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Lost and Found


Rated- PG13 (there might be some NC17 parts posted separately)

Spoilers- Buffy: Chosen, Angel: Soul Purpose

Summary- I’m fixing everything Joss messed up. How? With a spell, a ghost, some visions, an awakening, and a revised prophecy. Still don't know what this is about? Well, then read it and find out. B/S, A/X, A/C, D/C, and maybe F/W (that’s Faith and Wes. What do you think?)

Disclaimer- I don’t own Buffy or Angel. If I did I wouldn’t have to write this story

I just got done watching Provider and Waiting in the Wings of Angel. Made me want C/A. The potential of it was so strong. Why, Joss? Why could you never give us some real C/A? Those few stolen kisses put me not a bit at ease. Ah! Don’t even get me started on season 5.

So, anyway . . . I promise lots of Spuffy and C/A in this story. AND . . . A positive conclusion to the whole Conner thing. I don’t accept the mind swiping spell.



Chapter 10- Trouble with a capital T

Dawn and Conner decided to stick together. They caught a bus from Las Vegas to Los Angeles. They didn’t say much. After Conner’s horrific dream he wasn’t much for conversation. Dawn respected his wishes and kept to herself.

She had gotten far in The Scarlet Letter. Way more than required. Dawn was never an overachiever, and this fact sort of rankled her. She resorted to putting the book aside and counting cars out the window. She made it a game. How many red ones can you spot? Ten so far.

Dawn watched as Conner rummaged in his backpack.

“Is that all you brought?” she found herself asking.

Conner looked over, as if startled by the lack of silence.

“My other stuff is being shipped.”


He took out a bag of salted pretzels. Dawn eyed it. Conner noticed and offered her some, without speaking. She accepted gratefully. She wondered if he had heard her stomach growls earlier.

Dawn munched away at the snack food. She snuck a few quick looks at Conner. She wished she could relieve the disturbance within him. Maybe all he needed was someone to understand. If only he would open up to her and talk to her about everything. But then again, if she forced him it might only make things worse. She went for the non-force, but concerned approach.

“Are you all right?”

He shrugged.

“Life sucks enough without having to deal with stuff in our dreams as well. Don’t you think?”

Conner sighed. He stuffed the pretzels away.

“This one was different,” he said.

“How so?” She was curious now.

“Before I was with a man. We’d face the demons together. This time . . . I was all alone. And the demons . . . They just kept coming. They were everywhere all at once. I couldn’t fight them.” He turned his face away.

On impulse, Dawn took his hand. Afterward she regretted it. She would have let go, but Conner launched onto it. Their gazes met, both surprised. They stayed that way for awhile, just holding hands and staring at each other.

And then the bus swerved off the road, and the bus driver screamed.


“I have to go to the bathroom,” Lindsey said.

Harmony scrunched up her face. “Ew! Like I’m going to take you.”

“Would you rather I mark the room?”

Harmony took a step back. “Eww! No!”

“Then let me go to the bathroom.”

“Humans are so disgusting with their bodily functions. What is taking Angel so long? I didn’t agree to watch over you forever.”

“Are you going to let me go to the bathroom or not?”

“Oh . . . Yeah.”

Lindsey stood up. He watched as Harmony slipped into game face.

“One false move and I’ll do it,” she said, baring her fangs.

Lindsey didn’t seem worried. He had come to them, after all. Why would he want to escape?

The ex-lawyer followed the vampire. They headed down the hall. All of a sudden a man came out of the copying room.

“Wes!” Harmony exclaimed.

Wesley’s attention fell on the two. He wore a nice green button-down shirt and black slacks. He held a couple print-out sheets in his hand.

“Can you take Lindsey to the bathroom?”

Wes’s eyes traveled over the other man. “Lindsey McDonald? And why would you be here?”

“He’s got visions,” Harmony piped up. “Now, will you take him to the bathroom?”

“Very well,” Wesley said. He handed Harmony his papers. “Make sure these get to Fred. She should be in the lab.”

A bright smile came to Harmony’s mouth. “Oh, good, a non-icky job. Thanks.”

The secretary hurried away. Right after she was out of sight, Wesley slammed Lindsey up to the wall. Lindsey’s eyes went wide.

“I want to know why you are here, and I want to know now,” he demanded.

“Visions,” Lindsey choked out.

Wesley banged him against the wall again. “The real reason.”

“That is the real reason! The fucking powers are playing with me. I came here begging for help. It’s the truth, dammit!”

Something in his expression made Wesley release him.

“I came here for aid and all I get is beat up,” Lindsey said.

“And why shouldn’t we? You only switch sides when it is convenient for you. After this little episode is cleared up you’ll cross back over to the other side of the line.”

Lindsey was tempted to say he would leave them alone this time. REALLY leave them alone. Which would be the truth. He’d had enough of this. Enough of Angel. Enough of Wolfram and Hart. Enough of LA. And maybe even Eve. At first she had cared about him. She had only teamed up with him to take down Angel because of that. Or so she had said. Now, he wasn’t so sure. She had become obsessed with the mission.

“Let’s get you to the bathroom,” Wesley said.

Lindsey went into the multi-stall and urinal restroom and took care of himself. Wesley was waiting right outside the door when he exited.

“So, you’re my keeper now?” Lindsey asked.

He never got a reply.

No matter how many visions he might receive, Lindsey knew he would never be prepared for them. His skull split in two as the images played in his head. He put a hand to his scalp as he rode through it.

There were two people this time. A boy and a girl. The male was older, probably by at least two years. They were running away from a bus. Something was chasing them. He couldn’ t see it, but he knew.

The boy held the girl’ s hand, tugging her along. He was faster. She almost tripped once, but he helped her along.

Then the things were upon them. The couple turned and Lindsey got a good look at them.

Vampires. They were being hunted by the undead.

The boy shoved the girl behind him. She seemed upset by this. She defied him and jumped into the fight. She landed a few good kicks before she was knocked aside.

The boy let his fist smash into an assailant. The vampire went flying. Looking down at his clenched hand, astonishment came over the boy’s face. This hesitation was his downfall.

The vamps surrounded them, closing in.

Lindsey crashed back into the real world. He leaned against the wall for support. Wesley eyed him closely. He knew what must have happened.

“What did you see?”


He tied him up. Figures. You choose the right path for once and what kind of treatment do you get?

And now he was just left there. Tied up. Alone. Bored.

Lindsey began to hum. Then he started to sing.

Carry on my wayward son

There’ll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don’t you cry no more

Once I rose above the noise and confusion

Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion

I was soaring ever higher

But I flew too high

Though my eyes could see I still was a blind man

Though my mind could think I still was a mad man

I hear the voices when I’m dreaming

I can hear them say

Carry on my wayward son

There’ll be peace when you are done

Lay your weary head to rest

Don’t you cry no more

He stopped, sensing someone. He turned to see that green demon that was Angel’s friend.

“Wow, buddy, the powers have plans for you,” Lorne said.

“You know something?” Lindsey asked.

“You’re flashing your destiny like a beacon. The high ones want you to pick a side once and for all. No more of this musical chairs.”

Lindsey shifted his eyes to the ceiling. “If only they’d leave me alone. I’d be happy to leave everyone alone.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Lorne said. “Being neutral? Let me tell you something. There is no neutral. Eventually you have to choose. And one side isn‘t going to be pretty when it‘s said and done.”

Satisfied, Lorne left. Lindsey leaned back, not happy one bit.


The room was quiet. Too quiet. The walls closed in on Angel.

There still had not been any change in the woman lying in his bed.

He cleared his throat.

“Cord, you have to wake up.”

Angel rested his forehead to hers.

“I have nothing left. I’ve lost everything. Buffy. Conner. You. I’m all alone in the dark. I don’t even know how to help the helpless anymore.” He rose, looking around him. “How did I end up here?”

“You always knew the mission. You never got lost. Come back, Cordy. Lead me to the path again.” He paused. “I need you.”

There was a knock at the door. Angel turned toward it, not leaving his spot by Cordelia’s side. His hand slipped into hers.

“Yes?” Angel called.

“Angel, it’s me, Wesley.”

“Wes? Did Lindsey ever say what Eve and he did to Cordelia?”

“No. But he had a vision. Two teenagers were captured by vampires.”

A sigh escaped Angel. He had to go do his duty. His brown eyes fell on Cordelia. He wished he didn’t have to move one inch away from her. He felt that if he left her she would slip away.

Angel was about to get up when he felt it. Barely a squeeze at all, but he felt it. Cordelia’s fingers had twitched. He gawked at their entwined hands in awe. He made a quick, impulsive decision.

“Deal with it Wesley,” Angel said.


“Get Spike. He’s the hero on foot.”

He knew it was wrong. Part of him screamed inside. And asking Spike to play champion in his place . . . What was happening to him?

But then he focused on Cordelia again. And it was completely clear. He would stick by her side until she woke up.


Now we’re getting somewhere. Won’t be long now for the good stuff.

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