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"I'm sorry, about before." She was leaning against the headrest of her seat as I drove, Dawn once again dozing in the back seat.

"Daymare luv. Nothing more than that. Don't need to apologize."

"A daymare?"

"Nightmare during the day. Little vampire joke, humor me."

"I don't think I informed you since I've been back, but you're just as weird as before."

"Happy to hear that your feelings for me have remained constant."

"About that…"

"Are we almost there?" Niblet's head popped up in the rearview mirror.

"In a little while." Buffy turned, and began playing with some wisps of the Bit's hair. "Go back to sleep." The young face once again disappeared behind the leather seats.

"What were you saying Buffy?"

"Nothing that important. Passing thought."

"There seem to be a lot of those going around recently."

"What do you mean?"

"Every time I start a conversation with anyone they get all cryptic and say it's not that important, or I get cutoff and the person pretends not to remember."

"When did that happen?"

"Been happening since you've been back. Bloody irritating. So why don't you just tell me what you were thinking about, because it's obviously something."

"My feelings for you have changed Spike. There, I said it, are you happy?"

Not really, but I locked my jaw and kept looking straight ahead at the road. "Yes, that's all I want, the truth."
"You're mad at me now." She's sulking over there, all by herself with a little pout. God she looks hot.

Why would I be mad at you for having feelings Buffy? I know how you feel about me, I know that you'll never love me."

"How do you know all this?"

"It's right there, anyone can see it."

"Than you're delusional."

"What are you talking about I'm delusional?"

"No one told you did they, about the spell?"

"Why do you all keep asking these same bleeding questions? No, I know nothing about the spell. I didn't hear what Anya said or Dawn or Angel or anyone, ok? I know nothing."

"Willow never told you?" She's perplexed, this is never good.

"I think the I know nothing covered it. Look, can we please change the topic? Anything but this."

"Fine." The car gets quiet and I fiddle with the tuner trying to get something other than static on the radio.
She's not asleep but I have the feeling she wants me to think that she is. I think I may have hurt the princess' feelings. And it hurts me too.

"I'm sorry luv." There's no answer, and I sigh angrily in frustration. She doesn't move. "What do you want me to say?"

"Nothing alright. Can you just listen to me?"

"Of course I can."

"Doesn't look like it. You know what I wanted to tell you, about the spell? The way it was set up I was supposed to appear first to the person I felt the most connected with. Who I had the most love for."

"And you came to me?" My fingers curled tighter around the wheel.

"Well, yea. You were there. Remember?"

"But how?"

"I could sense things when I was there, things that were still going on here. I knew that you prayed that night, right before I came. And that it must have hurt. I could feel people's emotions too, and Dawn was happiest when she was with you. And I guess I just because happiest with you too."

"Just poof, like that."

"Love isn't just poof. It's lots of little poofs along the way."

"So I accumulated enough poofs than?"

"You did, I guess." The hardness in my face softened for a moment and I smiled. But another nagging thought popped into my head.

"And you're telling me that everyone knew about this except for me?"

"To put it simply, yea."

"They believe it?"

"I think they're trying to figure out how it could have gotten messed up, but I believe it."

"I'm glad luv." She laid her head down on my shoulder. She curled herself up a little more, and dozed off. "I'm really glad."

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