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Deep Inside

By Heather Martin

*You can lie to others. You can lie to yourself. But you can’t lie to your dreams .*


Spoilers- Grave

Disclaimer- Joss owns all the characters from Buffy TVS. The soul mate principle idea was taken from L.J. Smith’s book series called Night World.

Distribution- Sure, just ask

Summary- Anyone know what dissociative fugue amnesia is? Well, Spike develops such a case after his sudden shiny soul, along with the unexpected return of humanity. He just can’t cope, so he pretends to be somebody he‘s not. As for Buffy, she lies to herself that Spike’s absence hasn’t effected her. But at night, she cannot keep him out of her dreams. What will happen to these two lost souls? Will they ever find their way? And will it be together?

This occurs after Grave. The time between episodes are unclear. Pretend that everything after ‘As You Were ‘only spanned a couple weeks. If you think about it, that makes sense. Seeing Red, Villians, 2 to Go, and Grave all happened in a couple days.


This is going to take a turn. I’ve decided to go a different route than I originally set out to take. Hope you like it.

Note- Conner off Angel is still a baby. I think I’m going to say that this takes place after Birthday (Don’t you just love Conner as a baby? Too bad he didn’t stay that way *sigh* Don’t get me started on that)


Chapter 21

Buffy reached for the bag of potato chips. Barbeque flavored. Spike, however, held them away from her. She crossed her arms, pouting.

“You’ve eaten half the bag, luv,” he told her.

“So? Pregnant lady here. We eat a lot,” she whined. She tried again, ineffectively to retrieve the bag.

He sighed. “Okay, I am going to tell you the truth. I don’t want you to eat anymore because I want some.”

“Oh.” She relaxed. “All right then.”

Surprised, he lowered the bag. “You’re just going to let me have them?”

She shrugged. “Yeah.” After a moment she went on to say, “And we have mint cookie dough ice-cream in the fridge.” With that, she quickly got to her feet, rushing toward the kitchen.

Spike rose as well. He hurried after her.

“Hey, that sounds good!” Spike called.

The ex-vampire arrived to see his slayer take out the carton and open the lid. He made a dash for it, but she kept it at bay. Giggling, she dipped a finger into the frozen ice-cream. She waved it in front of him. Then she popped it into her mouth, sucking the substance off.

Spike froze. He stared at Buffy, mesmerized as she seductively ate the ice-cream. He growled, snatching for her. The carton slipped from her fingers and landed on the counter. He managed to pull her to him. He nuzzled her neck, nipping at the skin.

“I thought you were hungry for ice-cream,” Buffy said.

“You taste much better,” Spike whispered.

“Dawn’s at school.”

“I know.”

Spike pushed Buffy against the island. He began to knead her breasts through her sweatshirt. She arched toward him.

“Ahh, Spike,” Buffy moaned. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too,” he mumbled.

His hands traveled under her shirt. They slid over her belly, making their way upward.

Just then the doorbell rang.

“Ignore it,” Spike instructed.

They continued to grope at each other, and so did the sound of the doorbell. Their passion grew, so much so that they couldn’t stand to stop. The shrill of the bell became more insistent.

“We s-should answer it,” Buffy panted.

Spike swept his tongue into her mouth. She tasted of sweet ambrosia fallen from the heavens above. He inwardly laughed. Must be the poet inside of me coming out, he thought.

“Can’t stop,” he got out.

Their actions prevented them further with words.

Suddenly somebody burst into the room. A figure hurdled at Spike, tackling him off Buffy. Buffy struggled to get her breathing under control and clear her head. When she did, she threw the attacker away from Spike.

“Who do you think you are? Coming in here and attacking my boy-. . . “ Buffy’s eyes grew wide. “Angel?”


Chapter 22

Spike picked himself up from the linoleum. He glared at his grandsire with malice. “What are you doing here?” he demanded.

Angel had his game face on, his golden eyes almost matching that of Angelus. “I could ask you the same thing, ‘Spike’.”

“Now, see here, I live here. I have every right to . . .”

The elder of the two males wrapped his hand around Spike’s throat in a strangling manner. He rammed the blonde into the kitchen counter.

“What game are you playing here, Spike!?”

With fury, Buffy took hold of Angel and flung him off Spike. The vampire staggered backwards, almost losing balance.

Buffy eyed Spike worriedly. “Are you all right?”

Spike rubbed his neck. He cast Angel a threatening look. Then he turned back to Buffy. “Fine, pet.”

The slayer shifted toward her ex. She put her hands on her hips.

“What is up with you rushing in and attacking my boyfriends?” she asked, not in the least bit happy.

“What!?” Angel roared.

Just then someone else rushed into the kitchen. Spike eyed her, vaguely recognizing her as the cheerleader Buffy used to hang around with during high school. What was her name? Cor. . . Cordelia!

Cordelia Chase’s eyes widened when she noticed Spike. She reached into the pocket of her jeans, revealing a wooden cross. She held it in front of herself.

“Back evil vampire!” she shrieked.

“Oh, balls,” Spike muttered.

Spike reached out and grabbed the cross. He took it and dropped it to the floor without any sizzling at all.

Cordy pointed at him, dumbfounded. Beside her, Angel sniffed the air. He concentrated hard.

“You aren’t a vampire,” Angel stated.

“That’s right, Einstein,” Spike replied.

“What are you?”

“He’s human,” Buffy announced.

“He can’t be.”

“He’s human enough.”

Something suddenly occurred to Angel. He spun toward Cordelia.

“Where’s Conner?”

“Relax,” Cordy told him. “I left him in the car with Wes.”

“Why are you here anyway? I told you to wait there too.”

“I wanted to know what was up. You rushed in here like a maniac.”

A frown marred Buffy’s face. “Excuse me?”

Both Cordy and Angel focused back on Buffy.

“I want to know why you are here. And I want to know ‘now’. You can’t just barge into a person’s home. Even if you know the person. It’s against the law, you know.”

“I thought you were in danger. You weren’t answering your door. It was unlocked . . .” Angel sighed. “Sorry, I was wrong.”

“Damn right you were!” Buffy shouted.

A smirk formed on Spike’s lips. Just to piss of Angel further, he put his arm around the mother of his child. Spike glanced down at Buffy, noting the baggy sweatshirt she wore. So Angel hadn’t noticed her ‘condition’ yet. Hmmm. . .

“So, why the hell are you here?”

Angel opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a baby’s cry.

“Angel!” another voice called from the living room.

“Wesley, is that you!?” Angel shouted back.

“Yes. I uh . . . Conner needs to be changed,” the ex-watcher informed.

“The diapers are in the zipper part of the bag.”

“I know.” There was a pause. “But he is your son.”

Buffy raised an eyebrow at that. “Son?”


The five of them, along with a newborn, gathered in the living room. Buffy and Spike settled on the couch, while Cordy relaxed in the recliner. Wesley and Angel stood. Conner was in a car seat, situated by his father’s side.

Buffy’s mind was boggled. Angel had a son? Angel was a father? The notion was so strange. And yet, why should it be so astonishing? She glanced over at the black-clad male next to her. Spike had been a vampire when he gave her a little parting gift.

“So, Darla’s the mum?” Spike said. “That explains why the kid isn’t totally deformed.”

Angel fought losing control. “I understand that we don’t get along, Spike. But insulting my son is over the line. ‘Don’t do it again’.”

Spike became serious. He understood that that was a subject he could never tease his grandsire about and get away with it un-bruised.

“Let’s get down to business, shall we?” the slayer declared.

She wanted to stop thinking about Angel with another woman. She may love Spike, but she would never stop having feelings for her first boyfriend. She also wanted to get this visit over with. The sooner the LA gang left, the better. Angel and her together equaled badness. Angel and Spike together equaled badness. It was total badness all around.

“What do we have to fight?”

Wesley opened an archaic book he had brought. It had a mark, indicating a certain passage. He took a finger and skimmed to the part that was relevant.

“We did not come across a specific mention of an adversary, but it does mention ‘obstacles’,” Wesley informed.

“Uh huh. Obstacles for what? What exactly are you reading?”

“Oh, sorry,” Wesley apologized. He realized his mistake. He had been going on, before even explaining their find.

“This book contains a prophecy about ‘the children given to life by vampires’. I have concluded that Angel’s son is one of these children.”

“And what does are these children supposed to do?” Buffy asked.

“Bring light or darkness, blah blah blah,” Cordy said.

Wes gave her a dirty look.

“What? I basically said what that book does, although I didn’t use as many words.”

“The children: one boy and one girl, possess the power to transform the world. Together they will bring darkness upon the land or bathe it with white light,” Wesley said.

“Like I said.”

“This still doesn’t explain why you guys are here,” Buffy remarked.

“Yes it does, luv,” Spike stated.

She looked over curiously. “Huh?”

“Children. As in plural. The other kid is here in Sunnydale.” The bleached blonde turned toward Wes. “Am I right?”

Wesley nodded. “We tracked it down to this very town.”

“Yeah,” Cordelia said. “And we were figuring that you might be able to help us locate the other baby so we can protect it.”

Buffy took a deep breath. She lay a hand on her middle. “Uh, guys, I don’t think you’ll have to look very far.”


Chapter 23

At first Angel didn’t comprehend what Buffy’s words meant. Then he took in where Buffy’s hand lay. He realized how she had taken on some weight. Beside her Spike smiled, beaming with pride instead of displaying his usual smirk. His head swam, finding the blow too much to handle.

Cordy was the first one to speak. “Congratulations. Really freaky and all that Spike is the father, I take it. But what do you expect on the hellmouth?” She shrugged.

Angel gave his associate a look that clearly said ’are you crazy?’.

“What?” Cordy said, now to Angel. “Don’t tell me you are going to go all broody on us. It isn’t any worse than you and that hoe Darla.”

“That was different,” Angel shot back.

“How?” she challenged. “I don’t see much of a difference. Buffy slept with an evil vampire and got pregnant. You slept with an evil vampire and got her pregnant. The only thing different here is that Spike is a human now. Which doesn‘t seem to be a problem in my eyes. I mean, Buffy doesn‘t have to worry about ever having to stake the father of her child.”

That got Angel, and he couldn’t find anything good to say.

Spike grinned, this time letting his regular arrogance show. “The cheerleader got you there, huh, peaches?”

Angel glared at Spike.

“This is quite remarkable,” Wesley commented. “A slayer with a child is a very rare occurrence. Many don’t survive long enough to conceive.”

“So, yay me,” Buffy chirped. “Do I get a prize?”

“In nine months,” Spike answered.

“It is vital that we keep this child a secret. Evil must not get their hands on it or the world is at stake,” Wesley said.

Spike took Buffy’s hand. “So, no patrolling, luv.”

A cute pout formed on the slayer’s face. She wasn’t liking the thought of being cooped up indoors. Her slayer nature made her restless at night, begging her to go kill something. This wasn’t going to be easy.

“So that’s it then?” Buffy asked.

“Excuse me?” Wesley asked.

“The prophecy? All I have to do is protect my baby from evil and we’re all good?”

“Well. . . Yes, essentially. The children will bring light unto the world as long as they aren’t corrupted by evil.”

Buffy covered her mouth and yawned. “Great. I’m going to bed. You guys got a place to stay?”

“Yes,” Angel replied. He didn’t elaborate.

A small smile formed on Cordy’s mouth. “We’re staying at the crappy motel downtown. We’ll be good for one night. It better be just one night anyway.”

Buffy quickly stood. She pulled Spike up with her.

“Goodnight then.”

The slayer and former vampire headed up the stairs without even showing the AI team out.

Cordy rolled her eyes. She gestured toward the direction where Buffy and Spike had disappeared. “Huh, how do you like that!?” she exclaimed in annoyance.

“It was rather rude,” Wes agreed.

Angel gathered Conner. He snuggly bundled him up with a blue blanket. Then he headed out the door without saying a word.

“I can’t wait to get home,” Cordeila muttered. “He gets so moody around Buffy.”

They began to exit the house, heading toward the car.

“And he isn’t moody back in LA?” Wes questioned.

“Okay, yeah.” She sighed. “But that is a ‘different’ kind of moody. That’s a ‘I’m a tortured vampire with a soul and need to make amends’ kind of moody. This is a ‘I’ve lost my one true love and will never get her back’ kind of moody. And if I had to choose between the moodies. . .”

Cordelia was cut off by Angel. “Stop right there. I can hear everything you are saying.”

“Vampire hearing. Right.” A frown came on her face. “Darnit, it is so unfair. We can’t ever talk behind your back.”

Angel just looked at her blankly.

“Hey! That’s what normal people do. They talk about their friends behind their backs.”

The brown-haired vampire gripped the stirring wheel. “Get in the car, Cordelia.”

She shut up and complied.


Buffy shed her clothes. Naked, she slipped under the covers beside Spike. She had gotten into the habit of getting into bed nude. There was no point wearing pajamas or a nightgown, as she was out of them a few moments later.

A sigh of relief escaped her. “God, I’m so glad that is over.”

Spike looked at her with surprise. “Really? You are happy he is gone?”

“Yeah, why would. . .? Oh.” She propped herself up on an elbow. “Geez, Spike. I know you think Angel is my idea of perfect or something. Maybe he was once, but not anymore. I won’t lie to you. I still love him. But when we’re around each other it is weird. It’s like I don’t even know him anymore. Don’t worry, kay. You are my guy. Soulmates, remember?”

Spike was quiet for a moment. Finally he nodded. “I remember.”

She leaned over and kissed him. She snuggled up to his body, wrapping an arm over his chest.

“Mmmm, love you.”

He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “I know, luv. I know.”

“And you love me back, right?”

“Course. Always.”

She smiled. “Baby loves you too.”

He laughed. “And I love her.”

Her smile grew larger. “Our little girl. She’s going to be so cute.”

“Cause of her mum.”

“And her daddy,” Buffy insisted. She glanced up at him. “He’s quite the looker.”

He smirked. “Am I now?”

Buffy reached down and pinched his butt. “Well, he’s got a nice ass.” Her hand roamed to his front. She tugged at him playfully. “He’s also equipped with some other pleasant parts.”

“Want to see how pleasant my parts work?”


Spike swung her ontop of him.


Chapter 24

Months passed. The AI team went back to Las Angeles, completing their mission with telling Buffy about the prophecy. Buffy was extra careful. She stayed indoors most of the time. When she did venture out, she was always accompanied with someone else. She fell into stir craziness. She felt useless, weak, fat, and unattractive. As she entered her eighth month of pregnancy, she fell into depression. She made no effort at going out of the house at all. She lay around and vegged out in front of the TV.

Spike hated to see his usually vibrant slayer like this. He made an effort to tell her how much he loved her more often. He expressed how beautiful she was to him as well. The words hit Buffy with deaf ears. He never stopped, though.

“I’m going out on patrol,” Spike declared. He swung his leather duster onto his back. Then he grabbed a stake.

Buffy didn’t bother to look up from her television program. Some cooking show, Spike noted. She was practically salivating over the chocolate cake.

“We have cake, right, Spike?” she asked.

“Yeah, think so. Pet, did you hear me? I’m going patrolling. Dawn is upstairs if you need anything.”

She nodded, not saying anything.

Spike sighed with exasperation. “Be back in a few.”


Dawn came down to find her sister staring at the television. The weird thing was that it was off, only displaying a blank screen.

The teen entered the living room and stepped over to Buffy’s side. “Um, Buffy, what has your attention?”

Buffy didn’t reply. In fact she didn’t even look over.

“Buffy?” Dawn moved a hand in front of the slayer’s face. She didn’t even blink.

“Oh God!” Dawn exclaimed. She thought hard, trying to decide what to do. “I’m gonna get help. Maybe Xander.”

She rushed out of the room and went into the kitchen. She grabbed the phone with fumbling fingers. She furiously punched in Xander’s number. Before Dawn could reach the last number the receiver was thrust out of her grasp. She was violently thrown against the wall.

A cry escaped Dawn’s throat. She turned to see Buffy in front of her.

“Buffy? What is wrong with you?”

Her sister hit her. Why? She couldn’t even begin to comprehend what was going on.

The last thing Dawn saw before she was knocked out was Buffy’s eyes. They were blank. There was no life in them at all.


Buffy had thought she was trapped before in her house. She had no idea what trapped was until she was locked away in her mind. Her thoughts didn’t control her body anymore.

She watched in horror as she attacked her own sister. Then she walked out into the night. She went on and on. People gave her weird looks as she passed them. A couple even asked if she was all right. One direct gaze in her trance-like stare and they backed away.

Buffy silently screamed. What is happening to me!?


Spike came back after a long patrol. He had dusted five vamps and two demons. It helped a little with his worries. He felt better. . . . A little.

With his first step going up the driveway, he knew something was wrong. The Summers’ door was wide open. His heartbeat thundered in his ears as he ran inside. There was nothing to be found in the living or dining rooms.

He entered the kitchen to find a crumpled Dawn. He hurried to her side. Kneeling, he reached to check her pulse. He halted before he did, not needing to. He could hear her heartbeat. Loud and strong.

Spike gently shook her. “Dawn? Nibblet?”

She let out a moan, stirring slightly.

“That’s it, bit. Come back to us,” he urged her on.

Gradually Dawn rose to consciousness. “Spike?” Her voice was groggy.

“What happened? Where’s Buffy?”

Dawn’s eyes suddenly focused. She jolted upward, fully awake. “Something is wrong with her. She was in a daze. And then she hit me.”

“She hit you?” he inquired incredulously.

“Yeah. And let me tell you, even pregnant she’s mega strong.”

Spike helped Dawn to her feet.

“We have to find her,” he announced.

She nodded in agreement.

They searched everywhere. They told Willow, Xander, Anya, and Cleo, who helped comb the town. There was no sign of Buffy.

The group finally relented in exhaustion. Except Spike. He kept looking for hours afterward. Eventually even he had to stop for a break.

Spike fell on the bed, not bothering to change clothing. He breathed in the scent of Buffy until he fell into slumber.


The ex-vampire was in a meadow. Birds chirped from above. The sky was bright, blue, and sunny. Flowers surrounded him in all directions.

“What the sodding hell is this?” he muttered.

“A dream.”

He hadn’t been expecting an answer. He spun around to come face-to-face with a young woman. She wore a white dress. Her golden hair blew in the wind, flowing in her azure eyes.

“And who might you be, luv?”

She smiled. “Elena.”

The name meant light. Fitting. This girl seemed to illuminate with her own radiance.

Spike scanned his surroundings. “Not my type of dream.”

“I know,” Elena stated. “Yours are more dark. Sometimes scary. You still hold guilt, don‘t you?”

“Your point?”

She laughed. “No point.”

“Look, I think I should wake up now.”

“No. Not until I’ve told you what you have to know.”

“And what’s that then?”

“I know where Buffy is,” Elena told him.

He perked up at that. “Where is she?” he growled.

“She’s with Medora in another realm.”

“Another. . . Another dimension?”

“Yes. She put a spell over Buffy. She took over Buffy’s body and took her to where she is.”

“And where’s that?”

“It is a dimension she created herself. It has no name.”

“Bloody fabulous. Whose this Medora bint anyway? What does she want with my slayer?”

“She sent the Eliminator to separate you both before. Her whole reason for being is to tear apart soulmate bonds. You were special, though. She thought you were the chosen couple.”

Spike rose an eyebrow at that.

“But she was wrong,” Elena continued.

“So we’re your average couple after all?”

Elena chuckled. “Oh no! Not at all! You are chosen to do something, but not for what she thought you were for. You are chosen to give birth to one of the Children of Light.”

“I’m getting a sense of déjà vu. This wouldn’t happen to be the prophecy about Angel’s kid and mine, would it?”

She nodded. “Exactly. Conner is the other chosen Child of Light. They will someday join to bring light upon the land. As long as evil doesn’t steal them, that is.”

Spike held up a hand. “Hold on a sec. Joined? They aren’t soulmates! Bloody well tell me that my daughter isn’t soulmates with Peaches’s kid!”

A smirk formed on Elena’s mouth.

“Oh no,” Spike muttered.

“Oh yes. And Medora thought Buffy and you were the Children of Light. She obviously didn’t get the full info. I mean, she didn’t know until recently that the couple would be made by vampires.”

Spike felt the air leave him. He couldn’t breath. And now she knew. She wasn’t after Buffy or him anymore. She was after their daughter.

“You can wake up now,” Elena said.

Spike blinked.

“Wake up,” she repeated.


Spike jarred awake. He jumped out of bed, prepared for action. He needed to find Buffy before it was too late. He had to save his girls.


Chapter 25

Buffy awoke to find that she couldn’t move. It wasn’t that she didn’t have control of her body like before. She could blink when she chose to. The rest of her, however, was a dead weight.

“So, your awake then? Good.”

Buffy tried to open her mouth to speak, but found that she couldn’t. Great. The only thing working seemed to be her eyes.

“I bet you are wondering what is going on, don’t you, precious?”

The speaker was deadly beautiful. She had long fiery hair. A black dress molded to her form, displaying gorgeous curves.

“My name is Medora,” the woman said. “I’m not a demon. I’m a witch. I’m more powerful that anything you’ve encountered. Even your little magic friend. I’ve moved past the mortal form. The body is only capable of holding so much power. I’m pure energy now. You only see me this way because I chose for you to.”

Buffy closed her eyes. She wished she could tune out the words. If she had functioning vocal chords she could have come up with a good pun. Something about how evil beings could never just get to the point.

Medora loomed over Buffy. She stroked Buffy’s cheek. Buffy wished she could spit in the witch’s face.

“Such a pretty thing. No wonder your man loves you so much. I bet you want to go back to him, don’t you? Love.” Medora laughed. The sound was like chalk on a chalkboard. “It is funny how close love and hate are. I don’t think you know how close.”

How very wrong you are, Buffy thought. I know perfectly.

“Even soulmates can hate. Two halves. Two opposites to form a whole. Hate and love are opposites. Yet they are so interchanging. They can change from one to the next in a flash.”

Buffy rolled her eyes. She was proud that she could manage that at least. Would this Medora ever shut up? If she was going to kill her she wished she would get on with it already.

“I had a soulmate once,” Medora confided. “I was human then. We loved each other very much. But then he died. He died and left me.”

Boo hoo for you, Buffy thought.

“He killed himself. Suicide.” Medora said this with rage. “He hung himself and left me all alone!”

“That was when I knew that the soulmate principal was bullshit.”

Buffy begged to whatever deity there was that she could go deaf. Was this a new form of torture?

“I shed my shell and let the magic consume me. I devoted my existence to ending soulmates all together.” There was a pause. “And then I heard of them. The Children of Light. I thought you and your handsome devil were it. I was wrong.”

Buffy could feel a hand press against her swollen belly. The baby kicked against it almost as if in anger.

Medora’s face grew close. She whispered into Buffy’s ear.

“Your little girl is special, slayer. Did you know that?” She laughed. “Of course you did. She’s going to bring light, Buffy. Light and love. Banish the hate and darkness.”

Medora straightened. She grinned evilly. “Unless we change that.”

Oh no! Buffy’s mind cried. Not my baby. What was she going to do with her baby?


The whole Scooby gang was gathered at The Magic Box. They scoured through book after book. Willow typed furiously on her labtop. They searched for hours and hours, not giving up.

“I found something!” Cleo shouted.

Spike quickly got up out of his seat. He rushed to the witch’s side. He grabbed the book she had in front of her and began to read aloud.

“Medora: the heart snatcher. A witch who transcended mortal form into one of a spiritual body. She dwells in a lair, in a dimension of her own creation. She seeks out soulmates relationships to destroy. Popular rumor has it that Medora is out for revenge. She was once in love with her own mate, who left her when committing suicide.”

Spike looked up from the book. He slammed the volume onto the table, making everybody jump. “And that is so bloody helpful!”

“I have an idea,” Cleo announced.

“What’s that?”

“I can do a spell. You have a connection with Buffy, right?”

“Yeah. We can sometimes feel what the other is feeling. If we concentrate hard enough.”

“I think I could use that to transport you to where she is.”

Hope formed in Spike. “Let’s get started then.”

“Wait a sec,” Xander interrupted. “How are you going to defeat this uber-witch when you find her?”

“Don’t give toss,” Spike said. “Buffy and I’ll figure it out. We always do.”

“Up until now.”


Medora had left the room. Buffy was so thankful for the peace and quiet. She spent the time trying to contact Spike with her mind. She knew it was hopeless but she had to try anyway.

Suddenly Buffy could hear footsteps approaching. Then chanting filled the air. A purple glow hovered over her. Buffy grew dizzy, which was ridiculous considering that she had remained in one place for she didn’t know how long.

The chanting stopped.

“I’m going to release you now,” Medora informed. “But let me assure you, escaping is out of the question. And attacking would be even a dumber thing.”

Buffy could finally move. She got off the table she had been lying on. She rushed at Medora with great speed. Well, as fast as her massively weighted down abdomen would allow. Her fist hit nothing. It went straight through Medora.

The witch giggled. “I told you, slayer. I don’t process a solid form. You can’t hurt me. So don’t even try. As for escaping, it is useless. You aren’t in your world. The only way to get out of here is magic. And you don’t have any of that.”

Pain suddenly engulfed her stomach. Her hands gripped her middle.

“Oh, and there’s that,” Medora said. She pointed to Buffy’s stomach.

Fire in Buffy’s green eyes, she glared. “What did you do to me!?”

“Why, you’re in labor, Buffy.”

Buffy cried out. She almost fell as another wave of agony hit her. She held onto the table in attempt to stay upright.

“This isn’t normal,” Buffy told Medora. “The contractions shouldn’t be so harsh yet.”

“Magic, slayer. I brought you into active labor. You’ll be delivering your bundle of joy in no time.”

Buffy sunk to the floor. She gritted her teeth.

“And then she’ll be mine. Mine to bring up. Mine to leash darkness over the land. After I get my clutches on that little Conner.”

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God!

Buffy let out a scream.


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