s good to know.  I love you Angel.>

<I love you too Lacey.  I’ll see you soon.>

<Yes you will.>  Lacey broke the connection.  She was now standing in front of the mirror in a pair of black lace cheeky pants and a matching demi bra.  She had found some hairpins in the drawer she had found the brush in earlier and was in the process of securing the modified French twist she had wound her damp hair into.  She left a few strands loose around her temples and they brushed her jaw lightly. Her search of the bathroom had not yielded a hair dryer.  <Probably afraid I’d try to use it as a weapon.  They’d be right.>  She thought as she brushed her teeth again.  Next she applied some make-up.  Not because she needed it, but because she wanted to look pretty for Angel when she saw him.  A little bit of powder, some black eyeliner and mascara and a rather lovely shade of red lipstick and she was done.  She turned to the clothes she had picked out earlier and started trying them on.  A theme was quickly established.  It ran along the lines of ‘high class prostitute’.  <This Gabriel is apparently a perv.  What did he think he was going to do, turn me into his pet?…yeah I think that was his plan.  Eww.>  No matter how innocuous the item looked it was revealing when on the body.  Lacey finally settled on a black shirt with bell sleeves that left much of her mid-drift exposed as it ended about three inches below her breasts as was her upper chest by the wide, deep v-neck.  Her claim mark was clearly visible, but Lacey was unconcerned with showing it now.  She paired the shirt with an ankle length dark green skirt that sat low on her hips and was slit on both sides to mid thigh.  <I look like a character from ‘Red Shoes Diaries’, but this also covers the most skin.  I like showing off my figure, but this is a bit much even for me.  I think Angel will like it though.>  Small silver hoop earrings,  and the belly button ring and anklet Angel had made for her were the only other jewelry besides her rings that she wore.  Those were the items she’d had on when she’d been taken.  Looking at her hands she realized her Trinity band was gone.  <How could I not have noticed it missing?>  Lacey quickly folded the other clothes back into the bag along with the shoes and make-up.    Lacey looked at her own clothes and decided there was no hope for them.  She dropped them in the wastebasket, slipped on her heels and left the haven of the bathroom.  She put the bag back where she’d found it then made her way back to the main cabin.

Ignoring the wolf whistles from the minions, save Joshua, Lacey stood in front of Sean.  “Where is it?” she demanded.  Finally noticing the band around his mouth she thought <When did I do that?  Better question is how do I remove it?>  Lacey thought back over what she had done to put them in their current state.  Concentrating on the band over Sean’s mouth she raised her right hand and waved.  The green restraint disappeared.  <Shiny.>  “Answer me damnit.  Where is my ring?”

“Fuck off bitch.”  Lacey drew back her clenched fist and hit him in his already broken nose.

“Where is it?”  Silence.  Another punch.  “I can go on like this till we land Sean then I’ll let my mate and his childer have a go at you.  Where the effin’ hell is my ring?”  The mention of her mate brought all eyes to her neck.

“Whom are you mated to?”  He tried to demand, but it came out more like a whimper.  That crazy bitch his sire was fucking had said nothing about Lacey being a vampire’s mate.  But looking at her now he could clearly see the claim mark.  <Not good.  Not good at all.>

“Huh-uh.  Ring first.”

“Left jacket pocket.”  Lacey fished into said pocket and retrieved her ring.

“Thank you.”  Lacey went back into the bathroom to wash the blood off her hand and make sure she didn’t have any on her anywhere else.  After she was done she went back into the main cabin and sat down.

“Who is your mate?”  Sean mumbled venomously.

Lacey crossed her legs revealing a considerable length of creamy pale flesh and smiled a very Angelus like smile as all five pair of eyes tracked the movement.  “Are you familiar with the name Angelus?”

“Holy fucking shit.”  The one called Bob muttered.  The others repeated the oath.  Joshua smiled in satisfaction, though Lacey missed the small gesture.

Her smile grew.  “Yes.  You see you’ve all made him very, very angry.”  She trained her eyes on Sean.  “I’m surprised none of you recognized him this morning.  If you’d really wanted to get rid of him you should have staked him instead of leaving him to greet the sun.  He doesn’t have the same allergy to sunlight you do.”

“That was Angelus?  But earlier you said you planned to kill him.”

“You really are a wanker Sean.  There was no way I was going to tell you who he was or what he meant to me.  You held most of the advantage then.  You’d have told Gabriel and that would have placed him in danger.  No thanks.”

“Why tell us now?”  Bob asked.

Again Lacey smiled that Angelus smile, “Because I hold the advantage now and you’re going to die anyway.  I just thought you’d like to know how badly you messed up.”


Lacey’s smile softened slightly.  “Yes Joshua?”

“What’s going to happen to us when we get to L.A.?”

Lacey looked at the vampire.  “You and Sean will come with me and Angelus.  The others will probably be staked on sight.”  The three minions looked very uneasy.  Joshua looked somewhat intrigued.

“Why are you going to take me with you?”  Joshua asked.

“Because I like you.”

“Oh.”  This human really was interesting.  He could understand now Dru’s need to protect her.  Joshua could only hope he continued his existence when his new Mistress remembered he was the one who’d hit Angelus this morning.  Somehow he figured she’d be the more dangerous of the two.

One of the other minions who’d been silent the whole trip said, “May I ask a favor?”

Lacey cocked her head, “What would that be?”

“Kill me now.  There’s a stake in the drawer below the TV.  I’d rather die quickly now than deal with Angelus’ wrath.”  Bob and the other minion seconded the request.

“I admire your honesty and can’t really say that I blame you.”  Lacey said as she retrieved the stake from it’s hiding place.  <Well that could have come in handy earlier.  Guess I should have snooped.  Oh well.>

Sean was muttering unintelligibly as Lacey staked the three minions.  Finally getting tired of listening to him Lacey said, “Oh shut up you ponce.”  And with a wave of her hand he was gagged again.

“Wanna watch a movie?”  Lacey asked Joshua.

“Anything you want Mistress.”


Angel walked back into the living room.  Nico and Willow were absent.  “Where are they?” he asked.

Trick smiled faintly, “Nico’s throwing up in the bathroom.  Willow is holding his hand.”  Just then the door opened and the two in question walked out.

Nico smiled weakly, “Hey.”

Ignoring him for the moment Angel looked at Kassie and Willow.  “She’s ready.”

Willow nodded and kissed Nico on the cheek.  He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly for a moment.  “I love you,” he said softly in her ear.  “I love you too,” she whispered back.

Kassie grabbed Tricks’ hand.  “Bring her back safe.  We’ll see you all later.”

Will stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.  “Thank you for doing this pet.”

Kassie smiled, “No worries Will.”

As the door shut behind the couple Will and Angel turned on Nico, “What the hell did you do to Willow?”  Will snarled.

Nico looked at the angry vampire in surprise.  “I had no idea you cared ‘Spike’.”

Angel growled in warning.  Nico sighed and sat down heavily in a chair.  “I messed up last night.  That’s all I’m going to say.  This is between Willow and me and we’re working it out.”

Angel looked closely at him for a moment then nodded.  “Fair enough, but hear me now boy.  You hurt her again and we’ll have more than a little chat.”

“Lacey’s already gonna kick my ass when she gets home.  But I’m glad the two of you care for Willow almost as much as I do.”  He said tiredly.

Will looked at him, “You’ve talked to her too?”

Nico’s mouth quirked up at the corner, “Yeah.”

“Do tell.”

“We have other things to discuss.  Lacey’s plane will be landing in about three hours.  She’s fairly certain that only the limo driver will be waiting, but I want to check it out and make sure.  We’ll take two vehicles.  Nico are you up for a little recon?”  Angel asked.

“Let me take a shower.  I should be fine.”

“Good.  We’ll meet in the training room in a half an hour.”

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