It's so hard to say goodbye

Okay, we were planning on giving the site a facelift but, why bother? This question came up when I was experimenting with new layouts. It dawned on me that we have not had any new material since last year and to be perfectly honest, school has drained away every little bit of creativity. I refused to post anything that I didn't think was funny. While Hyper insisted that my material was all good, it just didn't want to waste other's time by reading crap. Also, there's much more effective ways to end pop music than waste our time making a little, insignificant site. So I have compiled a list of ways for you, the reader, to bring back good music:

1. Don't listen to it, change stations if you don't like what you hear.
2. Don't buy the CDs, posters, t-shirts, etc. This money is going towards the promotion of the "artist"'s image. I think it's pretty common sense.
3. Go see local bands. They deserve the $10 cover charge more than anyone.
4. Expand your horizons - listen to some different kinds of music. There's tons of comtemporary classical musicians (Vanessa Mae) who really kick ass.

Our generation has tons of spending power, the way you spend your money greatly impacts what the record companies make available to the public. So get off the computer and try to make a difference.

You can still access the site, except there's no more updates planned and I don't think we'll be checking e-mail or using the guestbook. Oh yeah, and don't steal any of the content, be original.

It's been fun,
The Supa

Oh my gawd!! You're both sooooo jellos!! I'm outta here!!


© Anti-Skank Corporation, 01+