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Domestic Shadows

By Heather Martin

Summary- AU Set in the future after season 7. When Spike saves a little girl’s life, Buffy and his life are turned upside-down. But who could resist a five-year-old’s sweet smile and innocent eyes? They just couldn’t help but bring the little girl into their hearts. But when she turns out to be more than a regular little girl, how far will they go to protect the child from evil?

Spoilers- Get It Done


Chapter 1

Buffy was a walking zombie that morning. She hardly slept at all last night for some reason. She didn’t know why. It should have been the contrary, with the house being so quiet now that the potentials had left and all. She exited her room, wearing a pair of flannel boxers and a large t-shirt. She ran a hand through her disheveled hair, not bothering to comb it the proper way.

Going down the stairs, the sound of soft voices filled her ears. She smiled. Everything seemed so peaceful now that the First had been defeated. Everyone had shifted back into their normal lives. Well, as normal as a member of the Scooby gang could get on the Hellmouth. She stepped into the kitchen, hit by the aroma of cooked pancakes with syrup.

“Buffy, you’re awake!” Willow’s chipper voice stated the obvious.

Buffy groaned, hopping up on a chair at the island. “Barely.”

A sympathetic expression passed over Willow’s face. “Rough night?”

“It shouldn’t have been. It’s as quiet as daisies these past couple days. I should be sleeping like a rock. But no. No slumber for Buffy.”

A plate of pancakes drenched in brown syrup was placed in front of the slayer. It was accompanied with a tall glass of orange juice.

“Maybe you’re just out of sync. You’ve gotten used to it being a circus. And now it’s all calm and peaceful. You’re body is having trouble adjusting.”

“I dunno, Will. . .”

Just then Dawn came bouncing into the room. She was fully dressed, with her hair styled and a subtle amount of makeup on her face. She grinned brightly at the older girls. “Morning!” She eyed Buffy with skepticism. “You better hurry and get ready.”

Buffy didn’t answer. She put her head down on the counter in frustration.

“Buffy had trouble sleeping last night,” Willow explained.

The basement door swung open. Out came a black clad male with bleached hair. He smiled at them. “Hello all,” he greeted.

A moan escaped Buffy. “Even Spike is cheerful this morning. And he’s a vampire. He’s supposed to be groggy and sleepy during the day.”

“Right,” Spike commented. “As if I could get any shuteye with the bitty slayers runnin round. Got into the habit of sleeping during late hours. Have to evolve to survive, ya know.”

Dawn rolled her eyes. She went over and retrieved a yellow smiley-face mug. She handed it over to Spike.

“I washed it for you,” the teen told him.

“Thanks, nibblet. I really appreciate that.”

“No big. Stuck it in the dishwasher and whoa-la, it’s magically squeaky clean!”

Spike took the mug and rummaged through the fridge. He retrieved a bag of blood and tore into it with his teeth, after vamping out. He poured the thick liquid into the mug.

“Ugh,” Buffy said with revulsion. “You could at least use scissors.”

He sent her a smirk. “Gotta use my fangs somewhere, luv.” His human mask shifted back on. He popped his breakfast in the microwave, punching buttons.

Buffy stood up. “I better rush through a shower and get dressed.” She began to head out of the room.

“Oh, Buffy!” Willow called. “Kennedy and I are going out to a movie. So, I probably won’t be here when you get home.”

“Kay, Will,” the slayer answered.

Buffy sighed, gathering a towel from the closet. Time to start the day.


She was twisting a paperclip when the girl came into her office. Okay, it was really a cubicle, but Buffy preferred to claim it as her private space. Made her feel more important.

Quickly putting the disfigured metal away, Buffy put on a smile. “Hi, what can I do for you?”

“My name is Maggie. I made an appointment,” the girl stated. She was short and had springy red hair.

“Oh! Maggie Tanner, yes, of course!” Buffy gestured to the chair facing her desk. “Have a seat.”

The red-head teenager shakily sat down. She averted her eyes, not looking directly at the counselor.

“So, Maggie, what did you want to talk about? Something bothering you at school?”

Maggie shifted, nervously. “I . . .” She glanced at Buffy and then shot her gaze back away. “You won’t tell will you?”

Buffy folded her arms on the desk, trying to look professional. “No, Maggie, whatever you tell me will not leave this room. I promise. Well. . . as long as it isn’t illegal.”

Uncertainty crossed over Maggie. Hesitantly, she said, “My mom is going to be so disappointed. I’m in so much trouble.”

“What is going on, Maggie? Did someone pressure you to take drugs?”

Maggie shook her head. “NO! I would never do that. I’m. . . I’m pregnant.”

Buffy’s eyes widened. “Oh.” She paused and then reiterated her ‘oh’.

“My boyfriend wants me to get rid of it,” Maggie whispered. “I don’t know if I can.”

“Well, you shouldn’t do something this important just to clear your boyfriend’s conscience. This is your decision. You are the one carrying the baby. What you have to ask yourself is do you really want it? Can you take care of it?”

Tears formed in the girl’s eyes. “I don’t think I’m ready. How can I be? I’m only a senior. But I don’t want to kill it. I don’t think I can live with that.”

“This is a living being, Maggie. Something you created. Now, if you have any doubt, which you just said you do, don’t go through with it.”

Maggie gave her a small smile. She brushed the wetness from her face. “Th-Thanks. I think I always knew my decision, I just needed someone to back me up with it.”

Buffy smiled back. “I’m glad I could help. If you ever need any more advise, feel free to come see me again.”

Maggie stood up. “I will. Bye.” She walked out, back into the land of school.

It felt good to help others. She hoped the best for Maggie and her child. Buffy took a deep breath and leaned back in her chair. She shut her eyes. She just hoped that the baby would be safe living on the hellmouth. Bringing a child into Sunnydale was dangerous business. I’ll be there to protect them, Buffy vowed. I’m the slayer and I make it so others can live a normal life.

She wasn’t aware of the tears brimming in her eyes. Subconsciously, she was in grievance more so for herself than for Maggie. When she was young she had dreamed of growing up and having a family of her own. But now she no longer allowed herself to have such illusions. She had realized that she would never have such luxuries as a child or husband.

Principal Wood had been the son of a slayer. It was genetically possible, but Buffy would never allow herself to conceive. It could only lead to torture, for her and the kid. Wood’s mother had died young, and didn’t get a chance to even raise him properly. And even if Buffy lived into a ripe-ol-age, what kind of live could she offer a child?

Buffy cried softly, bereft of something she never had.


Buffy arrived home feeling worn and drained. She had just got done training at the magic shop after work. All she wanted was to collapse on her bed, not even bothering to shed her clothing. She began to head up the stairs with those intentions in mind.

“Slayer, you look knackered,” Spike said, coming in from the kitchen.

“I am,” Buffy replied matter-of-factly, halting on a step.

“Goin to be up for the good fight tonight?”

She groaned in answer.

“Right then. I can do it alone,” he offered.

She turned toward him, gratefulness in her eyes. “Thanks.”

He smiled. “You deserve some rest.”

There was a span of comfortable silence. They both had come to a point understanding friendship. It was like right after Buffy had come back from heaven, though without the dark gloominess.

“So, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.”

“G’night, Buffy.”


A little girl was being led along by a woman. The girl was having trouble keeping up with the brisk pace, because of her short legs. She was not a dumb child and knew that something was after them.

“Mommy, where are we going?” the little girl asked.

The woman slowed down slightly. She turned toward her daughter. Her breathing came rapidly. “Rebecca, I’m not sure.”

There were tears in the mother’s eyes. She really didn’t know where they were headed. Rebecca had a dream that told her to travel to Sunnydale. Out of desperation, she listened to it. But now, on the chilly sidewalk, staring down at her Rebecca, she wasn’t sure if that had been a good idea.

The little girl had been gifted with visions. She saw things that had not came to pass yet. They were frightening, yet very useful at dire times. But this last one gave her instructions, not just seeing.

Rebecca reached upward. The woman knelt down, wrapping her arms around the five-year-old. She held the girl tightly, the act reciprocated.

“I’m so scared, Mommy,” Rebecca cried. She buried her head in her mother’s chest.

The woman stroked Rebecca’s brown hair. “Me too, baby. Me too.”

“Will. . . Will they get us, like they got Daddy?” the child questioned.

Sobbing took over the woman’s body. She trembled at the fresh memory of her husband‘s death.

“I didn’t mean to upset you,” Rebecca whispered. She hated to see her mommy cry.

The woman shook her head. She dried her eyes. “Not your fault, Becca. And no, the mean men won’t get us.”

Rebecca kept quiet. She knew her mother was lying. They weren’t men at all, they were monsters. They wanted to kill them, and they were close. She could feel them.

Rebecca raised her head. Her eyes were huge as if she sensed something. “We need to run!” she shouted.

The mother swooped up her daughter and ran. She looked up at the night sky, praying. Not for herself, she was not important, but for Rebecca.

“We need to go faster!” Rebecca demanded. She clung to the woman in fright.

Out of the shadows, leapt a dark form. He came into view. Glowing golden eyes lit up from his grotesque face. He snarled at them.

The woman put Rebecca down, moving in front of her. She was ready to protect the girl until death if need be.

The woman reached into her pocket and drew out a cross. She held it toward the vampire. He laughed, and kicked it out of her hand.

A panicked expression appeared on the woman’s face. Seeing her weakness, he grabbed her shoulders. She struggled in his clutch, but he was far stronger. He jerked her roughly, then leaned down. His fangs sunk deep into her throat, sucking the red liquid that ran through her veins. The coppery blood slid into his mouth, and he drank it up hungrily.

Rebecca let out a piercing scream. The demon was draining her mother and there was nothing she could do.


Spike walked down the deserted street, lost in his thoughts. He was contemplating about moving out of the Summers’ home. It wasn’t that he wanted to, being near the slayer was a dream come true; but he felt as if he was in their way. The battle with the first was over and there was no reason for him to have to rely on the slayer for assistance. He was right in his mind and could take care of himself.

He was jarred into reality when a scream pierced his ears. On automatic, he ran toward the sound. He ended up in an alley. His vision took in a vampire draining a woman.

“I don’t think so, mate,” he rang out.

Spike pried the vampire off the woman. She fell to the ground in a heap. The vampire gazed up at him, rewarded with a smirk.

A growl escaped the vampire. He hated to have his meal interrupted. He threw a punch, which was blocked.

To the vampire’s amazement, the hero’s features shifted. Spike’s face became that of his own kind.

“You’re William the Bloody!” the vampire accused.

Spike grinned. “Yeah, heard of me I take it.”

“You fight your own kind, you’re disgusting!” the vamp spat.

“Heard it all before.”

Spike took the vampire’s neck, and twisted it. There was a snap of bone, then a burst of ashes.

He was about ready to leave, he had done his job. But then he heard the sobs. And he made the mistake of glancing back. The little girl was hugging her still mother. She raised her head. Wetness gleamed on her cheeks. “She’s dead,” she stated.

Spike was frozen. He should leave, not his problem. Except, something nagged at him, preventing him to. Damnit, that sodding soul was quite the bother.

Spike gave in, stepping over to the little girl. “You got anyone to go home to, Bit?” he questioned. He lowered to one knee.

She shook her head. “No, they got daddy before.”

God, why did his chest swell? He was William the Bloody, masaquerer of hundreds, killer of two slayers, and here he was, feeling for a child. Oh, who was he kidding? He had always had a soft-shot for the young ones. Even when he was a ‘human’ blood-sucker, he never hunted them. Dru wanted to, but he steered her away from the idea. Told her the bigger, the more feed.

The child pointed to the sky. “It will be light soon.”

That was when Spike realized his game-face still showed. He put his human mask back on.

He studied the girl with curiosity. “Why you not scared of me? I’m the same as that pile of dust over there?” he said. He pointed to the remains of the vampire he slew.

Rebecca stood up from her crouch. “No, you aren’t, you’re different. I saw you in my dreams.“

Sorrowfully, Spike replied,” You’re wrong. I’m a demon just like him. I’ve done terrible things. Far worse than he ever did.”

“You aren’t like that anymore. You are here to take care of me,” she stated.

“Bloody hell!” Spike exclaimed.


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