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Title: The Reversed World Series

Summary: AU. What if Spike and Buffy were in each other's shoes? Well sorta.

Author: Nissa

Rating: R- eventually I think.

Feedback: If you want another chapter send me feedback because otherwise I give up. :-( Distribution: If you really want it.sure, just let me know where it's going.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own any of the BtVS characters.despite the constant wishing they still belong to Jossy boy. A/N: This is for Britt who made me happy so I decided to write more for her :0)


"Check." Willow answered Spike as she pushed a shopping cart through the Party Outlet, picking up supplies here and there. They'd been in the store for hours. Glancing at streamers and balloons, picking out confetti and plates and cups. Willow was having a great time; she'd even got Dawn's birthday present earlier. She got her new favorite girl friend a silver ring with a moonstone in it. Recalling Dawn loved jewelry she knew it was the perfect gift.

"What color?" Spike wanted everything to be just right for his almost- sister's birthday party.

"Um.a pack of blue and a pack of pink." The red head replied, holding up each one.

"Put back the blue and get yellow."


Xander then came around the aisle corner carrying a bakery box, "I got the cake." He opened the top of the box to show the cake. It was a cookie cake with blue and white frosting that said 'We love you Dawn!' in the middle of some frosting globs.

"Excellent." Spike grinned; this would be a great night for Dawn.

Setting: Sunnydale Memoriam Cemetery; The Flagstaff crypt.

"Buffy, mummy is very angry at you." Drusilla scorned the blonde who was tied up in a chair in the corner of the dusty crypt, "You behaved poorly in front of our guest."

"I'm sorry Dru. I really am." Buffy said staring at a decapitated doll near her feet, studying the way it's head had been cleanly ripped from it's neck.

"Don't lie!" The elder vampire walked up to her child and raked her nails across her face. "Miss Edith sees.she sees you and the slayer.making a deal." Drusilla spun around quickly, "It was a protection. You're keeping something from mummy." She pouted, "The stars all laugh at me, they know, but they won't tell me, tell mummy!!"

Buffy looked at the glassy brown eyes of the little doll, trying not to concentrate on the excruciating pain in her cheek. She couldn't tell Drusilla about Dawn, she'd kill her, or worse. turn her and make her live this horrible un-life she was now forced to have.

"You know mummy'll find out. The stars might laugh, but they fear Miss Edith. She spits on them and they stop shining." Dru laughed, tossing her head back, stroking Miss Edith's hair.

'If something happened to Dawn I think I'd stake myself.' tears were forming behind the blonde's eyes, 'What the hell is wrong with me? Vampires don't cry. I'm horrible at being a vampire. Just like I was horrible at being a daughter.and a big sister' all these sudden realizations just made the tears fall flooding out.

"Buffy, did mummy hurt your feelings?" Drusilla went and kneeled down next to her childe, "Don't cry, mummy loves you! Oh Miss Edith look what we've done." She stroked Buffy's hair. "I'll take you on a hunt tonight my little one, how does that sound?"

Noticing she'd gotten Dru off track she nodded to keep her away from the deal she'd made with Spike. "Can we find some big strong jocks for me to have fun with?"

"Would that make you happy my little rabbit?" Drusilla stared at her intently.

"Yes." Buffy grinned.

"Then the flowers will grow." The brunette laughed and untied the younger vampire. "Tonight when the moon and the clouds play a game of peek-a-boo we will go to the man farm."

"I'm guessing you mean the gym?" Only being around Dru for a few years it still took Buffy some time to figure out her riddles.

"Yes, we will journey to the one near the gate my friends will enter at tea time!"

'Um.I guess that means the ones near the Hellmouth right next to the high school.'

"Is my baby all better now?" Drusilla asked, her eyes wide.

"Yes Dru I'm all better now." Buffy replied, rubbing her wrist a little where the rope had bore into it. When she looked up Dru passed her Miss Edith in a childish hope of comfort. The blonde smiled at her sire, 'At least there's one person who still loves me.'

Setting: Revello Drive; Spike and Dawn's house.

"Spike, how are we going to keep Dawn out of the house? I mean it's Sunday where is she going to go?" Willow, Spike, and Xander had started decorating, hanging the streamers from the ceiling, blowing up balloons and taping them to the walls, preparing all the food and putting it on a table in the kitchen. This thought finally occurring to one of them when they were almost finished.

"Oh bollocks." Spike said and slapped his forehead, "No one thought of that. She's supposed to be back from her friend Janet's around noon and it's." Spike took a glance at his watch, "Eleven forty-five, terrific."

"Maybe one of us could take her out somewhere?" Xander suggested from the kitchen. He was munching on some M&Ms in a dish.

"Yah, I could take her to the park or something," Spike suggested shrugging. "Xander, stop eating the food." The slayer sighed, "Ok I'll take 'er to the park. You two keep up with the decorations and what all and we'll be back around two?"

"Sounds good." Willow said, putting another blue balloon on the helium machine and turning the nozzle. "See you then" Willow sighed as Spike walked out the door.

Setting: Sunnydale Park

"So Spike, why'd you pick me up?" Dawn asked as they walked down a shady path in the public park.

"I dunno, just thought this would be something special to do on your Birthday Nibblet." The slayer said, wrapping his arm around the girl's shoulders.

Dawn smiled at her 'brother', "I'm really glad you found me Spike." Spike smiled, it was really a win, win situation for both of them. Dawn loved having someone and Spike loved the feeling of being needed. "Thanks for bringing me here, it was sweet."

"No problem lil' bit." They walked together in silence for a few moments.

"Buffy took me to a park like this once." Dawn looked up at the sky, as if she was studying the clouds. "Back when I was was really sunny and I remember that she was wearing a coat with a hood. Which was weird cause it wasn't that cold." Spike looked at her, she had no idea what her sister had become, what she had been even when she lived with her, in the very same house. She just knew that one morning she woke up with a dust pile of a mother and a missing sister. Dawn continued, "She sat on a bench in the shade while I roller bladed around her." Her eyes looked watery and in that moment she looked younger and more afraid than Spike had ever seen her.

"I know you miss your big sis' Dawn, but maybe one day you'll see her again." Spike could see the pain in her eyes and wished he could show her Buffy, but he knew neither would want that.

"It's just that I know she's still alive, and it hurts that she's not here. That she probably never will be here." Dawn looked down at her scuffed sketchers. "She's gunna miss all the important things.when I turn 16, my graduation.when I get married." Salty drops fell from her blue eyes.

"Hey, that's not the case." Spike said, pulling Dawn over to a bench, sitting her on his lap, "I think she's out there, watching over just don't see her."

"Yah, I really hope that's how it works." Dawn replied, tears still falling. The brunette buried her head into Spike's neck.

He didn't want to make her more upset, but they hadn't once talked about her life before he showed up. "Dawn, how did you manage to live by yourself for three years?" The slayer asked, gently pulling the girls head up out of his neck.

Dawn wiped her nose with her sleeve, "When I woke up my mom wasn't there and neither was Buffy so I called my aunt. She told me to stay where I was and that she'd be right over." She sniffed a few times, "She came over and told me she'd call school, tell them there was a family emergency.we waited for hours for somebody to come home. By midnight my aunt decided we'd waited long enough and she called the police. They came over and took me to a social worker." Spike stroked her hair, "They decided that it was a case of abandonment and the social worker found me a foster home. In the same house we live in now." Dawn scooted away from Spike on the bench, facing him still, "My foster mom, Jackie, was awesome. She treated me like her best friend. I loved her so much.but one day, when I was about twelve, I came home from school and she wasn't there. I thought, 'hey maybe Jackie just went to get us dinner.' Well it got later, and later and she didn't come home."

Spike frowned, 'She lost two mothers.most likely to the same evil.' This made him feel more responsible than ever as a Slayer. Like he had to kill all the blood sucking scum to avenge poor children like his Dawn.

"Anyways, I didn't wanna call the socie patrol again so I just decided I had to make it on my own." No more tears were falling from her eyes, but now they were swollen and red. "I sold the furniture periodically, I even thought about renting out a room, that was right before you came." The corners of her mouth pulled up in a little smile. "I guess no one wants me."

Spike shook his head and pulled Dawn into his arms, "No matter how many people've left you bit I'll never be one of them. You understand that?"

Dawn's tear stained face scrunched up, getting ready to cry again, as she nodded. "I love you Spike." She whispered into the slayer's ear.

"Love you too niblet."

Setting: Revello Drive; Spike and Dawn's house.

"Xander, When Dawn and Spike get back I think they might like to have some food left." Willow reminded Xander for about the tenth time in an hour. He'd already consumed two bags of candy, (one M&Ms, one Skittles.) half the plate of sandwiches, and one third of the veggie plate.

"It's not my fault that they left us here two hours ago! Spike knows I can only go fifteen minutes without eating." Xander said as he bit down on a carrot stick. "So, how's life goin' Wills?"

Willow almost rolled her eyes, but held herself back. This was how Xander always started out before confessing his 'undying love' for her. It'd happened a few times before, but Willow had never liked someone else at the time, 'This'll be a new one' she thought. "It goes Xan. What about you?"

"Life is lonely." He exhaled deeply.

"Really? What kind of lonely? Sitting at home watching movies by yourself lonely, or just about willing to date your cousin lonely?" Willow smiled on the inside, knowing how Xander was getting all nervous, his palms were incredibly sweaty about now.

"Kind of like, wishing for someone to share Chinese takeout with lonely." Xander quipped, wiping his palms on his pants.

"Why don't you ask that girl in our math class to the Bronze? Oh what's her name.Mariah, she's got long brown hair, sits in the front."

"I could." The brunette said, walking over to sit next to his friend on the couch.

"Already did, and said no?" Willow guessed.

"Yup." Willow sighed, she felt so bad for Xander and his luck with women.

"Well who specifically were you thinking to share some mu-gu-gai-pan with?" Willow asked sympathetically.

"" Xander said, barely above a whisper. "And this time Willow I mean it in much more than a, 'it's my turn to like you' kindergarten kind of way. I think.I think that maybe this is it, that you and I are supposed to be involved."

'That's new.' Willow thought. He'd never been this serious about it before. "Xander I don't think that." The redhead was cut off by Xander's mouth pressing against hers. She was so shocked, her eyes stayed wide open during the brief kiss.

"C'mon Will, don't tell me you didn't feel anything." Xander put his hand on top of hers.

She couldn't say she didn't feel anything, she felt totally freaked out because there was a sort of spark to the kiss. "I.I." before she could get anything out of her mouth Spike ran into the house.

"Get ready, Dawn's almost up the steps." He ran in so he was beneath the 'Happy Birthday' sign, Willow and Xander joined him.Xander staring expectantly at Willow, she staring nervously at him.

The door creaked open, "Spike, why'd you run off like."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The three shouted, Willow and Xander setting aside the incident to be happy for Dawn.

Dawn ran up to her brother and his two friends, giving them hugs one by one. "Thank you guys, this is so sweet."

After the whole cookie cake was consumed (most of by Xander) and the sandwiches demolished, the four laid out in the living room watching a movie on the new T.V. Spike had gotten for Dawn for her Birthday, it wasn't huge and there was no cable but it was better than nothing. He'd also gotten a few movies. They'd been watching Charlie's Angels and all four of them fell asleep. Dawn and Xander on the floor, Willow on the couch, and Spike in a beanbag.

There was a knock on the door. It was fairly loud, but it seemed to have only woken Spike. He hurried out of his beanbag and to the door, hoping they wouldn't knock again and wake more of them up.

He opened the door and gasped at the site in front of him. Drusilla and a very hungry Buffy. "Hello Slayer boy. Mummy's baby wanted to come say hello." The crazy brunette said, holding Buffy in front of her.

"Spike, I didn't want to come here. I told her the gym by the high school. Not here!" The petite blondes eyes were bloodshot. She looked famished.

"It's okay Buffy, I know." Actually he didn't know. He didn't have a clue why he was trusting a vampire. Maybe it was the fact that she still loved her little sister and wanted her to be taken care of. That made her look like she could still actually feel.

"My little peach also wanted to see her protected thing." Drusilla giggled, looking inside the house for what that item was.

"Protected thing? Do you think that I'd protect something from a vampire? Are you mad?" The Slayer hoped to throw this madwoman off Dawn's trail. He saw Buffy slowly shaking her head, as if she knew what he was thinking and that he was completely wrong.

Drusilla threw her head back and cackled, "You can't fool Miss Edith, she knows you and my precious have made a deal." The brunette tried to strike a hand across Spike's cheek, the door barrier rejecting her and throwing her backwards. "The birdies say, chirp, chirp, they know you'll let us in." The vampire and her childe began to walk away from the house.

Buffy walked behind Dru. She paused outside the living room window and peered in. "Happy Birthday sweetie." She whispered and began to catch up with her sire.

Spike turned back to the living room. There he saw a now fully awake and wide eyed Dawn, she looked out the window, "Buffy."


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