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Lost and Found


Rated- PG13 (there might be some NC17 parts posted separately)

Spoilers- Buffy: Chosen, Angel: Soul Purpose

Summary- I’m fixing everything Joss messed up. How? With a spell, a ghost, some visions, an awakening, and a revised prophecy. Still don't know what this is about? Well, then read it and find out. B/S, A/X, A/C, D/C, and maybe F/W (that’s Faith and Wes. What do you think?)

Disclaimer- I don’t own Buffy or Angel. If I did I wouldn’t have to write this story

I forgot to mention in the last part that the song Lindsey sang was Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas.



Chapter 11- Brave Awakenings

Bars. That was Dawn’s first coherent thought as she came to. Her vision came into focus. Wincing, she sat up. Conner was huddled in the corner of their cell. He was awake, but seemed out of it. She touched him lightly on the shoulder.


There was no response.

“Sometimes they’re like that. Can‘t handle things.”

Dawn looked over to the left. They weren’t alone. A girl, maybe sixteen or seventeen, was at the other end of the holding pen. Her chocolate eyes were weary, and her brown hair tangled. She wore muddy jeans, that had a hole in the right knee. Her purple shirt was wrinkled.

“Where are we?” Dawn asked.

The girl snorted. “Hell.”

“Who are you?”



Mia nodded.

“How long have you been here?” Dawn questioned.

“Long enough.”

The former key surveyed her surroundings. Through the bars she could make out other cells. They held more teenagers like themselves. Everyone seemed to have brown hair. She wondered if that meant something.

“They’re searching for someone,” Mia went on. “But no one is ever it.”

“Who do they want?”

“Someone special.”

There was a whimper. Dawn realized it must have come from Conner. She turned her attention on him. His eyes were wide and frightened. At least he had come out of his stupor.

“They’re real. All of it. The monsters are real,” he muttered.

“Sucks, doesn’t it?” Dawn said. “I’m sorry.”

“We’re all going to die,” Mia stated.

Dawn sent her a glare.

“If only my sister were here. She’d beat their asses just like that.”

“Right,” Mia said, unconvinced.

“No, really. She’s the slayer.”

“And that means . . .?”

“She’s a super-hero. It is her job to beat up monsters. She taught me some, but I need a weapon.” Dawn held out her empty hands. “Which I don’t have.”

“Where is your sister?”


“Like I said. We‘re going to die.”


Bogg could have been Willy the Snitch’s brother. Or cousin, or whatever. The point was that he had a big mouth. If there was anything going down he knew, and it wasn’t hard to beat it out of him.

Spike slammed the blue demon against the dumpster. “Boy. Girl. Teenagers. They’ve been taken by a bunch of vampires. Know somethin, mate?”

“Vampires?” Bogg said. “I’m not too friendly with vamps. Except for you, Spike.”

Spike tightened his hold around the demon’s neck. “Your kind breathes, right?”

“All right!” Bogg exclaimed. “I know something! Just let me go.”

Spike dropped Bogg to the pavement. He loomed over him, giving off the big bad persona.

“What’s that then?”

“Teens have been turning up missing for days now,” Bogg said.

“Yeah, got the gist from the news,” Spike said.

“Well, rumor has it they’re looking for someone. A chosen kid or whatever. Anyway, I heard they have them locked up underground. The sewers.”

“See, wasn’t so hard, was it, Bogg. Could have avoided the rough up.”

Bogg’s mouth wobbled.

Spike spun, duster whirling around his form. He walked away, into the night.


Dawn flinched. Mia had been taken a few moments ago. And now there were screams.

“She was right,” Conner said.

Dawn looked over at him.

“We’re going to die.”

She was silent for a moment, processing that. Then she abruptly stood up.

“No!” she yelled. “No, we’re not!”

He just stared.

“Buffy taught me lots of things. I used to be this weakling who called for help whenever things got tough. But now I stand up and fight. And I’m not going down without one now. I don’t accept that this is the end. I faced a massacre in my old town by the First. I’ll be damned if a few normal vampires are going to kill me.” Dawn crossed her arms, taking on a commanding stance.

Conner blinked, clearly impressed.

“I don’t know anything about fighting,” Conner said.

“Doesn’t mean you can’t try.”


Senses had been coming back gradually. First there was hearing. The soothing, familiar voice had washed over her, filling her with warmth. At first she hadn’t been able to decipher the words, but then they formed into coherent sentences. Then there was touch. She had felt the cool hand fit into hers.

Now, if only she could get her motor skills to kick in. Come on, Cordy, open your eyes. You’re a champion, remember. A fighter.

Her eyes fluttered. Light. Oh, it was too bright.


Angel. Oh God, it was Angel.

She moaned.

There was laughter. He was laughing at her? Why? She didn’t see anything funny about a catatonic lady waking up.

She tried to open her eyes again. This time the attempt succeeded, but she squinted. Everything was blurry. Her eyes were out of practice. The light was too bright. Ugh, turn it off.


Was that her? She sounded raspy, her voice unused. How long have I been out?

Things went dark. She let out a sigh of relief. Better. Moonlight filtered in through the window, providing enough to see by.

Angel. He was smiling down at her. Aw. He didn’t do that enough.


He stroked her hair. “What is the last thing you remember?”

She racked her brain. Pieces fell into place. She wished they hadn’t.

“Why does everyone want to use me as a vessel to produce evil spawn?” Cordy asked.

He chuckled. “You’re young. Beautiful. Healthy. Perfect candidate.”

“Where am I?”

The room was unfamiliar. It was nice. Large bed. Bedside table. Pictures on the wall.

“Um . . .”

There was a knock at the door.

“Angel. I got the results of that Ganka blood. It turned out that it is poison.”

Cordelia slowly rose herself up on her elbows. “Is that Fred?”

Angel got to his feet. He went over to the door and opened it. The scientist poked her head in.

“Let me show you what I found. I have it all recorded.” She reached out to turn on the light switch.

“Don’t turn on the light,” Angel said, halting her.

“What? Why?”

The vampire grinned, gesturing behind him. “Her eyes aren’t ready yet.”

Fred thrust the papers at Angel. Then she ran to the bed.


Fred flung herself at her friend, wrapping her arms around her.

“I missed you too, Fred,” Cordelia said.

“I’m so happy you’re awake.”

Cordelia sat all the way up. She glanced over at Angel. “Me too.”


Dawn was really scared. The vampires had Conner. She had tried to fight them, but it was no use. She hated the fact that she was a normal girl. Well, a key transformed into a normal girl. But still, a normal girl.

Footsteps filtered into her ears. She immediately became alerted, getting to her feet.

A vampire came into view. His black hair was wild around his face. Scars marred his features. She couldn’t help but think that he resembled Edward from Edward Scissor Hands. Not that he was as cute as Johnny Depp. Far from it.

“The boss wants you,” he said.

Dawn prepared herself.

The vamp unlocked the metal door. It creaked open. He entered, and she took action. Her foot kicked out, making contact in his groin. He hunched over, holding his bits and pieces.


She kicked him again, and managed to move past him. On her way, she grabbed the keys he had dropped. She hurried to another cell. Two boys were inside.

“I’ll get you out,” she promised.

“I don’t think so.”

Her arm was grabbed. The keys were pried from her fingers. She hissed as her arm was twisted.

“The boss wants to see you, little girl. And what the boss wants, the boss gets.”

The vampire, this one with red hair, yanked her along. She didn’t make it easy for him, though, wriggling in his grasp.

They came before another vampire and a woman. At least, she looked like a woman. She had long black hair, and wore a tight-fitting red dress.

The vampire, which must have been the leader, gestured for her captor to let go. She was tossed to the floor.

“Is this her?” the leader asked.

The woman nodded. “Yes, Kenyan. I sensed power within her as well.”

“Very well. Bring in the other one.”

The minions obeyed. After a moment they came back, Conner in their clutch. Relief spread over Dawn. He was alive. For the time being. He was dropped next to her. He got to his hands and knees from his fallen position.

“Which one is it?” the leader demanded.

The woman took a step toward Conner and Dawn. Her face scrunched in deep concentration.

“Their auras are both strong. It is hard to determine which one is the chosen.”

Chosen? Dawn glanced over at Conner.

“On the count of three, what do you say we charge at them?” Dawn whispered.

Conner met her gaze. There was a tired look in his eyes. “What is the point?”

She opened her mouth to answer, but she didn’t get a chance. That was when all hell broke lose.


Conner had the urge to lie down and give up. Every muscle in his body ached, begging for him to just accept his fate.

There was a thump. Conner lifted his head. He watched as a dark figure staked a vampire on the ground. There was a poof as the vampire turned to dust. The black-cladded form rose, twirling his weapon.

“Who’s next, mates?”

“Spike!?” Dawn burst out beside him.


The battle began, not allowing further conversation. Their bleached-blond savior produced another stake. He tossed it to Dawn. She flashed him a grin.

“Sorry, bit, don’t have enough to go round.”

Conner stepped back. He watched in amazement as Dawn fought. She had been right. Given a weapon, she could hold her own. Spike . . . He was extraordinary. Apparently experienced, and even seemed to be enjoying himself.

There was a clatter. Dawn gasped. Her weapon had been knocked out of her hand.

Something snapped at the scene. Something awoke, buried deep within himself. Something primal, slightly dark, and scary. And yet, it was right. It was who he was. He knew what to do.

Conner rushed in. He rammed the vampire into the wall. Then he grabbed hold of the creature’s head. He twisted it clear off its neck. It burst into dust.

Conner stepped back, breathing hard.


The witch retreated.

The boy was the one. She knew that now. The knowledge didn’t do her any good now, though.

She was not going to get paid. Damn. And it had taken a lot of her strength to look into these kids essences too.

She had just enough power to transport herself home.


Spike defeated the last vampire with ease. He pocketed his stake. He turned around to find Dawn staring at the strange boy.

“I didn’t think you could fight,” she said.

The boy gawked down at his bare hands. “I didn’t know I could.”

Then Dawn was looking at him. “Spike? Y-You’re alive.”

“In a manner of speaking.”

She came over and pinched him. “You’re not a ghost.”

“Little late for that show.”



Dawn latched onto him. “I missed you.”

After a moment of hesitation, Spike held her back.

“Missed you too, nibblet.”


I realize Conner is kind of out of character right now. But he isn’t the same boy who got sent to Quor-Toth. At least not at the moment. This is a guy who thinks he has a normal family. The only thing unusual he has experienced is his dreams. So, this vampire occurrence put him into shock.

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