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BackWater - Chapter 6

“No, I won’t do this.” Nerice declares, “it’s not happening like this, we are going to do it my way.”

“There’s no way that I’m letting the future end up at my world.” J.J. states, “no body is alive there, everyone is dead, what kind of future is that?”

“No worse than the one I live in.” Nerice responds, “I was raised by Faith and Dawn, and don’t get me wrong but nothing is right in that world. Faith isn’t like the Faith you know, she’s terrified, her husband was killed by vampires and she’s scared. Did you know when I was five our house was invaded while I was sleeping and my parents were on patrol? They wanted me so Andrew hid me in a closet and then I watched them torture him to death when he refused to tell them where I was. Willow’s evil and as for everyone else they are either dead or dropped off the face of the planet.”

“And everyone is dead in my world, my...our...mother basically gave up when my Dad died, I can’t doom her to that either.” J.J. suddenly notices the look on Nerice’s face and turning slowly she realizes that their loud voices have drawn the attention of everyone they had been talking about, and just about everyone looks sheet white and/or on the verge of tears.

“I’m so sorry.” J.J. states her on face going pale as she forces the tears to stop falling.

“It’s all right,” Cordelia nods, “it’s fine. Why don’t you guys let me talk to the girls alone?”

“Cordy we’re so sorry.” Nerice states quickly once Cordelia has literally shoved everyone out of the room.

“It’s fine.” Cordelia responds calmer than the girls had expecter her to be. “This was destined to happy, it means that the apocalypse is set into motion and that you need to figure out what you are doing, and the sooner the better.”

“But we can’t decide who’s world to end.” J.J. states, “how do you make that decision?”

“I can’t tell you what to do.” Cordelia states.

Nerice gasps suddenly and the states, “I have an idea, but I don’t think we can do it here in the office.”

Cordelia nods, “all right I will try to get everyone into Angel’s office and keep them there, good luck.”

“What’s your idea?” J.J. questions once Cordelia has gone.

“When I was really little, back before my parents died there was this psycho-freak vampire. I don’t remember her name, all I really remember is that when I met her she wanted to give me a doll, said the stars wanted me to have her. Anyway, she was a real nutcase and they didn’t want her running around so Willow gave her a soul to protect out family...”

“So? My dad and your dad both have souls what does this have to do with anything?” J.J. asks. “We can’t take their souls away because that would just be dumb.”

“Duh.” Nerice responds. “But what if we give someone else a soul to throw off the balance?”

J.J.’s eyebrows rise in interest, “could work, but who?

“I haven’t got that far ahead in my thought process.” Nerice responds, “but we have to find that spell.”

“It’s probably in Wes’ office.” J.J. states, “I mean you’d think they’d keep it around just in case.”

“Yeah,” Nerice nods, “let’s hope Cordelia got everyone into Angel’s office so we don’t get caught and have to explain.”

The girls manage to sneak out of the office and into Wesley’s without being caught, thanks to Cordelia who they could hear taking the brunt of everyone’s shock in Angel’s office. After a 20 minute search J.J. found it and Nerice hurries over to her and as J.J. is reading the spell over and she sighs, suddenly realizing several things, “ok problem.”

“What?” Nerice sighs.

“Firstly how are we supposed to get everything? And secondly how are we actually going to do the spell? I don’t know about you but I have no ounce of magical abilities in me.”

Nerice shrugs, “I don’t know, because it’s not like we aren’t calling Willow in here.”

“You don’t trust her with this?” J.J. asks.

Nerice shakes her head, “she’s into the black magics, no way am I trusting her with this.”



“My dad told me a story once about how Dawn did a spell that brought my, our, grandmother back from the dead. She succeeded in doing it but she was brave enough to undo the spell before it could have any harmful effects.” J.J. recounts.

Nerice nods, “Dawn’s a good choice. But how’ll we get her in here?”

“Hang on,” J.J. walks over to the desk and picking up the phone dials and in an authentic sounding New York accent she says, “I need to speak to Dawn Summers immediately please.” J.J. taps her fingers on the desk as she waits and when Dawn obviously comes back on the phone she says, “Dawn, it’s J.J., Nerice and I really need to talk to you, can you sneak in here? All right, good.”

When Dawn slips into the room they quickly explain the situation to her and she nods, “all right, I think I can help. We need to get into the magics department and get everything we need.”

The three teenagers slip out of the office but Dawn stops them before they can go any further, “wait what vampire are we going to curse?”

“What are you brats doing?” Harmony calls out just then.

“Nothing Harmony!” Dawn calls back as the girls exchange glances and nods, Harmony it was.

Nearly 45 minutes later the three sneak back into the room their arms are full of the supplies and books they need, but all three nearly drop everything when they see Cordelia sitting at the desk, “well you guys figured it out.”

“We did?” Nerice asks.

Cordelia nods, “I knew you would.”

“So what happens to us now, after the spell I mean?” J.J. asks.

“Your worlds will cease to exist.” Cordelia responds sadly.

Nerice and J.J. exchange glances and then both girls nod, their faces are resolved and they don’t seem to falter at this news. “No!” Dawn exclaims, she’s the one who reacts to this news, “Cordy, there has to be another way!”

Cordelia shakes her head, “there isn’t Dawn, J.J. and Nerice are prepared to do what they must to keep the world safe, they take after their parents in that way.”

“So I’m what, just supposed to live with the idea that I have destroyed their existence? I can’t do that, these are Buffy’s children, she’s going to be heartbroken if she has to live with the idea that the kids she’s grown attached to are no longer in existence.”

“That’s not the way it will happen, The Powers will erase their memories from everyone.”

“How do you even know that Harmony will save the world?” Dawn asks tears streaming down her cheeks. “She is Harmony.”

“Harmony being hired as Angel’s secretary was no coincidence. The Senior Partners hired her to work against Angel and all of her plans have been in place since the beginning and she is ready to put her plans in motion. She’s been waiting for a time to catch Angel off guard.”

“Dawn are you sure you can do this?” Nerice questions.

J.J. nod firmly, “I know she can do it.”

“Do you speak Romanian?” Nerice asks.

“Enough to do the spell.” Dawn responds and taking a deep breath she waves her hands nervously in front of her as if to expel the nervous energy. “All right, I’m ready.” Dawn glances over the text. “Everyone ready?”

J.J. and Nerice nod firmly and Cordelia says, “you will only have a few seconds for the spell to take effect.”

J.J. and Nerice nod, “all right.” They turn to Dawn, “we’re ready.”

Dawn takes a deep breath and begins speaking steady Romanian, “Te implor, Doamne, nu ignora aceasta rugaminte. Nici mort, nici al fiintei...Lasa orbita sa fie vasul care-i va transporta, sufletul la el. Asa sa fie! Asa sa fie! Acum! Acum!”

“Did it work?” Dawn asks once she has stop speaking in Romanian, a bead of sweat lines her forehead.

J.J. and Nerice nod and J.J. responds, “it worked.”

“So this is it?” Dawn asks.

“I guess so.” Nerice shrugs.

“Thank you.” Dawn whispers.

*Athens, Greece*

A man rushes into a hospital room, “am I late? Did Megan all ready...” The man let’s his sentence trail.

“No sir, your wife is just in there.” The nurse directs him toward a room.

“She’s not my wife,” the man calls over his shoulder but he bursts into the room, “am I late?”

“Daniel, you made it,” the young woman smiles, “just in time, we have two daughters.”

~The End~

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