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By Heather Martin

Summary- AU Set in the future after season 7. When Spike saves a little girl’s life, Buffy and his life are turned upside-down. But who could resist a five-year-old’s sweet smile and innocent eyes? They just couldn’t help but bring the little girl into their hearts. But when she turns out to be more than a regular little girl, how far will they go to protect the child from evil?

Spoilers- Anything from Buffy might come up

Chapter 11

"The two spheres used to be one. It was neutral until an evil sorcerer split it up into two: one of dark and one of light. Legend says that the black half gives power to its owner," Buffy explained. She leaned forward, pointing to a page in a book. It had a picture showing the two spheres. One was blackened, while the other illuminated with a brilliant white.

"So, that’s why this Ethan vamp is so strong," Willow said.

"Yeah, and his freak girlfriend. She must have tapped into its power too. Otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to enter the house."

The slayer reached over and took Spike’s hand. He eyed their clasped fingers, surprised. She was actually showing affection in front of everyone. He returned her squeeze. Xander grimaced, but didn’t comment.

"I’m thinking we can locate this other sphere. It is our only chance at defeating them and rescuing Rebecca. If I can get my hands on it I’ll have even more power than I do now."

Willow took the book. She scanned over its contents. "I might be able to pinpoint where it is located. Give me say an hour to set up and another to work it?"

The slayer nodded. "Thanks, Will."

Willow smiled. She got up to gather supplies for scrying.

Xander shifted in his seat. "And what will you do when we know where it is?"

Buffy gave him a ‘duh’ look.

He gestured to the texts. "Didn’t you mention unspeakable horrifying tests?"

"I’m the slayer." She said it as if that was the answer to everything.

"But, Buff . . ."

"They took my daughter. I’ll do anything to get her back."

"You’ve only spent a few days with her. And she’s suddenly your offspring?" Xander’s expression darkened. His eyes roamed to the bleached vampire. "Yours and Spike’s?"

"I’m going and that’s final."

"All by yourself?"

"Not all by herself," Spike said.

Buffy turned her head. "What?"

"I’ve been through tests before. Remember Africa?"

Buffy nodded. She sighed. "All right."

"Do you know what you’re doing?" Xander questioned his friend.

Letting go of Spike, Buffy clutched the arms of her chair. "She’s a little girl, Xander. I don’t care if I’m going in blind to save her."

Xander lowered his tone. "I don’t mean the trials."

"Oh my God! I’m not doing this right now!"

A smug smirk formed on Spike’s lips.

Buffy abruptly stood up. "There is a little girl in danger and all you can think about is my love life!"

Spike’s grin grew.

"And you . . . !" Buffy pointed to Spike. "You are enjoying this way too much. Think about Rebecca! We don’t have time to dwell over minuscule things like this."

Spike’s smile vanished. He shamefully glanced away.

Xander frowned. "Sorry. You are right."

Buffy didn’t reply. She turned and left.






Rebecca hugged her knees. Her eyes were red from crying. She had long ago run out of tears to fall. She was cold and hungry. All she wanted was to curl up in her mommy’s nice warm bed. How unfair the world was. She had already lost her first mommy.

NO! Stop thinking that way, her mind cried. Buffy was coming for her. And Daddy too. She hadn’t lost them. She wouldn’t lose them.

"Hey, kid!"

Rebecca’s head shot up. There was a skuzzy looking vampire kneeling outside her cage. She just stared at him.

"Do you know how long you have to live?"

She didn’t respond, but her heart sped up at his words.

He laughed. "Two days. On the full moon the ritual will be performed."

The vampire bared his teeth. He was in game face, so they were sharp and menacing. "And do you know why?"

Rebecca shook her head. She wanted to know why. She was small, but she usually understood grownup things. This she didn’t.

"You’re a threat."

"Why? I’m only five. What can I do?"

"Not what you can do now. But what you can do later. See, girly, if you were to grow up you’d have children. And your children would have children. Every one of them would be like you. They’d be clairvoyant about where evil lurked. See our predicament?"




"Good. So, now you’ll understand things when we drain your life away in two days."

Rebecca glared. She didn’t think the attempt worked. She had a cute face that was much too babyish. It couldn’t possibly scare anyone no matter her mood.

The vampire chuckled before getting to his feet and walking away.






Spike tilted his head as he walked into the back room, taking in Buffy. She was standing in one place, her fingers running through her golden tresses. She seemed highly stressed.

Spike came forward and laid a hand on her shoulder. "You all right, luv?"

"No." She took his hand and removed it from where it lay. "Please don’t."

He blinked. "Scuse me, I don’t quite understand."

"Don’t touch me."

"Uh . . . Right." He narrowed his eyes. Then he motioned back toward the main part of the store. "Is this about Xander?"

"No, but it helped me realize something. We need to focus. And you touching me . . . Don’t. It jumblies up my mind."

Spike rose an eyebrow. "Right then." He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his duster. "I’ll keep my hands to myself like a good bloke."

Just then Willow rushed in. She came to a halt before them, breathless. "I know where the White Radion is."

"That was quick," Spike commented.

Willow brightened. "It was easy. The Radion has its own dimension. It was created by its guardians in order to keep it secluded from beings unworthy."

"I’m ready. Let’s go," Buffy commanded.


I know, short. Sorry

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