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"Spike, why are you screaming my name?"

"Niblet, I have to talk to you."

"It's like 4 in the morning. You woke up everyone else who's here. What's so important?"

"Buffy." She slammed the door in my face. So I stood there knocking on it. "Let me in Dawn. I swear. She's in my room. Willow saw her, Xander too. The spell worked, it must have. That's the only way to explain it."

"She came to you first?"

"I'm guessing now Niblet, but yea, she was just there suddenly, in my room. By the window, standing in the moonlight. Come on out and see her."

She opened the door a fraction of an inch. "You're sure that it's her, that it's really Buffy. That the robot didn't find its way back or something equally weird."

"It's her Bit, it's really your Big Sis." She pulled on the knob, revealing herself to me for only a moment before she bounded down the foyer and pushed past the two standing in he archway. They just stood there, completely still and let her.

She was shaking the girl in the bed, a little too roughly for my liking, but I could understand her impatience. "Buffy! Buffy wake up!" Buffy's eyes flickered open sluggishly, but she sat upright in bed with the utmost of speed.

"Dawn! Oh my God Dawn, I missed you so much." She pulled the girl into her arms while Dawn started to sob.

"Buffy, I thought the spell didn't work. I thought that you didn't love me because…" Willow ran into the room, suddenly snapped out of her catatonic state by Niblet's words, and put her arms quickly around the other two.

"I'm so happy you're back. It worked, we have Spike and Cordy to thank, their visions helped."

"Can you believe it Buff, those two together are worth a little something in the scheme of things." Xander came and sat down on the bed. My bed. Insults me and then uses my possessions.

"Don't say that, they're important." I smiled at her a little and she didn't glance away. "So where is everybody else? I want to hear about everything that I missed." I drifted away from the room, figured she could use a little time with the others.

I found myself in front of Angel's doorway, and knocked softly. "Mate, go down to room 153, I think you left something there." I drifted down the steps and onto the dark streets of LA. I had time before the sun rose. And anyway, she was going to be there when I got back.


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