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Soddin’ Cavemen

Author: Angel’s Kuuipo


Rating: PG

Distribution: Red’s Soulmates, Vampire Haven.  If you want it just ask.  I’ll say yes, just want to know where it’s going.

Disclaimer: I bow to the altar of the genius that is Joss.  None of them belong to me (much to my regret).  I’m just playing and promise to return them when I’m done.

Author’s Note: This is an answer to Jessie’s challenge of why Spike would shave his head.  Set during Season 5 of AtS.  Slight spoiler for ‘Hole in the World’.

Feedback: Yes please.:)


“Oh my God! Blondie Bear what happened?” Harmony asked in wide-eyed horror.

“Sod off Harm.”  Spike snarled back as he made his way to Angel’s office.

He burst into Angel’s inner sanctum and disrupted the staff meeting currently in progress.

Angel sat at the head of the conference table scowling at the interruption.  At seeing his grandchilde he couldn’t keep the evil grin off of his face.  “Spike.  Well, well, well.  I see you went through with it after all.  I have to say I really didn’t think you would.”  Gunn and Wes just stared at the vampire.

Lorne said, “Love the new look cupcake.  It suits you.”  Spike growled.

Fred was sitting with her back to Spike.  She turned to see what had put that smile on Angel’s face and gasped, “Oh my God!  Spike what did you do?”

As much as Spike wanted to tear everyone’s head off he couldn’t be mad at Fred.  He looked at her and said, “You remember that argument the Poof and I were having about who would win a battle between Cavemen and Astronauts?”

She nodded and the others looked at Angel who was smirking in satisfaction.  “Well Peaches and I made a little bet.  This being the den of evil and all that we set up a little demonstration.  The loser had to do this.”  He pointed to his newly shorn head.

Fred gaped, “You mean the cavemen lost?!  How could that happen?  They had all that primal sensibility.  Kill or be killed.”

“Exactly pet.  They couldn’t stop fighting amongst themselves long enough to take out the bleedin’ astronauts.  The only ones left standin’ were the ponce’s nancyboys.”  Spike ran a hand over his head still not used to the feeling of his scalp.  He mumbled, “Soddin’ Cavemen” under his breath.  Truth be told he kind of liked the new look, but he would never admit it to Angel.  Bleaching his hair really was a pain in the arse.  Someone had snapped a Polaroid when he first came in so he knew what he looked like.  He had forgotten just what his natural color really was.

Fred smiled, “Well I like it.  You should keep it that way.  Maybe let it grow out, but quit with the bleaching.”  She looked at Angel.  “Are we done here?”

Angel looked at his notes.  “Yeah that should do it.  Why?”

Fred stood up, “I want to see the playback of the demonstration.”  She looked at Spike, “I just can’t believe the cavemen didn’t win.”  The two left the office talking quietly.

The four remaining members of Team Angel looked at each other.  Gunn asked, “Did you rig it?”

Angel smirked, “Didn’t have to.”  At their skeptical looks he said, “Seriously, the cavemen that were conjured were from feuding clans.  I didn’t know it till after it was over and by then it was too late.  This was a one shot deal.  No redos or rematches.  So Spike had to shave his head.  It’s not like it won’t grow back.”  He looked at his watch.  “Come on.  It’s time to work.”

The End
