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Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I don't own them.

Spoilers/Ships: This is AU. Buffy/Spike/Angel. Xander/Anya.

Distribution: Sure, just let me know.

Feedback: Is always nice.

Rating: NC-17. I mean it. Go away if you're too young.


Spike drove through the streets in a mad frenzy to reach his sire and
mate and ease the call of them in his mind. His true face on, he would
have scared other motorists had he bothered to even stop at any of the
innumerable lights between him and his goal. As he sped through the
darkness, every fiber of his being stretched to reach them, to be one
with the only two beings he could think of at that moment and he
growled in frustration at the physical limits of the car. Only his
preternatural strength and centuries of driving, whether it be
curricle or car, kept the auto on the road.

His brain beat with need. Need, want, hunger, desire coalesced into a
thrumming chord in his head, obscuring thought and bringing instinct
to the fore. Buffy, Angelus. Mate, Sire. Must be with them, Now!


Buffy growled into Angel's neck as he strode through the night holding
her in his arms. Her Mate was here. They were gone from the place that
smelled of sickness, of pain, and death. Her body ached with pain and
hunger, but the Beast that was Buffy knew only that she was safe in
the arms of her Mate and thus all would be well. Once the other Mate
was there, all would be perfect. The unnatural heat of her healing
bathed her body in a dew of clean sweat, and she ripped at the
bandages with one hand until Angel grabbed it, stopping her from
removing them just yet.

Angel could barely think--found it hard to do anything but bury his
face in Buffy's throat and breathe in the unique smell of her. His
demon rode him hard, pushing his human mask far below the surface, and
he growled low in his throat at Buffy in mixed reassurance and
possessiveness. Mine. My Mate. Free.

He paced faster, his consciousness fading into feral thoughts of the
hunt, the den, the Mate and Childe. He needed to be safe with them,
needed to keep them both safe. He paced faster, cradling the slight
weight of his Mate in his big arms with ease as he strode through the


Wesley was shaken and perturbed. The spell he was studying was
fiendish in its composition and unbelievably powerful. He fully
believed that it was capable of raising the dead, even those long
turned to dust. The power inherent in its words frustrated and
frightened him. That Buffy had somehow become the target was both
inexplicable and unpredictable. Combined with the power of the First
Slayer that Angel informed him the witches raised within the Chosen
One, Wesley had no idea how this spell might have affected her.

One thing was certain, she would be far stronger, faster, and deadlier
than she'd ever been before. Wesley only hoped that her mind was


Spike pulled the auto to the curb with a shriek of angry tires when he
saw the unmistakable silhouette of his Sire carrying their Mate.
Angel tucked Buffy gently into the front seat next to the blond
vampire and climbed lithely in himself as Spike spun the wheel and
turned precipitously back the way he had come.

Buffy nestled close to him and purred as he slid one arm around her to
squeeze her close for a moment before he continued driving pell-mell
back to Cordelia's former apartment. They arrived in no time, with
Spike carelessly parking the huge car near the side of the building.

Buffy started to climb after Spike as he exited the car, but was
pulled backwards possessively by Angel, who scooped her into his arms
with an audible growl. The vampires glared at each other for a moment
before Buffy's soft whimper broke their concentration.

Snarling, Spike turned and ascended the stairs, Angel right behind him
with Buffy. They barged into the apartment without words, and Wesley
upset his tea cup at the sight of the Slayer, clad only in the torn
remains of her hospital sheet and Angel's duster, nestled tightly in
the large vampire's arms.

"I say, Buffy, how are you feeling?" Wesley inquired politely, staring
at the uncomprehending face of the diminutive Slayer. Her response to
his perceived threat was immediate and deadly. Buffy leapt from
Angel's arms and went for Wesley's throat, her eyes glowing green and
tiny fangs descending abruptly.

Wes nearly pissed himself in terror as Buffy's feral leap was arrested
mid air by Phantom Dennis, who held the struggling body of the Slayer
away from Wesley long enough for Spike and Angel to quickly grasp her
arms and pull her away.

Buffy's angry growls unnerved the former Watcher completely as he
looked at the face of his former charge who would apparently be
delighted to rip out his throat given the opportunity.

Angel growled reassuringly at his Mate and her tension eased a bit at
his tone. Spike chimed in with a tenor phrase and she cocked her head
at him as a ghost of a smile played over her pointed features.

Wesley realized that she'd lost significant amounts of weight since
he'd seen her only a week before and thought, *Gods, we must feed her.
That preternatural energy is sourced from her own body…she'll starve
soon if she doesn't eat something.*

He gestured at Angel to follow him into the kitchen. "Angel, you need
to feed her immediately. Do you see how much energy she's leaking?
That healing is extraordinary, but it's clearly taking its toll on her

Angel nodded in careful agreement. Now that he was aware of the
sensations flooding from his Mate into himself, he had a bit more
control, after all, he'd been controlling his demon for a century…even
longer when he'd been on a particularly painstaking hunt before his
soul was returned. This was different in terms of source, but the
same iron control seemed to work if he exerted himself. "What's in
the kitchen, Wes? I don't even know what she's going to want."

Wesley rummaged through the kitchen, coming up with bread, bagels,
extremely stale doughnuts, and a frozen steak that he placed in the
microwave to thaw. "This is all for now, Angel, perhaps she'll eat
some of the bread?"

Angel grabbed the loaf and took it to the living room for his Mate.
Hard won rational thought left his mind at the sight before him and he
dropped the bread to the floor. Buffy had shed his coat and the
hospital sheet and was draped over Spike, both hands tugging
frantically at his clothes as she growled and bit at his mouth with
complete abandon. Blood dripped from their chins and they dueled for
it, pushing roughly against each other's lips and lapping at the blood
like beasts. Buffy ripped Spike's shirt from his lean torso with one
sharp yank and began digging her fingernails into the skin of his
chest and abs, scratching deep bloody furrows into him as he moaned
into her mouth. His pale hands moved up and down her lithesome back,
stroking her fine skin and basking in the heat that radiated almost
visibly from the changed Slayer.

Angel growled deep in his throat at the intoxicating sight and moved
towards his lovers with alacrity. Spike had dropped to his knees
before the tiny Slayer and was nuzzling the golden brown curls between
her legs with a hungry mouth. Angel watched lasciviously as Spike
slid his hands up the warm thighs of the panting Slayer, pushing her
legs apart until she could barely stand.

Spike pulled at the tangled swirls with his fingers, and Buffy groaned
in want as her need spilled from her center in liquid drops. His cold
tongue invaded and she screamed as he plunged it deep into her molten
cunt. He lapped at her, sucking her clit into his mouth with long,
hard pulls before returning his tongue to her center to lick hungrily
at the honey that dripped from her.

Wesley stepped from the kitchen at Buffy's breathy scream, took one
look at the tableau before him and beat a hasty retreat to the
bathroom as Angel turned to snarl fiercely at him. The sight of the
Slayer being eaten out by the blond vampire had burned its way into
his brain, and his body's reaction was immediate. However, logic
ruled and he didn't want to be the next course on the menu for the
clearly deranged trio.

He sat ruefully on the toilet seat, wondering just how long he was
going to be stuck in the loo. He sighed lugubriously to himself and
then jumped as one of the drawers in the vanity pulled itself open.
KY Jelly floated into his hand and he blushed, knowing that Phantom
Dennis had witnessed the hard-on tenting his pants so painfully.
*What the hell,* he thought to himself as he unzipped his trousers and
briefs, folding them carefully on the vanity top before slicking his
hands with the lube, *might as well enjoy myself….*

Angel stepped behind her and held Buffy's heated body close against
him as Spike continued to plunder her dewy depths with his tongue.
The Slayer shuddered against Angel's chest, her hot little hands
clutching his thighs and digging into the large muscles there until he
moaned in want. His cock pressed urgently against his pants as she
ground her delectable ass into him while she came into Spike's avid
mouth, screaming wordlessly.

Angel laid her gently on the carpet and stripped his clothes from him
with careless speed. Spike had moved his mouth to their Mate's
glorious breasts, sucking roughly at the curving flesh and taking
mouthfuls of it to bite, not particularly gently. Buffy writhed
against him, completely lost to animalistic heat. She ripped at
Spike's jeans, whining in lust, and Angel pushed him abruptly to one
side to kneel over her himself, his now naked cock pressing against
her soft belly. The wounds that he'd seen there only hours before
were gone without a trace, the perfection of her skin belying that
they ever existed. Angel ground himself against her clit as he sucked
one perfect nipple into his mouth and nipped at it with blunt teeth.

He was loosing hold on sanity, on lucidity, as the beast mind sucked
him in via his link to Buffy. He knew that Spike was already lost to
the sensation, and Angel stood little chance of withstanding the twin
pulls of Mate and Childe as they reveled in the ferocious tenderness
of their menage a trois. Growling, Angel lapped at Buffy's mouth,
sucking her soft lips and pressing almost brutal kisses to them. She
groaned and bit at him in return, drawing blood from him and sucking
at it with fervent need. He shifted to game face unconsciously and
she clutched at his head, pulling him down onto her with furious need.

Mindlessly, Angel rolled them, pulling his Mate's tiny body on top of
him and thrusting up into her heated depths with one brutal shove.
Buffy keened her desire and ground down on him, taking his cock deep
into her glorious body as she moved. Thought was impossible, hope,
sanity, reason, even happiness long gone as human cognition slipped
away and they rocked together in tortured lust, knowing only that they
were whole where once they'd been broken.

As Buffy writhed above her Mate, she felt the rightness of the heat,
knew that taking him was all her need. One thing only was left for
her to do, and she moved faster on him, driving her hardened clit
against his pelvic bone with each downward thrust of her pussy. She
leaned over his chest, stretching her torso against his and lapped at
his neck with savage joy. The Beast shrieked her passion as she came,
riding his throbbing body and biting down deep into his neck with her
infant fangs as she spasmed. She sucked his borrowed blood deep into
herself, marking him as she was marked, proclaiming her possession of
this glorious male for all time.

As the heat subsided momentarily, Buffy felt a cold tongue traveling
up and down her spine, a cold mouth sucking and biting at the bones so
close to the skin there. She arched back into the caress of her other
Mate, her hands sliding back to his muscular thighs, now naked and
ready for her. But she didn't want to relinquish the first Mate to
possess the second and he seemed to sense her disquiet at the
rudimentary thought.

Instead the blond moved his mouth lower on Buffy's back, sliding his
cold tongue into the cleft of her rounded ass. She whimpered in
renewed desire as he pushed her forward onto Angel, baring her further
to his ministrations. His cold tongue circled the heated place where
she joined with his Sire, then moved slightly up to rim her tight ass.
He lapped at the hole teasingly until Buffy began moaning in
unrestrained desire.

The feelings he sent racing through her nerve endings there were
wanton and bestial, no thoughts really possible with her mind so
firmly tamped down by the spell. All Buffy knew was need, need to
belong, to be taken, to take, to be possessed and possess these
marvelous, virile mates. She squirmed back against the talented
tongue of the fair Mate, her heated cunt clamping muscular walls onto
the cock of the dark Mate below her until he growled in renewed need
as well.

Spike was biting gently at the ring of muscle that he wanted so
desperately to penetrate, sucking and licking until Buffy shrieked her
satisfaction through the small apartment, nearly taking Angel with her
as she spasmed over and over again on Spike's tongue and his cock.
Sure of his welcome, the blond rubbed his cock against her wet hole
and eased himself into his Mate's tight body with a growl.

Angel growled back at the sensation of his Childe's cock rubbing
against his own through the thin barrier that separated them in their
Mate's tiny body. Spike pulled nearly out again, then pushed gently
back, his ferocity tamed by love for Buffy and the need not to harm

The Slayer was transfixed at the sensations that crashed through her
heated depths with each gentle thrust and withdrawal of Spike's cock.
Her nipples rubbed against Angel's broad chest every time Spike leaned
forward into her, then pulled back out again. Her mouth opened in an
"oh" of overwhelming sensation as the impulses rocketed from her ass
to her cunt to her hard nipples and back again in a spiral dance of
desire and overwhelming lust.

She began rocking back into Spike's thrusts, then forward onto Angel's
cock, clamping her thighs tightly around him and squeezing with her
inner muscles until both males groaned and increased the pace. The
three of them surged and sighed, groaned and growled until the wave of
sensation overtook them, crashing down onto them like a sunami, as
they writhed against each other in heated abandon.

Spike bit deeply into Buffy's neck as he came, sucking at the twin
puncture marks of his bite while he spent himself deep in her muscular
ass. Angel bit at the other side of her neck, penetrating his mark
and sucking hard as she shrieked her ferocious cry to the heavens and
nearly ripped his cock from him with the strength of her spasms. They
jerked and pulsed within the inferno of her body for long minutes
before they groaned in unison and withdrew slowly and a bit painfully
from her hot depths.

Buffy promptly turned and sank her fangs into Spike's alabaster throat
with ferocious speed, sucking at his blood until he screamed in
painful pleasure. Angel drew her slowly and gently away from the mark
she left upon his Childe and the three curled together in a spent
pile. The overheated Slayer was cooled soothingly between the hard
bodies of her Mates as they drifted into languorous slumber together
in the safety of the apartment.

Only Phantom Dennis remained awake, pulling blankets from a chest in
Cordelia's empty bedroom and tucking them gently around the three
entwined in the living room and the one, lonely ex-Watcher now asleep
in the cold bathtub.

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