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It is a fact of life that any work with horses costs money and Cavalry Re-enactment costs a lot of money.  Because the Regiment has uniforms for both French and British cavalry plus the correct horse equipment for both the cost is even higher.  However initially it is not necessary to purchase both.  It is also possible to join the dismounted troop as a first step to riding.

Dismounted Troop

Shirts, Stock, Breeches or Overalls, Dolman, Shako or Tarleton, Plumes and Pompoms, Sabre, White Equipment including Belts, Carbine and cleaning kit, Bread Bag, Boots and Spurs, Watering Cap/Bonnet de Police, White Gloves. Tent (or share).

Costs between £1200 and £2500*.           


All the above plus:  Horse Equipment including Tack, Shabraque, UP Saddle, Sheepskins, Portmanteau.

Additional Costs between £1000 and £2000*.

* - depending upon how much is purchased initially.

All equipment can be obtained from within Regimental Resources.

Also there is a requirement for feeding and travel to events in the UK and on the Continent at about £800 pa/person, plus hire of horses when necessary.

Minimum Requirements

Recruits must be able to ride to a standard equivalent to BHS Stage 2, with horsemanship to match.  Because of the need to use a weapon in their right hand they must be able to ride one handed.  They need to be able to look after a mount in all weathers and be prepared to carry on with the event regardless of the weather.  They need to like sleeping under canvas.  A certain capacity for drinking red wine is useful.

Because of the size of the mounts used there is a weight limit imposed of 14½ stone.  Insurance restricts permission to fight on the field to 16 years and above.  There is no maximum age limit..

Recruits must have no criminal record and be able to obtain shotgun and black powder licences.

Once joined, commitment to training and events is essential.  Part time re-enactors will not be considered.

Anyone interested please contact the unit commander, John Norris on (UK) 01489 783224.

Everyone is obliged to join the Napoleonic Association.

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