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Lost and Found

Rated- PG13 (there might be some NC17 parts posted separately)

Spoilers- Buffy: Chosen, Angel: Soul Purpose

Summary- I’m fixing everything Joss messed up. How? With a spell, a ghost, some visions, an awakening, and a revised prophecy. Still don't know what this is about? Well, then read it and find out. B/S, A/X, A/C, D/C, and maybe F/W (that’s Faith and Wes. What do you think?)

Disclaimer- I don’t own Buffy or Angel. If I did I wouldn’t have to write this story

Chapter 8- Safe?

Buffy rolled over in bed. She hugged the sheets closer to her chin. They smelled fresh and clean. She kept her eyes closed, reluctant to face the world. She wished she could escape for awhile. Even in her dreams she couldn’t rest. She needed a break.

Can we rest now? Buffy . . . Can we rest?

Her green eyes flew open. She abruptly sat up. She rested her face in her hands for a moment. Then she quickly got out of bed and tore off her clothes. She went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She stepped in, letting the spray hit her front. She kept the water cold, savoring the sting.

Buffy couldn’t be sure, but she might have let a tear or two escape her eyes. She stood under the gush for a long time before washing.

Finally she turned the knob to off and got out. The mirror was misted over. She didn’t bother clearing it as she combed her hair and brushed her teeth.

The hotel towel was small, but it fit around her tiny frame. As she rummaged through her suitcase for an outfit she called into the adjoining room.

“Dawnie, you awake!?”

There was no answer.

Buffy pulled on a red long-sleeved shirt. She buttoned her corduroy pants and headed to the door that led to Dawn’s room. She opened it and walked through.


The bed was neatly made. Buffy wrinkled her brow. If Dawn had slept in it last night it was very un-Dawn-like for her to tidy it up afterward. Maybe the maid had arrived early.

The slayer headed to the bathroom. It was dark and empty.

Alarmed, Buffy searched the room for any hint of Dawn’s whereabouts. There was no sign of a struggle, which calmed her a bit. Just ‘a bit’. She discovered a folded piece of paper on the nightstand. She snatched it up.


You probably hate me right now. Don’ t . I’m doing this for you. I figure if you can make it for months alone in LA I can make it for a few days. I’ll call you as soon as I get there. Don’ t panic. Everything will be all right. I’ll bring him back to you.

Tell Willow I’m sorry, but I couldn’ t wait. This is something that needs to be taken care of now.

Your sis,


Buffy hastily folded the letter back up. She stuffed it into her pocket. That girl!!

Buffy exited the room, slamming the door on her way out.


Willow stood before her students. A table was before her with a row of candles. The girls were watching her intently, jotting down notes.

Lifting a red candle, Willow said, “ Okay, red represents love. It can also be used for the southern cardinal point.”

A girl in the back raised her hand. She was tall with long white hair. She was often shy, so Willow was pleased that she was participating.

“Yes, Candace?”

“A-Are love spells wrong?”

Willow set the candle down. “They can be. It depends how you do them. It is wrong to mess with people’s minds. You shouldn’t force someone to feel something they don’t. Or forget a breakup you had. The wording is the important thing. I recommend enhancing your special someone’s senses toward you. For example, you could wear a pouch with lavender for attraction. Or, open their eyes to notice you. But don’t mess with their free will. Remember the karma rule. Whatever you send out comes back to you times three.”

The teacher held up the gold candle. “Now, gold can be used for prosperity or health. It can also -”

Willow didn’t get to finish. She was interrupted by Buffy. The slayer stormed into the classroom. She stalked up to Willow, scowl on her face.

Willow put her prop back on the table. “B-Buffy? I’m in the middle of a class.”

“Right now, Willow, I don’t care,” Buffy said. She brought out the crumpled letter Dawn had wrote. “My sister is gone. I have a feeling you know why.”

Incredulously, Willow took the letter. She scanned over the words, her expression darkening. When she was finished she glanced up at the twenty girls. They watched the scene with interest.

“Class is dismissed,” Willow announced.

The newly risen slayers jumped at that. They gathered their things and filed out.

Willow handed the letter back to her friend. “Dawn and I were worried. She said you haven’t been sleeping peacefully.”

Buffy didn’t respond. She waited for the witch to continue.

“We did a spell.”

Of course, Buffy thought. Every problem that revolved around Willow began with a spell.

“I thought you had learned your lesson!” Buffy yelled. “What happened this time?”

“Buffy,” Willow calmly said, “It wasn’t anything I swear. All I did was meditate to see where Spike’s soul went. That’s all.”

Buffy sunk into a wooden desk. “Spike?”

“I couldn’t find him. Dawn thought he might be a ghost here on earth so I checked. I . . . I found something, Buffy. I detected him in Los Angeles.”

“Los Angeles,” Buffy muttered.

“I told her we’d discuss what to do. I didn’t think she’d rush off and try to find him on her own. God, Buffy, I’m sorry. I should have stayed with her. I should . . .”

Buffy met Willow’s eyes. She swallowed. “It isn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have blamed you.”

Buffy rubbed her temples. “What if she gets into trouble? She’s only sixteen years old. I know I ran off when I was the same age, but I’m the slayer.” Her voice caught. “What if something happens to her?”

“It won’t,” Willow assured her.

“How do you know?” Buffy asked.

“Because we won’t let it. We’re going to go find her and bring her home.”

A small smile formed on Buffy’s lips. “Thanks, Will.”

Willow came forward and took her friend’s hand. She squeezed it.

“And if Spike is really out there we’ll find him too,” Willow told her.

Buffy’s smile wobbled.


Angel stopped dead a foot away from the hospital bed. She looked peaceful, as if she were only sleeping. Other than her pallid skin she seemed healthy.

“There are strict orders to keep Eve out of this building. She won’t touch you again. I swear,” he vowed.

Angel moved to Cordelia’s side. His arms slid under her body, lifting her off the bed. She was light. The coma had made her lose weight that she didn’t need to shed. He cradled her to him, carrying her out into the hall.

A nurse intercepted his retreat. “Mr. Angel, what are you doing!? Ms. Chase is admitted to our care.”

“Not anymore,” Angel said. “She’s under my care now. No one else is to touch her.”

His tone made the nurse step aside. Angel continued through the infirmary. He made his way to his quarters. He locked the door behind him and then brought his cargo to the bed.

The vampire settled Cordelia gently down. He tucked her snugly under the thick blankets.

“You’re safe now, Cordy,” he whispered.


Dawn sat near a window. She wished trains gave out packets of peanuts like airplanes. Or maybe some did, but this one didn’t. Anyway, she was hungry. Why hadn’t she thought of grabbing some snacks before venturing out? Oh well, she could wait a couple more hours to eat.

Dawn got out her novel and began to read. She hadn’t even finished a page when someone spoke.

“The Scarlet Letter?”

She lowered the book. “It’s for English,” she clarified.

A boy, older than her by two or three years, stood in the aisle. He had a white book bag slung over his right shoulder. He wore blue jeans that were slightly baggy and a gray t-shirt. His hair was longish, falling into his dark eyes. He gave her a lop-sided smile.

“Can I sit?”

“I don’t know. Can you?”

The boy chuckled. “ ’May’ I sit across from you?”

She shrugged. “Sure.”

Her heart sped up as he settled down in the seat across from her. God, he was good-looking.

The train began to move. Dawn gazed out the window, watching as they sped out of the station.

“So, why are you on a train by yourself?” the boy asked.

“I . . . I’m surprising a friend in LA.” Not lying, but not telling the whole truth. “What about you?”

“I’m going home. I was at college, but I dropped out.”

“You dropped out?” Dawn didn’t think he looked like the type to give up on education.

“Just from Notre Dame. I want to transfer to a school closer to home.”

“Oh.” Dawn smiled. “I understand. Family is important.”

“Yeah, it is,” he agreed.

“I’m Dawn,” she offered.



I assume Conner is going by Conner and not Steven with his made-up family. It never said on Angel. Or at least, I don’t remember it doing so.

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