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The Key to Connor:
Chapter 3

By Rhi
Disclaimer: I don't own them
Spoilers: This follows Ats ep "Forgiving" and contains spoilers thereto.
Distribution: Sure, just let me know.
Feedback: Is always nice.
Rating: NC-17 with warnings for language, pain and angst.


The only thing that kept the moment from being absolutely perfect, and thus deadly was Angel's overwhelming worry about getting back through the Gate in time. Quickly, he wrapped Connor in his dirty blankets and sprinted out of the pathetic little dwelling. Picking up speed, he loped back toward the Gate, praying with every ounce of his being that he could get his son there in time.

The miles stretched on in an unending stream, torturing his already tired body to the breaking point. His consolation, his joy, his sole purpose now rested safely in his arms, a bit grumpy at the jostling, but cooing contentedly nonetheless at finally being back in his father's strong arms. Angel smiled down at his son, grateful for any chance to hold him once again.

He gave the skeletal tree-things a much wider berth this time, taking no chances with his baby boy. Climbing through the rocky terrain, he saw the telltale glow of the Gate in the far distance and hurried towards it.

As he approached he saw that the energy field was waning, a sure sign that whatever was powering it was running out of force. He jumped headlong into it, clutching Connor to him with gentle strength, now worried about the effects of such travel on his boy. God only knew what the warped energy that the boy had now been exposed to twice might do to his developing brain. Angel prayed harder and arrived back in the lobby of the Hyperion with a thud that he turned into a graceful roll, coming to his feet with Connor unharmed in his strong hands.


Spike lurked in a dark corner of the Hyperion hotel, pacing restlessly back and forth and chain-smoking with no regard for ashtrays or the polished marble floor. This was taking too long and he had never had the patience of his sire. Angelus would plot for years to destroy prized prey…torturing and maiming first one loved one, then the next until the poor unfortunate felt damned and despondent. Only then, when he'd utterly destroyed the person, would Angelus feed. He claimed that nothing tasted better than despair in the blood.

Personally, Spike thought he was crazy. Spike liked his blood spiced with sex or violence…preferably both at the same time. Pheromones gave it a great kick combined with adrenaline. Slayers practically reeked of both when you fought them…it was why he'd sought them out.

Suddenly he felt a change in the pressure surrounding the glowing Gate. He looked up and growled as a dark mass took shape within the scintillating energy. With a huge boom and a rush of foul-smelling air from…somewhere…Angel appeared in all his flowing black-dustered glory. He knelt for a moment in the center of the gate, then rose, clutching a squalling dirty infant to his broad chest and grinning as if he hadn't a care in the world.

Fred rushed forward grabbing Angel and hugging them with all her might. "You're back. But…" she paused in worry, "how is Connor?"

Angel smiled happily down into her pretty face. "Connor is fine, Fred," he held her close, glad of her gentle presence in their lives. "Do you want to hold him?" he passed Connor carefully to Fred and she carried him to Gunn and Lorne.

"Spike, what are you doing here?" Angel growled at his childe, worried now that yet another enemy had appeared.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, Sire. I'm not here for you, I'm here for my Slayer. Now get your poncy ass upstairs and help me get her out of the bloody fucking Gate she created to save your sorry ass." Spike turned and ran up the stairs not bothering to look behind to see if Angel followed him.

Angel stared after his childe in confusion, then followed, suddenly afraid of what he might find upstairs. Now that his mind was clear of worry for Connor, at least for the moment, he smelled the telltale scent of Buffy's powerful blood. Suddenly a horrific scream came from above and he sprinted to the stairs, taking them four at a time to get to the pained source of the cries.


With what little life remained to her, Buffy felt Angel's familiar presence surge through the Gate she held open. Finally she could let go. She screamed, allowing all the pain and anguish caused by the dread magics ripping her life-energy from her body to escape in the terrible cry. The Gate collapsed around her, its energy snapping back into her helpless figure like a bolt of lightening. She convulsed in torment, the spikes ripping new gashes in her limbs where they had almost healed. Her scream turned into a feeble moan as she gasped for breath, trying to hold onto some semblance of life.

Spike heard the Slayer's scream and felt the energy snap into her as the Gate collapsed. He kicked open the door, raced to Buffy's side and stopped, nonplussed by the damage she had taken holding the Gate open for his damned sire.

Buffy's face was ashen, nearly all blood drained from it, leaving her almost translucent. Her short blond hair lay stiffly clumped in brown dried blood. Her slender body looked as if the life had been sucked out of it. Gaunt and stricken, she raised suffering eyes to the vampire who loved her. "Spike," she whispered, "Did Angel…"

"Yeah. He's back. Brought the little nipper with him, safe and bloody sound. Gods, Slayer, look at you." Spike's deep blue eyes filled with tears. "How could you let them do this to you, Buffy," he whispered brokenly, kneeling by her side and stroking the sticky blood-stained hair from her face with loving fingers.

Angel rushed into the room, stopped dead in his tracks and cried out, "Buffy, oh, god, no! Spike, you bastard, did you do this to her?" he growled, reaching for his childe.

Spike growled back at his sire and stood between him and Buffy. "You stupid, bloody ponce. I love her, you think I'd do this to her? No, she let those bastards from Wolfram and Hart crucify her to open that damned Gate for you. She used her own life and blood to hold it for you the whole damn time you were gone." He turned back to his love and knelt again. "Look what they've done to her, oh Buffy, Luv!" He sobbed her name in hopeless anguish, sure that even the Slayer's extraordinary strength couldn't heal these horrific wounds in time.

Angel knelt by her other side and stroked her face gently. She turned suffering eyes to him and blinked dazedly into his handsome face. "A-Angel?" she whispered in that half-questioning way she'd always said his beloved name. "I-is the baby all right? Did I keep the Gate open long enough?" her voice trembled with pain as she struggled to stay conscious.

"Yes, Beloved. You saved my son. You saved me. I can never thank you enough for what you've done. Spike," Angel looked at him commandingly. "Hold her arm steady. I'm going to pull these spikes out and try to staunch the bleeding." Angel ripped his duster off and tore his shirt from his back, shredding it into strips. He grasped the spike in Buffy's left hand while Spike held her arm and fingers down as gently as he could.

Angel pulled the spike from her with one heave, tossing it away from him as she screamed in renewed pain. Her torn hand gushed fresh blood from the gaping wound in its center. Angel quickly padded it with fabric, then wrapped it tightly with another strip from his shirt. He nodded at Spike and they performed the same dread service for Buffy's right hand.

They moved down to her feet and Spike hissed with fury as he saw the damage the spikes had done to the delicate bones there. It would take a miracle for the girl to ever walk again, he thought and looking into Angel's dark tormented eyes, he knew his sire was thinking the same thing. Angel shook his head at Spike and grabbed the spike, ripping it from his soul-mate's broken body with a fierce pull. He wrapped her foot as gently as he could, wincing at her barely audible moan. *She can't even scream anymore,* he thought. *We've got to get her to a hospital now.* They worked in tandem to remove the last of the spikes from Buffy's other foot and Angel wrapped it painstakingly.

Spike grabbed up Angel's duster and laid it on the floor next to the dying Slayer. He cradled her gently in his arms, wrapping the duster around her and rising in one lithe motion. He looked at Angel with anguished eyes, tears pouring down his chiseled face. "Where's the nearest bloody hospital, Sire?" he choked out.

Angel stared at him, amazed at the love pouring from his childe for the tiny girl nestled in his arms. "I'll take you there myself, let's go." They ran from the room and Angel spared a quick thought for Connor, who was cooing in Fred's arms and slurping hungrily at a bottle. "Gunn, Lorne, protect them. We've got to get Buffy to a hospital. I'll be back as soon as I can."

They raced towards the hospital and Angel listened in shock to his childe crooning to the broken Slayer in his arms. "Hold on, Pet. We're almost there. Don't you dare die on me again, Slayer, so help me, I'll kick your bloody arse. I'll turn you myself…somehow…if you even try to get away. Please, Luv, hang on just a bit longer. You've been so brave, so strong, just hold on, Baby." His voice broke in anguish as he stroked the wasted face of the woman he loved with all his unbeating heart.

Buffy could barely focus on Spike's soft voice. She'd done her job. Given her gift again. She could rest now, couldn't she? She was just so tired. So very very tired.

Angel could feel her letting go, preparing to escape them yet again. "Buffy," he said sharply, "Buffy, don't let go. You have to fight for a while longer, Beloved. You can't go yet, your work isn't finished here. What about Dawn and Willow and Xander? You can't leave them alone on the Hellmouth. They need you. *We* need you. Spike…Spike loves you Buffy. What will happen to him if you leave?" His voice cracked with grief. "I need you, Buffy. Please. I was wrong. I need you in my life. We'll find a way…together…somehow. Just please don't leave me again." Tears streamed from his face as they pulled up to the ER entrance.

Spike leapt from the car with Buffy in his arms, praying with everything in him that they could still save her.


Doctors, nurses and orderlies ran through the hallways of the ER like ants. They'd taken Buffy from Spike and carted her off to a sterile room without another word to either of the vampires. Spike sat and played with his cigarettes while Angel brooded.

"So you and Buffy have been…?"

"Yah. Doesn't love me though. Said she was just usin' me. Said it was killin' her. Then she left me."


"S'not her fault, you know. You lot all left her. First you, then that Parker twat, then Captain Cardboard, then her watcher. And oh, don't forget her dad and mum. And rippin' her out of heaven. Chit's got no one left. Red spaced out on magic, Bug Boy fucked up his own wedding. I was just there…in the dark with her. Convenient."

"But you love her."

"Course. How could I not?"

"I know. I thought…for a while…Cordelia…but she's with Gru now."

"Who the bloody hell is Gru? Sounds like a vomitous disease."

"He's a champion from another dimension. She was his princess there."

"Oh. You never could manage a normal relationship, could you, Sire?"

Angel growled and gazed at his shoes. "What she went through for me, Spike. God, what if she dies?"

Spike winced and looked away from his sire's too-knowing eyes. "She can't. Won't happen. She's the Slayer. Just needs a few weeks to get back on her feet." He winced again, thinking of Buffy trying to go back to work at DoubleMeat on those tortured feet. "Pet's not gonna be able to work at that godforsaken place anymore. Guess I'll have to get a job. Prove I can do something on the up and up."

Angel looked amazed. "You? You're going to get a job? A real…Spike…can you actually *do* anything besides fight and steal?"

"'Dunno. Never tried since you turned me. Guess I'll find out."

"Look," Angel paused, then continued on firmly, "Angelus had…I had money stashed away in London and Paris. I never used it after the curse…it had blood all over it. But for Buffy. Well, she deserves it. I'll get it wired from one of my accounts."

"Don't want your pity money, Sire. I can take care of her myself. I have been since she came back." Spike bristled at his sire's well-meaning offer.

"It's not for you, Spike. It's for her. I…I can't be in her life, at least not the way I want to be. I have to stay here and take care of Connor and try to make sense of the things the PTB want from me. But I can't be totally withdrawn from her either. She's the only one I've ever loved and I need to see her…to know that she's alive, even though I can't be with her. Please, Spike. Let me do this. Please."

"All right. Not like I have much say in it anyway. She turned me away. Like always."

"I've seen the way she looks at you, Spike. She cares. She just doesn't want to admit it. Give her some time. Be there for her. Take care of her for me." Angel looked beseechingly into his childe's eyes.

Spike nodded. "Will do. Shouldn't you be getting' back to that little nip now? Wouldn't want my baby brother to get kidnapped again," he added snarkily with a slight smile.

Angel smiled back, "Gods, I never thought of it that way. Heaven help him with you as a big brother!"

"Hey, no worse than you as a Sire! Daddy!" Spike smirked at him. "Bet you look just dandy with spit up all over those poofy black silk shirts. Wish I could see it myself."

"Well, maybe you could stay with us while Buffy is here in the hospital? It's going to take a long time for her to recover."

"Sure. Stock up on the blood though. I haven't eaten in two days. Me tum's killing me."

"Call me as soon as you hear anything. Please, Spike."

"Will do, Sire."

Angel strode from the ER, considering what he needed to do to keep his little family safe now that they were back together again.


Buffy was warm. Warm and woozy and floating in a sea of peaceful calm. Nothing hurt anymore…she couldn't feel her arms or her legs. She felt as if she'd been wrapped in cotton and set adrift on a peaceful tide. *Mmm nice,* she thought dreamily, then dove back down into the dark of healing Slayer sleep.


Cordy and Gru strode through the doors of the Hyperion as fast as they could and stopped dead at the sight greeting them. Gunn was diapering Connor on the middle of Angel's leather sofa. Baby lotion, wipes and diapers surrounded the large black man as he sang to Connor in a deep voice. "Hush little baby, don't you cry…Gunn is gonna sing you a lullaby…" he broke off in embarrassment as they approached. Cordy grabbed him and hugged him tight to her.

"Gunn, I saw you die, saw Angelus kill you and Fred and Buffy…God it was awful. What happened?"

"It’s a long story, darling," Lorne drawled from the office. "Why don't you and Grusalag come sit down and Uncle Lorne will tell you the whole tale?"

The end.

Author's Note: All right, I was visited in my dreams last night by an extremely brassed off Slayer, a furious, suddenly chipless blond vampire and a very angry Angelus. He tortured me (and not in a good way:-P) until I recanted my previous ending. So here's what I'm going to do. Chapter 5 (which I still think, as a mom, makes the most sense because really what else could make Angel truly happy than holding Connor safely in his arms again…and we all know what happens when Angel is truly happy) will be the angsty/horror ending. Chapter 2...the angsty/fluffy/B/A ending and Chapter 4...the angsty/fluffy/smutty B/A/S ending (so that Buffy, Spike and Angel stop yelling at me. You guys can each pick which ending you want to read as the "real" one. Ok? *Rhi winces, praying not to be visited by spike-bearing vampires in her dreams tonight...*

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