Erai Abunai

Wrestler Info:
Name: ("The Great Danger" Erai Abunai)
Weight: (232 lbs)
Height: (6')

AWA Titles Held:
AWA Hardcore Title

Description: (Erai is a Japanese wrestler. At one time, Erai's wrestling style mirrored that of a wreckless high flying light heavyweight. Over the years, the "Dangerous One" has added muscle in order to incorporate more ground-based, high impact maneauvers to his existing daredevil reportoire. He has an eerie yet serious demeanor that translates to a wrestling intensity that epitomizes the phrase, "as if there was no tomorrow". His look is a testament to the rigorous & "Devil may care" style. Scars riddle every visible part of his body, with a huge prominent one appearing on the right side of his face. The "Dangerous One" sports long shoulder length black hair, usually sweat-drenched as match time arrives. His wrestling attire consist of calf-height wrestling boots, black tattered jeans that are about upper-knee length & black tape used for his wrists & fingers. Some unique points of the "Great Danger" gimmick are:

1) his unusually red, demonic eyes;

2) random Japanese "Kanji" written in black ink, in a chaotic order all over his torso & sometimes spreading over his arms. What is "tagged" on his body changes from match to match. Sometimes they are just descriptive words or they may be various proverbs indictative of his personality. Here are some examples:

Saru mo ki kara ochiru = Even an expert can make a mistake
Nana korobi, ya oki = Never give up
Kappa mo kawa nagare = Anyone can make a mistake
Ame futte ji katamaru = Adversity builds character
Nou aru taka wa tsume wo kakusu = "The hawk with talent hides its talons" / the person who knows most often says least

3) This is the same as #2, but these "Kanji" are colorfully tagged on his tattered jeans. Like his torso kanji, this changes from time to time.)

Alignment: (neutral)

Theme Music: ("Running with the Devil" by Van Halen)

Finisher Move: ("Danger B-head" / Funkei Abunai)
Finisher Description: (In wrestling terms, his finisher is best described as a "back body drop piledriver" or Back Drop Driver as I term it. While irish whipping his opponent to the ropes or reversing an irish whip, Erai catches his opponent rebounding off the ropes & lifts him/her as if executing a back body drop. With his opponent "folded" over Erai's shoulders, instead of tossing the opponent in midair he'll hold onto the opponent and simply drop down in a "sitdown" fashion. Thus, plowing the opponent's head into the mat. As momentum will place the opponent laying on his/her back, Erai can quickly make the cover for the 3 count. Erai has become proficient with this finisher to the point where he can execute it in the "spur of the moment". In situations where an opponent charges, rebounds or comes off the top rope, the DANGER B-HEAD can be the finisher that snatches victory from the jaws of defeat.)

Set Up Move: (Irish Whip to the ropes)

10 favorite moves:
Top Rope, NOT turnbuckle, Springboard Dropkick (aka "Danger A-Head" / Maue Abunai)
Dragon Sleeper
Step-over Toehold Facelock (STF)
Handspring Flying Elbow Smash bouncing off ropes
Dragon/Full Nelson Suplex
Standing Vertical Spin Suplex
Cannonball Dive to ringside
Sky Twister Press (twisting body press)
Short Clothesline

Brief History: (Erai Abunai hails from Japan or as he likes to be announced, the "Isle of Kyushu". His Japanese name literally means the "Great Danger". Other translations of his name that have surfaced are "Very Dangerous" and "Extremely Dangerous" as well as the nickname, the "Dangerous One". What is Erai's actual birth name is unknown. He talks little of his qualifications nor boasts of his previous accomplishments. What is little known about his wrestling background stretches back to 1995. Prior to that, Erai has competed in the Asia circuit but little has been recorded of his accomplishments there. Upon moving to the North American wrestling scene, the Great Danger has experienced success in every federation he has wrestled for. Sometimes wrestling for as much as 3 organizations at one time. By the latter half of 1997, Erai has become disillusioned with the "politics" that came with the change in the wrestling climate at the time. To re-evaluate his strengths & weaknesses as well as the direction of his career, Erai returned to Japan in a self-imposed exile. Now, nearly 4 years later since he was last on US soil, the Great Danger returns. Reunited with his manager from his 1st stint in North America, Ms. Lu, a revitalized Erai Abunai sets his sights on his most promising challenge to date... making his mark in the AWA!)

Manager: ("The Beijing Beauty" Ms. Lu)
Manager Description (Born Yang Lu Xuan from Hong Kong, China, Ms. Lu was sent to the Beijing Opera School by the time she was 6 years old. Coming from a lineage of famous players in Beijing Opera, she was expected to follow the family tradition. For nearly 11 years, Ms. Lu did just that, learning not only the "civil" aspects of this ancient artform but also training for the rigorous acrobatics & stunts that are synonymous with Beijing Opera. By age 17, Ms. Lu longed to find her own way in life and eventually left Beijing Opera & her country in search of that. Intrigued with the popularity of "Joshi Puroresu" (women's pro wrestling in Japan), Ms. Lu migrated to Japan. Becoming fluent in Japanese rather quickly, she embarked on her new career. Along with her new stage name of Ms. Lu, trendy green highlighted hair, & her years of martial art & acrobatics training @ the Beijing Opera School, she slowly became noticed as a star on the rise while paying her dues in the Japanese circuit. During this time, Ms. Lu increasingly grew more interested in the business & managerial aspects of pro wrestling. As Joshi Puroresu no longer intrigued her, Ms Lu turned away from her "in ring" career at the verge of becoming a major star in the Japanese women's circuit. Instead, she opted for a managerial career in men's pro wrestling. Finding the ring skills & work ethic of Japanese wrestler Erai Abunai fascinating, she pursued & persuaded him to take her as his manager. Though initially rebuffed @ the idea of a manager, the fact that Ms. Lu could speak Japanese, Mandarin Chinese as well as English appealed to Erai since he heavily debated the move to the wrestling scene in North America. The rest is history. From 1995 to 1997, Ms. Lu is one of the factors that was crucial to Erai's success in North America, where not many Japanese wrestlers have acheived success. After a 4 year sabbatical, Ms. Lu is reunited with the "Great Danger" and both embark on making an impact in the reknowned wrestling organization, the AWA!)