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Lost and Found


Rated- PG13 (there might be some NC17 parts posted separately)

Spoilers- Buffy: Chosen, Angel: Soul Purpose

Summary- I’m fixing everything Joss messed up. How? With a spell, a ghost, some visions, an awakening, and a revised prophecy. Still don't know what this is about? Well, then read it and find out. B/S, A/X, A/C, D/C, and maybe F/W (that’s Faith and Wes. What do you think?)

Disclaimer- I don’t own Buffy or Angel. If I did I wouldn’t have to write this story

I better watch it. I’m so into this story I might forget about my others. *L* I blame it on my Angel season 3 DVDs and new Angel eps on Wednesdays.



Chapter 12- Reunion

They gathered together at the airport. Each held a suitcase. An expression of uncertainty was held on all of their faces. Faith and Willow’s eyes landed on Buffy.

“Where to B?” Faith questioned.

Buffy faltered. She hadn’t thought that far ahead.

“Let me make a suggestion. How about Angel’s?”

Buffy set down her suitcase. She ran fingers through her hair. “Do I have to remind you that he’s head of an evil law firm now?”

“No. That’s just another reason we should look him up. First reason being he has guys who can help us. Second, that we can talk some sense into him. I don’t know what he was thinking takin up a gig with a league of demons.”

Buffy sighed. “Neither do I. I just . . . I worry. Can we trust him?”

“Even if he is the head of Wolfram and Hart, Buffy, he’s still Angel, right?” Willow said.

“Last time I checked.”

“So, do we have a destination?” Faith asked.

“I-I guess,” Buffy replied.

The dark slayer headed outside, confident that the others would follow. Buffy picked up her luggage again, ready to do just that. Willow stopped her.

“Buffy? About Spike . . .” Willow began.

“What about him, Will?”

“If we find him what do you want to do about it?”

Tired eyes landed on her best friend. “Is there anything we can do?”

“Maybe. There might be a spell.”

“But is that the right thing to do? He’s dead, Willow. If he is here like Dawn thinks then . . . He did his part. I’ll talk to him. I’ll . . . We’ll send him on. It is what should be done.”

Willow gaped. “But, Buffy . . .”

Buffy started to walk on. “I don’t want to talk about it.”


“Let’s get out of here,” Spike said. He pushed Dawn gently away. She gave him a giant grin.

“Together,” she said.

He gave her shoulder a squeeze. His gaze shifted behind her, to the young man still staring at the dust he had created with his bare hands.

Gesturing to the boy, Spike asked, “Who’s your mate?”

“Oh, that’s Conner. I met him on my way here.”

Spike’s face shifted to sternness. “And why are you here?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“Was sent here through the amulet. Now, why are ’you’ here? Does Buffy know?”

“Looking for you. And yes. I left her a note,” she said with self-assurance.

He chuckled. “Big sis is going to love that. You’re going to be in big trouble, missy.”

“Yeah, but it was worth it.”

“Come on, let’s be champions and save the day, and then get the hell out of here.”

Dawn nodded. She stepped over to Conner. She gave him a smile, taking his hand and tugging him. He obeyed, still stunned. She made a note to look into why he could single-handedly kill a vamp in two seconds. She had never seen anything like it. Except when slayers or vampires themselves were concerned. Then something sprung to her mind. Could he be the chosen one? The one their captors had been searching for?

“Know anything about this?” Spike inquired. He held up a rolled-up piece of paper. It was yellow and torn at the sides.

“No. I didn’t notice it before,” Dawn answered.

“Found it near the head bugger of this operation.” He carefully unbound the scroll. It revealed row after row of weird symbols. “My, my, what have we here?”

Spike thrust the scroll at Dawn. “Hold this while I free the others.”

The teenager took the ancient writings. She watched as Spike left the room. Conner stared at the scroll with curiosity.

“Can you read it?” Conner asked.

Dawn laughed. “This? Heck no. Can you?”


Dawn rolled the paper back up. Her attention shifted fully on Conner. “Are you all right?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Must be hard. I remember when I first found out about things. I was coming down for a glass of water and heard my sister and my mom arguing. She had told her about being the slayer. I couldn’t believe it.”

“I believe it,” Conner said. “That’s the problem.”


“Are you sure you’re ready?” Angel asked. He hovered over her as she swung her legs over the side of the bed.

“I can’t stay in bed forever. My muscles demand movement. My stomach demands food.” She sniffed. “And my nose demands a bath. Ew.”

The vampire helped her to her feet. She wobbled a little, but basically was steady. She glanced down at herself. She made a face of disgust, pulling at the dotted hospital gown.

“Is there any chance I can change?”

“I’ll have Wes or Gunn pick up something from your apartment.”

“Thank you.” She paused. “How is my apartment? Is Dennis okay?”

“The rent is paid. One of us checks on your roommate regularly. He’s fine, but I think he misses you.” Angel’s lips lifted slightly. “All of us have.”

“I know.”

Cordelia slowly made her way toward the door.

“Hey,” Cordy said, “You never answered me before. Where are we? Unless you remodeled I don‘t think this is the hotel.”

Angel and Cordy emerged from the dark bedroom. They moved down the hall. They were bombarded by a woman.

“Mr. Angel, I’ve come to remind you about your three o’clock.”

“Oh.” Angel’s eyes lit up. “Oh. Cancel.”

“But, Mr. Angel . . .”

“Cancel all my appointments.”

“Uh . . . All right. Done.”

The woman walked away.

Cordelia furrowed her brow. “What was that about?“ She surveyed her surroundings. “What the hell? Where are we?”

“Well, the thing is . . .” Angel began.

“Wolfram and Hart!” Cordy squeaked. She pointed to the logo that was printed on the wall. “We’re in Wolfram and Hart! I‘ve woken up in an alternate dimension!”

“Why do you think that?”

“The Angel I knew wouldn’t align with the forces of evil.”

“Don’t be over-dramatic. Wolfram and Hart has turned a new leaf. It’s changed since I came here. We handle only good cases now.”

Cordy’s eyes were aghast. “We?”

“Angel, my man.”

The two turned to see Gunn. He wore a suit, along with a tie. He held a manila folder.

“Gunn?” Cordelia said in disbelief.

Gunn smiled. “Cordelia. Fred told me you were awake.” He came over and put an arm around her. “Good to see you.”

Cordelia wearily hugged him back.

Gunn faced Angel. “I need you to sign about that Gaheek trial.”

“Gaheeks?” Cordelia questioned. She rose an eyebrow.

Just then someone stormed toward them. Everyone turned to see a certain blond slayer come at them. She seemed pissed. Right behind her was a red-headed witch and jail-break.

“Hey!” Harmony called, coming around the corner. “Visitors have to sign in!”

Buffy ignored the secretary. She stopped in front of Angel, arms crossed.

“Buffy,” Angel breathed.

“This is Buffy?” Gunn asked. He ran his eyes over his boss’s ex.

“Buffy? Willow?” Cordelia said. She noticed the other person and took a step back. “Faith?”

“It’s okay, girl,” Faith said.

“Sure, right,” Cordelia said, skeptical.


That voice made Buffy turn. Surprised, she saw Dawn head toward her.


The teen was followed by a boy . . . And behind him came . . . Spike. He held a scroll, nearly dropping it as he neared.

“Spike?” Buffy gasped.

“Buffy,” Spike got out.

“Conner,” choked Angel.

Everyone shared looks, frozen. Silence fell over them.

“What is going on!?” Cordelia suddenly demanded.


He he.

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