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I know this is short but it's meant to be, and I am almost done with the next chapter, let me know what you think.


Gunn's words ring through the hotel as he heads toward Angel's room.

"Bloody hell!" Spike sticks his head out of his bedroom door before Angel, "does no one in this bloody hotel understand that we are creatures of the night, meaning we sleep during the day?"

"What's doing on Gunn?" Angel appears looking as bleary eyed as Spike and considering it was 6 in the morning Gunn did feel kind of bad about waking them up.

"You'll want to come downstairs." Gunn responds before turning around quickly and heading back downstairs where both Fred and Lorne holds a bundle.

"Where'd they come from?" Angel asks as both he and Spike pick up on the scent of the newborns.

"We don't know." Lorne responds, "we open the door and they were just laying there in the little basket."

Angel quickly crosses to the basket Fred pointed at and picks up the white envelope laying inside he reads it quietly to himself sniffs the paper and then reads aloud, "Angel, you have helped me before and I know it is a lot to impose upon you but I had no where to turn and I can't take care of them. Will you please take care of them for me?"

"Who's it from?" Fred asks.

Angel shrugs, "someone has gone to great lengths to keep their scent off of it."

"Did we know anyone who was pregnant?" Wesley questions.

The group exchanges glances and everyone shrugs, "so what are we going to do with them?" Fred questions.

"It doesn't look like we have much of a choice." Angel responds, "someone has entrusted us to take care of their children. We have to help them."

"What are they?" Spike questions.

"Girls by the looks of things." Lorne responds lifting up the baby in his arms revealing a pink one-piece.

"Then we have to think of names." Fred states leaning her face down and kissing the baby in her arms gently.

"Skylar means learned one." Fred states staring at the computer screen in front of her.

"That's cute." Lorne agrees.

"Skylar Cordelia." Gunn suggests.

Everyone nods in agreement, "what about for this little one?" Lorne has both babies in his arms and he gently lifts the baby in his left arm.

"Maggie Rose." Angel suggests.

"That's beautiful Angel." Fred states and everyone else agrees. "Well Skylar Cordelia and Maggie Rose, welcome to the family, it's a little weird but it's not lacking in love."

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