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Title: The Reversed World Series

Summary: Buffy’s world flipped upside-down and turned inside out.

Author: Nissa

Rating: R- eventually I think.

Feedback: Please, I’ll never know if it sucks if you don’t tell me. Just be nice, it’s only my second fic.

Distribution: If you really want it...sure, just let me know where it’s going.

Disclaimer: If I owned anything would I be writing this? No. Joss owns it all.

“DAWN! HURRY UP!” Spike yelled from their kitchen. He’d been living with the thirteen-year-old for a few weeks now. He’d told his mom that he was moving out; she just accepted it as if it was nothing. She was too bent on becoming famous to even care really. They still didn’t have any furniture in the living room, but at least now they had food in the refrigerator, even if Spike had to get a job at the Quickie-Mart to pay for them. He was seventeen and to him that was old enough to take on all these dad-like responsibilities. He buttered Dawn’s toast as she ran down the stairs.

“Sorry, Sorry, Sorry.” She said, grabbing her breakfast, backpack, and shoes then hurrying out to the sleek black car in the driveway. Spike just rolled his eyes. How did he get roped into this anyway? Oh yeah, in the words of Xander “Buffy was a hottie.” That’s how. Spike trudged out to the car.

“So are you coming home straight after school today lil’ bit?” Spike asked Dawn as he climbed into the drivers seat and started the ignition. Lil’ bit had become his endearing nickname for the teen, well one of a multitude of them. Granted she wasn’t all that small, but it seemed like something a big brother might call his younger sister.

“Uh, yeah, I might bring a friend home though. Is that okay?” She smiled up at him. How could he say no?

“Sure, but I don’t think I’ll be in early tonight.” He hadn’t told Dawn he was a Slayer. How could he? ‘Dawn, I’m a Slayer. I kill demons and vampires. Oh yeah, by the way, your sisters a vamp and she kills people now.’ No, he couldn’t do that to her.

“Are you ever?” Spike frowned. He wasn’t ever home early. ‘That’s no way to bring up a kid,’ Spike thought. They were pulling around the corner out of their neighborhood now.

“No, I’m not and I’m sorry ‘bout that niblet.”

“It’s fine Spike.” Dawn sighed. She wished he wouldn’t feel guilty about stupid things like that. She had food and company now, she was happy. They were nearing the Middle School now.

“Need lunch money?”

“Yeah, about five bucks should do it.” Spike reached in his pocket, pulled out a crinkled bill and forked it over to Dawn. “See you when I get home!” Dawn kissed Spike on the cheek and exited the car.

“Okay.” Spike touched his cheek. He’d never had a little sister before, or anyone really. His mom was always distant. His dad...he didn’t even know who he was. Being and only child under these circumstances he’d never been the object of much affection. Day by day he was happier and happier that he’d made a promise to that vampire.

Setting: Lunch

“So Spike, when do we get to meet Dawn?” Willow asked anxiously. In the few weeks he’d been taking care of the girl he’d never introduced her to his friends.

“Uh, maybe this weekend, after all it’s her birthday on Sunday.” Spike smiled remembering how excited Dawn was a few days ago, realizing someone would be there to celebrate it with her.

“Oh! We should throw a party for her!” The red head smiled. She was an only child too and loved the thought of having someone younger to teach, be a role model for, and finally have some decent girl chat with.

“Throw a party for who?” Xander asked as he sat down at the cafeteria table with a loaded down tray. Willow and Spike grew looks of disgust on their faces as they glanced at the three servings or mystery ‘meat’ on Xander’s tray. “What?! I’m a growing boy!”

“A party for Dawn, and by the way, if you’re looking to grow and not die...I wouldn’t be eating all that ‘meat’.” Willow said, air-quoting on meat.

Xander, ignoring Willow, replied, “Cool. So that means we’ll finally get to meet Dawn?”

“Yeah, it’d be a party for her and all, so I’m guessing she’d be there.” Spike replied flatly.

“Okay,” Willow sighed, “Party on Sunday then?” Spike nodded.

“It’ll be at the house, we’ll decorate it and whatnot. Have some cake and presents.”

“Spike?” Xander asked, staring at his lunch.

“Yeah Xander?”

“Your Slayer senses can tell when there are demons and non-human things around right?”


A nervous look appeared on Xander’s face, “Well are you getting that feeling around my caf. food?”

Spike and Willow sighed once more. “WHAT?! There’s freakishly weird little green dots in it!”

“C’mon Spike, we better get to class.” Spike and Willow picked up their backpacks and trudged towards Advanced Chemistry.

“Hey! It could be demon meat!” Xander yelled after them, picking up the attention of everyone in the cafeteria.

Setting: Library

“So Giles, there any new big bads in town?” Spike asked, throwing down his books on a table crowded with research.

“Actually, there is one.” Giles was flipping through a large brown leather book with The Feared inscribed in gold on the front of it.

“And who might it be?” Spike walked over to his watcher and began reading over his shoulder.

“Her names Drusilla. If you’ll recall she’s Buffy’s sire. We believe she’s here to open the Hellmouth, as most vampires usually are.” Spike scratched his head.

“Says here she’s insane? Whas that about? Aren’t all vampires insane?”

“Indeed, most vampires are insane to a degree. I haven’t a clue as to what makes this one crazier than others. You’ll have to find out I suppose.”

“Okay, so I guess that means patrolling tonight?”

“Yes, but I recommend you going home and stocking up on ammunition. According to the tales of Drusilla she has many minions that would gladly be killed in protection of her.” Giles warned while shutting the book and sticking it back on a shelf.

“Sure thing...How late do you think I’ll be out patrolling?” Spike hated leaving Dawn alone at extremely late hours of the night.

“I’d say a few hours...maybe until eleven?” Spike sighed...maybe Willow would watch Dawn?

Setting: Revello Drive; Spike and Dawn’s House

“Yeah, fifteen minutes...Yeah, thanks so much Will.” Spike hung up the phone. Willow had agreed to watch Dawn while he had to patrol for that crazy Drusilla vamp. “Hey, Dawn!”

“Yeah?” The teen popped her head out of her room.

“Willow’s gonna come over and watch you tonight, cuz I’m going to visit my mum and probably won’t be home ‘till late.” He hated lying to her, but it really was for her own good.

“I’m almost fourteen, I can stay at home by myself.” Dawn whined, “Who’s Willow anyway?”

“She’s one of my best friends, I’m sure you’ll like her.” Spike smiled. He walked into his room and pulled two stakes, a cross, and three bottles of holy water out of his drawer, stuffing them all into various pockets. He wondered if he’d run into Buffy tonight. Maybe he would and he could tell her how Dawn was doing. A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. He glanced at his watch...if it was Willow she was about ten minutes early. He waked to the door.

Out of the peephole he looked through he saw Willow.

“Hey Willow.” The blonde opened the door and let her in.

“Hey Spike, where’s Dawn?” She was extremely eager to meet the girl.

“Dawn, come down here!” Dawn jogged down the stairs and ran up to greet Willow.

“Hi! I’m Dawn.” She was smiling wide, “You must be Willow. Wanna play a board game? Oh, wanna watch a movie? I’ve got Bring It On! C’mon!” Dawn grabbed Willow’s hand and dragged her upstairs. Spike chuckled a bit. He sort of felt bad for leaving his best friend at the mercy of Dawn.

Setting: The Sunnydale Memoriam Cemetery

Spike had made his way through at least five other cemeteries when he’d come to the Sunnydale Memoriam Cemetery. He wasn’t really expecting to find anything, maybe a few fledglings or a green scaly thing, but not Drusilla. As he wondered around, keeping his eye out for people popping out of graves, he felt a presence near him. The Slayer quickly turned around, and there was Buffy.

“Hi Spike,” There was another vampire around. Spike could feel it. “I wanted to thank you, for finding Dawn.” She stared down at the ground and mumbled, “but unfortunately, my sire found out that I knew you. She wanted to meet you. I’m sorry Spike, but I had to bring her, a childe must be loyal to her sire.”

Out from behind Buffy stepped a brunette woman with wide eyes and a wicked smile. “My Buffy tells me that you are the Slayer. Me and Miss Edith wanted to meet you so.” She pulled a doll out from behind her back. Spike could only stare, ‘Is this crazy bint Drusilla? Oh God, I’m in for a long night.’

“You must be Drusilla,” Spike stated.

“Did the pretty kitties tell you about me? I wanted to pet them...but they mewed and ran.” She frowned slightly.

“No, I read about you in a book.” He was extremely confused by what she had just said, ‘This chit’s crazier than Boxing Day.’

“The paper? It tells a story about me?” The crazed vampire spun in a circle and then clutched her head and then shouted, “It hurts! The paper, it tells lies! Don’t believe the lies!” Drusilla stopped her paroxysm of anger and grinned wickedly. “Miss Edith and I would be very happy if you stayed for tea.”

“No, Dru don’t.” Buffy said shyly, extending an arm to Drusilla’s shoulder. The elder vampire backhanded Buffy and shot her into a headstone. “Don’t disobey mummy.” She slowly made her way over to Spike. “Be in me.” The brunette put her fingers towards his eyes and then pointed them back to her own. Spike’s eyes glazed over and he couldn’t move.

“Drusilla! You don’t have to do this, he didn’t do anything to you!” Buffy yelled from behind her sire.

“But this boy’s the Slayer, he’s done so many things to me...” She trailed of as she walked behind Spike and stroked his shoulder gently and nipped at his neck. Buffy couldn’t watch, she knew it was bad to harm your sire, especially since Dru was the only one that protected her, but Spike was taking care of Dawn...she couldn’t just let him die. She charged at Drusilla and knocked her to the ground. The glazed look in the Slayer’s eyes faded and he turned to see the two vampires lying on the ground. “Buffy, you should just let mummy handle matters on her own!” Drusilla threw the blonde girl off of her. The brunette doubled over as soon as she got up, finding Spike’s foot in her stomach, followed by a punch to the jaw.

“Didn’t your mummy ever tell you, it’s not polite to hit girls?” She punched him back in the stomach, turning, preparing to flee. He was too quick though and reached for her arm, twisting it around her back.

“Now, whas this talk I hear about you wanting to open the Hellmouth?” Spike honestly just wanted to get this over with and head back home to talk to Dawn and Willow.

“I will open the Hellmouth, my friends want to come visit me.”

The Slayer rolled his eyes, “Your friends that live in the Hellmouth?” ‘It’s like talking to a slow child.’

“Yes, the ones that live in other dimensions. They want to come visit us on the blue marble.” She fidgeted in Spike’s grip. He kicked her in the leg reminding her he had the upper hand, the fidgeting ceased. “Now, when are they coming Drusilla?”

“Soon, the party will be soon Slayer.” She elbowed him, catching him by surprise and allowing her to get away. “Buffy, lets go...mummy’s not very happy with you,” she picked up the girl on the ground and carried her off.

“It jus’ had to be vampire slaying din’ it? Couldn’t be a doctor or a fireman...” Spike muttered as he turned to leave the gloomy graveyard and go home.

Setting: Revello Drive; Spike and Dawn’s House

“Willow! I didn’t know that you liked Spike like that!” Dawn giggled, the redhead blushed, “If it’s any consolation, I think you two would be cute together.” Willow was right. Dawn was great for girl talk, as for the teaching and being a role model...that wasn’t really working out, but she was happy with having another girl friend. They’d spent the whole night playing Spill and French braiding each other’s hair. Willow glanced at her watch.

“Oh crap. It’s eleven-thirty! You should be in bed! You’ll never be awake for school tomorrow!”

“That’s okay, I’m never awake for school.” Dawn grinned, but Willow looked stern, “Fine, Fine. I’m going.” The teen put her hands up in mock- surrender.

“I’ll see you later Dawn. ‘Night.” Willow got up and left the girl’s room and went down to the kitchen to see if they had anything to eat. She was happy someone finally knew about her crush on Spike, it was an unrealistic crush, but still. She sighed and opened the fridge. Settling on Raspberry and White Chocolate yogurt she sat herself down at the kitchen table after she’d grabbed a spoon. She began mentally counting all the reasons it could never happen... ‘He’s the Slayer and he’ll probably die at an early age...if it happened and we had kids then they’d be super strong and have to save the world probably...’ Going on and on she couldn’t believe how many she could think of. Her biggest one was that Spike would never hurt Xander like that, seeing how much Xander liked Willow and all. They’d known each other since Pre-school, even then there were taunts of them liking on another. Willow could still hear it some times. ‘Willow and Xander sitting in a tree Kay- Eye-Ess-Ess-Eye-En-Gee!’ Being as shy as they were back then it wasn’t good for either of them to hear it. Willow turned to being even shyer, but Xander decided that he’d just joke about his insecurities. They were basically polar opposites. Willow loved everything academic, Xander, well he’d be lucky if he finished school. Despite all that they’d been best friends for a long time, always just missing their chances romantically with the other. Willow had liked Xander before Spike came, so of course Xander had to like her now. A door slammed and Willow’s thoughts sprinted back towards the present.

“Hey Will, cute hair.” Spike chuckled at her lopsided French braids.

“What? I think it does look cute.” She defended, touching her hair.

“No, it does,” he had to suppress another laugh, “Thanks for watchin’ the lil’ bit. I had a hell of a night Slaying if that makes you feel any better. Ran into that crazy Drusilla bint.”

“Did you see Buffy?” Though she’d never admit it, she was jealous of this mystery vampire girl that just up and appeared in Spike’s life.

His eyes flashed lust, “Yeah, Drusilla’s her sire. Dru tried to bite me, but Buffy knocked her over, even though that goes against the vampire code.”

Willow felt her stomach twitch... ‘That look, the lusty one, in his should be for me.’ She coughed, as if it would help expel the thoughts of jealousy. “Well I should be getting home, still got school tomorrow and all.” She feigned a yawn, put her spoon in the sink and yogurt can in the trash.

“Thanks a bunch Willow.” Spike stood and hugged his friend. Willow loved the slight benefit she had just by helping him out, even if it wasn’t them making-out in a corner of the Bronze, it was nice.

“Sure, anytime Spike.” As Willow walked home, a grin was plastered to her face.

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