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*Labraid - Celtic (Irish) god of the underworld.

*Lachesis - The Disposer, one of the three Erinyes (Fates). She measures the length of the thread of human life spun by Clotho and determines its destiny.

*Ladon - Greek river god, son of Oceanus and Tethys, father of Daphne.

*Laga - In Norse mythology, the goddess of wells and springs. She is a friend of Odin.

*Laima - the deity of fate, the personification of it, whether as luck or as bad luck. The name is similar to laime - "luck", with both grammatical variants traceable in the folklore material. The name of this deity also differs in different sources. She assists childbirth, therefore is honored by both maidens and married wives, controls the most important events of a person's life, such as birth, marriage and death. As a person may mention or even condemn the respective Laime, it may be understood that the concept 1) was in stage of turning into a synonym for liktenis - ‘fate’, 2) this deity is understood as opposable, although the judgement cannot be affected in any way. She is also the patron of pregnant women and can ensure a good pregnancy as long as she is in the house.

*Lakshmi - Hindu Goddess of good fortune and plenty, and the personification of beauty.

*Lan Cai-he - One of the Chinese Ba Xian. He is dressed in rags, wears a belt made of black wood, and wears a boot on one feet while the other one is bare. In summer he would wear a thick overcoat but dress lightly in winter. His breath is like hot steam. According to legend he roamed the streets as a beggar, accompanying his songs with castanets, drunk most of the time. When people gave him money, he would string the coins on a cord which he dragged behind him. One day he entered an inn, stripped off his clothes, and disappeared into the clouds, riding on a crane. Lan Cai-he is sometimes portrayed with female features. In his hand he carries a basket of flowers.

*Lao-jun - The name of Lao-zi (author of the Dao-de jing and contemporary of Confucius, 6th century BC) in his deified form. Together with Yuan-shi tian-zong he is one of the highest deities of religious Taoism. The deification began in the 2nd century BC when he already was a legendary figure, reported to have lived to an unusually high age. He became one of the most important deities during the Late Han Dynasty. Some followers of the Tao considered him to be an emaciation of the primordial chaos. Other followers have gone as far as to question his divinity altogether. His name means "Master Lao" and is also known as Tai-shang lao-jun ("Supreme Master Lao").

*Lao-Tien-Yeh - Chinese great god.

*Lar - Roman god of the house, cheerful youth.

*Laran - The Etruscan god of war. He is depicted as a naked youth wearing a helmet and carrying a spear.

*Lasa - In Etruscan myth, they are female deities and the guardians of graves. They are often found in the company of Turan, the goddess of love. The Lasa are sometimes portrayed with wings, but also without. Their attributes are mirrors and wreaths

*Lauku mate - The goddess of fields and fertility to whom farmers sacrificed to secure an abundant harvest. One of “the mothers”, may be compared to dievini - the lower gods, who still are the immediate rulers of human life.

*Lei-gong - The Chinese god of thunder, whose name means "Thunder Duke". In the Taoist pantheon Lei-gong is an official in the Ministry of Thunder, which forms a part of the celestial administration. He has the beak, wings and claws of an owl, but his body has the shape of a human, although it is blue in color. He is portrayed wearing a loin cloth and carrying a hammer and drum (an instrument which produced thunder). His image can still be found in many Taoist temples.

*Lei-Kung - Chinese god of retribution and thunder. He makes thunder with his hammer, chases away evil spirits, and punishes criminals whose crimes have gone undetected.

*Lei-zi - The Chinese goddess of thunder. She taught the Chinese the art of breeding silkworms. She is the consort of Huang-di.

*Leonard - Although he had a rather unlikely name for a demon, Leonard was a kind of quality control expert for black magic and sorcery. He was also the master of sabbats, presiding over them in the form of an enormous three-horned black goat with the head of a fox.

*Lethns - Italian earth and nature deity. Invoke during sky, water, or element of earth, or for divination.

*Leucetios - A Continental Celtic god of thunder.

*Leucothea - "The White Goddess", the name of Ino as a marine deity, which she became when she threw herself into the sea with her son Melicertes. However, Dionysus would not let her die, and she was transformet into Leucothea.

*Leviathan (Hebrew) - the serpent, the raging sea. Snake worship. Water Elemental. Grand admiral of hell. Seen as androgynous.

*Liber - Roman god of wild nature, fertility, passionate lovemaking and wine. Also known as Libera. His counterparts are the Greek gods Dionysius and Bacchus. He symbolizes fertility and wild personalities.

*Lilith (Hebrew) - in Hebrew myth - Adam’s first wife. Later wife to Satan. According to many demonologists, Lilith presides over Succubi. Lilith is said to attempt to destroy newborn infants. For this reason the practice of writing a formula to drive Lilith away on all four corners of the birth chamber was adopted by the Jews. Lilith is the princess of hell.

*Li Tie-guai - Li Tie-uai ("Li with the Iron Crutch") is one of the Ba Xian, the eight immortals of Taoist mythology. The iron crutch was given to him by Xi Wang-mu after she healed an abscess on his leg. She also taught him how to became immortal. His other attribute is a pumpkin containing a magic potion.

*Ling-bao tian-zong - The Heavenly Venerable of the Magic Jewel, ruler of the second Taoist heaven Shang-qing. He is sometimes called Dao-Jun, Lord of the Tao, and Tian-shang dao-jun, Supreme Master of the Tao. He is considered to be the guardian of magical writings (Ling-bao jing). He has existed since the beginning of the world and it his task to calculate time, allocate it to the various epochs, and to regulate yin and yan. Ling-bao tian-zong is one of the so-called San-qing.

*Liu Bei - The Chinese god of basket-makers and straw-shoe-sellers. He is one of the "Three Musketeers" (with Zhang Fei and Guan Gong) of China, and numbered among the 24 assessor of Guan Gong.

*Llyr - Irish and Celtic (Welsh) god of waters and the sea.

*Lofn - In Norse myth, the goddess of forbidden love. She smiles upon illicit unions.

*Loki - Norse (Scandinavian) trickster god. Loki is an important god in Norse (Scandinavian) legends. He is an impish, destructive god. He caused the death of Baldur by guiding Baldur's blind twin brother to unknowingly assassinate him. He is dangerous and should be avoided for invocations. He fathered Hel. He symbolizes destruction and trickery.

*Long - A dragon in Chinese mythology. There are five types known: the celestial dragons who guard the abodes of the gods; dragon spirits, who rule over wind and rain but can also cause flooding; earth dragons, who cleanse the rivers and deepen the oceans; treasure guarding dragons; and the imperial dragons, who have five claws instead of the usual four. In Taoism, the dragon represents the yang principle and is often portrayed surrounded by water or clouds.

*Long-wang - The Chinese Dragon Kings, mythical figures from Taoism. They are ruled by Yuan-shi tian-zong to whom they submit their reports once a year. They have jurisdiction over funerals and rain. If mistakes or omissions occur during funeral ceremonies, which might result in misfortune for the descendants, the dragon kings are implored for help. Also during droughts they are invoked to produce rain. There are various categories of long-wang. There are the celestial dragon kings, the dragon kings of the four oceans (who live in magnificent palaces at the bottom of the sea), and the dragon kings of the five cardinal points.

*Lopu mate - The goddess of cattle, one of the Mothers. In some cases a synonym for Mara/Marsava.

*Losna - An Etruscan goddess of the moon.

*Lo-shen - Chinese goddess of rivers.

*Lu Ban - The Chinese patron of carpenters.

*Lu Dong-bin - One of the eight immortals, the Ba Xian, of Chinese mythology. He was born in 798 AD in Northern China. The members of his family were civil servants. As a young man he traveled to Mount Lu in the south where he met a fire dragon who presented him with a magical sword that enabled him to conceal himself in Heaven. Lu Dong-bin considered compassion to be the essential means of attaining perfection. His sword was not a tool for killing enemies, but for conquering ignorance, aggression, and passion. Through his example Lu had a decisive influence on the development of Taoism, and is venerated by the school as the teacher of its founder.

*Lucifer (Roman) - The Light Bringer. Air Elemental. Often misconstrued as being Satan. They are two seperate demons.

*Lucina - Italian goddess of childbirth.

*Lugh - Celtic (Welsh, Irish) god, also known as Lleu. He is a druid, carpenter, poet, and mason. His animals are the raven and the lynx. He symbolizes healing, reincarnation, prophecy, and revenge. Lugh is the Celtic lord of every skill. He was patron of Lugodunum (Lyons) in Gaul. He and his nature goddess consort (Rosmerta) were worshipped during the 30 day Lugnasad midsummer feast in Ireland. Fertility magic during this festival ensured ripening of the crops and good harvest. He was called Lamfhada or 'of the long arm' in Gaelic because of his great spear and sling. Lugh mirrors Hindu Karttikeya, the spiritual warrior, and Roman Mercury, the swift messenger.

*Lu-Hsing - Chinese god of salaries, wages, and employment. Symbolizes success, prosperity, earned wealth, justice.

*Lu-Pan - Chinese god of carpenters and masons. Symbolizes artistic talent and fame.

*Lu-xing - The Star of Honor or Status. A stellar deity, one of the San-xing. He is also known as Guan-xing (Star of State Officials). He is supposed to have been Shi Fei, a vassal of the founder of the Han Dynasty. A different tradition identifies him with the god of literature Wen-chang.

*Lupercus - Italian god of agriculture, wolf-god.

*Luxovius - The Gaulish god of the waters of Luxeuil. Consort of Bricta.