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-Welcome to the BABGFC.Com
-Have a good stay-- Kelly & Carm (owners & webmasters)

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.::What's Going On::.

Welcome to the new and improved Billy Gunn FanClub. We hope you enjoy your visit, we worked very hard to bring you the very latest on "The One" Billy Gunn. If there is anything you would like too see here, please email us and let us know, we will try our very best to get it. Also we are looking for columnist, If you would like to write for the premire Billy Gunn site on the internet send us a sample Here and we will get back to you.

May 26, 2001 - Hey everyone! This site IS returning soon, so just hang tight. We know you have been deprived as of late, so just be patient as a new layout, additions to sections, and more are taken care of. will be back soon!

PPV | RAW | Smackdown! | Heat |
.::Affiliates::. SimplyStephanie.Com Fantasy Frollies
Simply Stratus
© 2000-2001 BABGFC.COM. This includes all graphics. All images, multimedia, or anything else pertaining to Billy Gunn is property of the WWFE. We are not making money off this site, simply promoting the WWFE product & the "Billy Gunn" name.